Well, I did a bit of POFing and then went inactive for a while, then I got back on there before xmas and started talking to an older lass. We seemed to hit it off and we have had a far few dates and all that... a spot of canoodling and hanky panky has been done, and its all quite nice when we are with each other, but I know for a fcat that it won't last as she has already hinted that she isnt sure what she wants at the moment (due to her past history). She had binned off her POF profile as well, which I had done as well because I was fed up with rubbish that was coming through... anyway, for some daft reason I had a gander on there yesterday, before I met up with the lady friend for the evening for some general enjoying of each other company, cheeky cuddles in front of the tv and bedroom athletics... and guess what, her profile is back again.
Well, I would say something to her, but to be honest I just can't seem to want to open up that can of worms. I shall keep up with our general dating and hanky panky, but I suspect in the near furture I might as well just call it a day as she is obviously sorting out some issues in her head.
Ah the joy... and god only knows why I am posting this here. I suppose I just need somewhere to vent and don't want to look like a plonker in front of my mates.