Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I'm probably gonna get banned from there soon. I'm currently filling in patches of boredom by mocking the arrogant pretty girls. One girl described herself as "beautiful, funny and intelligent" so I sent her this:

Beautiful, funny and intelligent hey? So what are you doing on a dating site? ;)

PS. you forgot humble.

Who the hell describes themselves as beautiful? That's what the picture is for.
I'm probably gonna get banned from there soon. I'm currently filling in patches of boredom by mocking the arrogant pretty girls. One girl described herself as "beautiful, funny and intelligent" so I sent her this:

Beautiful, funny and intelligent hey? So what are you doing on a dating site? ;)

PS. you forgot humble.

Who the hell describes themselves as beautiful? That's what the picture is for.

Join the club :P Ill do that for a laugh really, got a reply of "**** off" for one of them, replyed back saying "lol nice reply" she deleted my reply but kept the orginal message. :D
Woah... Just got home to this message..
If that's not an invitation to take her out I dunno what is. First mail from her too haha

"Good Profile - know the wine bar at Montpellier???


Oh yes I do indeed :D:D:D
As experienced and possibly successful POF users, I'm hoping someone may have some advice.

Do you write a msg to a girl and taylor them for each person based on their profile info or do you just have one msg to send just fill in the blanks like her name?

I have thought about it and if you taylor each message then you are providing quality with no garantee of a reply, whereas if you have one message you can send to multiple girls, again with no garantee of a reply, but your odds must improve because you would send to a lot more? Anyone agree? Anyone actually do either?
As experienced and possibly successful POF users, I'm hoping someone may have some advice.

Do you write a msg to a girl and taylor them for each person based on their profile info or do you just have one msg to send just fill in the blanks like her name?

I have thought about it and if you taylor each message then you are providing quality with no garantee of a reply, whereas if you have one message you can send to multiple girls, again with no garantee of a reply, but your odds must improve because you would send to a lot more? Anyone agree? Anyone actually do either?

Personally, if the girl's profile wasn't worth tailoring a message for, then I wouldn't bother contacting in the first place.
I just installed zoosk which is on facebook.
Had a few pretty girls wink at me and add me to facebook.
Going to see about a meet as I just split up and need something to take my mind off it, lol
To be brutally honest it does not really matter what you write, if you are physically appealing to her she will reply, if not you will likely see read or read deleted. They are just as shallow as us guys, regardless of them caring to admit it or not. And beleive it or not you have a better chance with relatively attractive girls than average one (the ones you would consider contingency on a night out), the average ones have built up a complex that they have greater value that they do. Remember girls scale is slightly positively skewed compared to guys scale which tend to be relatively acurate, i.e. a guy whos a 7 would be a 8 on girls scale, where as a girl whos an 8 would be a 7 in some cases a 6.5, there are very few girls who actually match the number they rate themselves. I digress, if shes attracted to you it matters not what you write, short of being rude or only being able to string together 3 word sentences.
That's true about the ratings. You ask 1000 people to rate themselves out of 10 and I bet the average will between 6 to 7, which obviously makes no sense as far as stats go!
That's true about the ratings. You ask 1000 people to rate themselves out of 10 and I bet the average will between 6 to 7, which obviously makes no sense as far as stats go!

People don't want to admit that 5 is average.

By definition, it is, slap bang in the middle, but people equate 5 with actually being slightly ugly for some reason, and 6 is acceptable as average, 7 is attractive, 8 is very attractive, 9 is stupidly hot, and 10 doesn't actually exist.
you must be a good looking fella or you listed your salary as > 100,000 ;)

I seem to attract big women which is annoying as my tastes are more athletic... but not shot-putter athletic.
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