good god, I tihnk I'm having an anurism @.@
Socialising and going into town with my friends. There is nothing better than relaxing on Sundays.
I'm quite short at only 5ft but I have a big personality. I'm easy to get along with. I currently work as a sales assistant in a local shop (its alright, I work Monday to Friday so have the weekends free). I come from a big family so I've got a big heart. My hobbies include dancing (Street Dancing) and singing with my friends. I smoke the occasional spliff, but hey, who doesn't?
Send that to her in a message, instant score!
Ahh, so You did get my messages then, So despite actually asking ME at the end of the night "If I wanted to meet again give you a call" and saying during the meet when we were talking about the ones who don't reply,. you said you were not like that....
What you actually meant is that you were full of ****..
Many thanks for being yet another one wasting my time.
What is actually the problem in just saying "naa sorry you're not my type/ too ugly/ too boring/ too short/not enough money"..
Too chicken **** I guess.
Good luck with all the perverts on there instead then!
no reply to two texts, left it three days and emailed her to which she read and deleted it yesterday.
Not replying to two texts isn't necessarily the end of the world, but I guess you know the situation better than me. How did you know she deleted her email?
Easier said than done, but try to take it more like water off a duck's back next time.
is she the one who had "already got into her pjs" yet was meant to be meeting you that evening, had inititally said "yes still on what time", then said she couldn't be bothered. (in not so many words)
doesn't matter if your message sounds harsh. I found it rather funny and she deserves to be put in her place really.
i can't stand people who complain about something then do it themselves!
and it's not like you're going to see her again![]()