Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I was sat in the pub early watching all the potential women come through the door, thinking ooh she's nice, ooh she's OK.
Then this "thing" waddles in and I lol'd... cant be her, she didn't look at me, goes up to the bar behinde some other people.
My phone beeps....
"I'm at the bar" :eek:
I felt like side stepping out of the pub at double speed.
I was sat in the pub early watching all the potential women come through the door, thinking ooh she's nice, ooh she's OK.
Then this "thing" waddles in and I lol'd... cant be her, she didn't look at me, goes up to the bar behinde some other people.
My phone beeps....
"I'm at the bar" :eek:
I felt like side stepping out of the pub at double speed.

oh dear lol

I haven't been on match for ages. out of 38 pages of "matches" only 2 were fairly similar to the type of guy i'm looking for but my heart just wasn't in it so i didnt bother.

Am going to cancel it soon before it automatically renews then join a free one. Hopefully I will also then have new pictures from this years work Christmas party.

Just fed up of meeting guys who clearly aren't my type or just don't make the effort at all. Life's too short to play games etc. If you're interested in someone then you should show it.
awww :(

i dont mind ( i've looked at most of the ones on here :p)

my friend's just made a point that i should somehow add to my profile that i like action movies, appreciate most cars (e.g. look, sound of engine - although thats about it!) and that I have an xbox lol :D
Starting to think internet dating is a total waste of time, no one is honest!

The number of people i've spoken to who seem nice but end up being total nut jobs is just unreal.

Had a chat with on girl who was nice, friendly and fairly intelligent, she looked ok in her photo but it wasnt really a good one to start with.

Anyway we chat on msn for a bit she sends me a recent photo, nothing like the one she had on plentyoffish, i dont speak to her for a few days and she starts to constantly nudge me on msn or send me private messages asking whats going on...

She's practically been stalking me on facebook also.

Honestly are there any NORMAL people left in the world!
Cool, thanks. Used your Trust details although I do not know if they are up to date :p

As for adding those.

Liking action movies and appreciating car looks/engine note are killer men bait! Only if they are true though :D
I don't give a toss about it to be honest. I'm actually way too thick skinned / arrogant to worry about it. The only reason for writing to her is to maybe make her think twice next time.. or be scared from using the site and do everyone a favour. :D

Reading the email you sent I would get the impression you were quite upset.

I checked your profile a while ago when you linked it and I actually thought it was one of the better ones that are linked around here.
Yea, I started chatting to a girl ok OkC ages ago, got on really well, chatted on the phone for a bit etc, then suggested meeting up, and she decides she's not keen on meeting people from the internet, fair enough, there's a bunchof wierdos out there, and I'm one of them, but seriously, why sign up to a dating website, state your interest in someone and then decide regardless of who you like them, that you never want to meet them? >.<

And it's annoying when profile pictures give no real reference to size/height, several times I've been duped into believing my date would be different, taller, shorter, larger, thinner etc, then they turn up, and the photos they had, were flattering to their face, or they had someone larger standing next to them, eclipsing them!

I demand hovis pics as a loaf is a standard measurement, if she can hold it between her fingers, she's too big, if she's hiding behind it, too damn thin! and if she's standing on it, chances are she's a short one :p
Reading the email you sent I would get the impression you were quite upset.

I checked your profile a while ago when you linked it and I actually thought it was one of the better ones that are linked around here.

Tweaked it slightly but still essentially the same.

I'm upset in that I am fed up of meeting idiots who aren't what they claim to be, yes. But not that bothered about her not being "the one".
You tend to meet a lot of idiots in life, you move on, it just seems there is too high a percentage congregating in there.

One more left to meet before I run out of ones on the back burner by mail/msn/text. :( and they were ALL from one day a few weeks ago when I had a day off work and spent it behind the PC (dunno what caused the sudden influx of mails on that day)
You tend to meet a lot of idiots in life, you move on, it just seems there is too high a percentage congregating in there.

it's almost like a mating ground for idiots :p

I know what you mean, but it just comes down to statistics, the majority of people on these sites aren't necessarily cream of the crop and so resort o it as a last resort, there are however the few (most of us :p) who are on there as we've no time to meet new people/no opportunities from working in predominantly male professions etc) or those few who have been jerked about to the point where they can't be bothered to go out hunting for the next idiot so let the idiots come to them ;):p
Been out of this for a while, still hoping this girl I've got my hopes on comes off.

If not I guess worse case scenario is they'll be loads more sign ups since I last looked and it'll all be kind of new again.
iv given up on pof, its crap for my area of the country - cornwall etc, iv signed up for forcespenpals, seems to be a few lookers in amongst it - bonus being they actually know what theyv signed up for - people that dont have so much location stability and are weekend things only.
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