Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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ZOMG! Nice!!! *steals some ideas :p*

Where is everybody's spirit of adventure on this site.


Well put some bloody effort in and reply then and you might actually get a date.
I'm doing my best here you know!

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I'm happy just to see "Read" for a few days before deletion. "Read - Deleted" immediately just hurts...especially with girls who don't even have a photo of themselves up!

I'm still trying to decide how to deal with the girls I don't fancy. I reply to some who are interesting even if they aren't attractive. Some of their messages I leave unread because what do you say to a girl who could take you in a wrestling match?
How far afield should one be searching? That may be my problem lol (users aged between 18 - 26 within 25 miles of me and "users I have not contacted" :p
I have signed up for PoF, profile is very basic and rubbish though tbh. But what sort of messages do you send to "break the ice" so to speak?

I have tried a few approaches, had a couple of responses but nothing else really :confused:


Edit: any good other sites? :p

My approach so far is to just randomly send messages out :) I even say I do this in my profile, mostly stuff about their profile or asking what they are doing in a picture or just giving them a suggestion to put a decent picture up instead of the "myspace angles".

I have changed my approach, so now its slightly more personal, grab something off the profile that interests me/i have a little knowledge of, and go with that... and I am getting replies at last! I have also changed my profile pic, so the background (my bedroom) is all blurry and just me stands out, oooo the joys of Photoshop :D
Arghhhh, be careful who you give your number to! I have some proper bunny boiler texting me at the moment! Haven't text her since this morning and so far I have had about 20 texts and 4 missed calls :confused:
Met up with that girl I was talking about last night, was very down to earth and genuine.

Will be seeing her again.
Well i have been on plenty of fish for the last 4 months, after sending god knows how many messages with getting no reply and searching for hours on end. I finally found an amazing girl, we actually have so much in common are profiles matched with what we like and dislike and we get along really well. Cant say i found any bad things about her yet.

I met two others on there that i talked to for a while and dated for a bit, but as time went on i just didnt feel it was going to work. I have talked to a lot of girls without meeting them and there is a good reason why we never met being a lot of girls are really really boring! cant hold a conversation, you put in the effort and nothing happens so there really is not any point trying.

I would recommend plenty of fish! i have used many other sites but they just are not good enough. Sites not very attractive but its free and i would actually pay a small fee seeing as i met a beautiful girl of my dreams there. I spend god knows on nights out trying to find someone.
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