Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Hahaha, Thankfully the one doing most of the man handling was definitely a "what went wrong" female, slim, fairly attractive anyway)

I will admit though that the others were beered up butch bitches from hell. :o :(
I escaped with my Gender and pride intact :D
Sure enough, she's given me her msn address and now isn't saying a thing. Spammer or attention whore is the preliminary conclusion (if that even makes sense).

Next time she is on and she says "hi" maybe suggest skipping the chat and having sex?

What have you got to lose!
Got man handled onto the dance floor by 5 lesbians on Friday night
Ended up back at a house of some random 24 year old last night.
Internet not required. :D
Truro again... I am beginning to warm to this town :D

Truro is a city, a joke of a city at that!

Cornwalls real slim pickings isnt it, iv never done Truro yet though, plan on it at the end of march/start of april though so hopefully ill get lucky.
Have you tried Falmouth? Its not too bad either :)
Camborne on a thursday night at the corn exchange is usually wall to wall... theyr either fat and rats or fit as ****!
Next time she is on and she says "hi" maybe suggest skipping the chat and having sex?

What have you got to lose!

Same happened to be :) Got asked for my msn then when she added me said "hi". Went offline and never came back on :P

I gave it a while, and some of the responses confirmed it was a real person there and not a bot, but, clearly a very busy one. I told it I didn't have time for spammy pay cam site whores or attention whores in general and that i was blocking it, but it blocked me before i could click the button, so I lost :(
Well SHE gave me her msn, we chatted for literally hours (yay for Sunday). She says she would like to meet up at some point and gave me her phone number. (mob)


Is it meant to move that fast, or am I being duped somewhere? She has shown me photo's of herself and they are pretty damn decent.
Well SHE gave me her msn, we chatted for literally hours (yay for Sunday). She says she would like to meet up at some point and gave me her phone number. (mob)


Is it meant to move that fast, or am I being duped somewhere? She has shown me photo's of herself and they are pretty damn decent.

Maybe you should stop worrying and just enjoy it for what it is.
Well SHE gave me her msn, we chatted for literally hours (yay for Sunday). She says she would like to meet up at some point and gave me her phone number. (mob)


Is it meant to move that fast, or am I being duped somewhere? She has shown me photo's of herself and they are pretty damn decent.

No, your suppose to talk on the internet for at least two months and then court for a further 3 months before you get invited in for coffee

(Btw I don't believe this at all if you get along you get along gg wp hf)
Maybe you should stop worrying and just enjoy it for what it is.

It's not like I'm complaining, and having never done online dating I merely want to get people's opinion on what is what. Otherwise whats the point in a 150+ page thread?

Yeah, she's clearly interested.

Whip it out and enjoy the ride. :cool:


No, your suppose to talk on the internet for at least two months and then court for a further 3 months before you get invited in for coffee

(Btw I don't believe this at all if you get along you get along gg wp hf)

I've never met a girl on the net before, only in real life where you can gauge the situation and know whats "normal".
It's not like I'm complaining, and having never done online dating I merely want to get people's opinion on what is what. Otherwise whats the point in a 150+ page thread?


I've never met a girl on the net before, only in real life where you can gauge the situation and know whats "normal".

Just go with the flow and do what feels right man, not much different than rl imo :cool:
Well SHE gave me her msn, we chatted for literally hours (yay for Sunday). She says she would like to meet up at some point and gave me her phone number. (mob)


Is it meant to move that fast, or am I being duped somewhere? She has shown me photo's of herself and they are pretty damn decent.

To fast trading mobile numbers, you would think if there is anything to learn from this thread is the large amount of people saying x person is txting me all the time... I really regret giving out my mobile no. etc etc

Trade mobiles once you've met.
To fast trading mobile numbers, you would think if there is anything to learn from this thread is the large amount of people saying x person is txting me all the time... I really regret giving out my mobile no. etc etc

Trade mobiles once you've met.

Agreed. When I was internet dating, you'd get a mobile number, before long you'd be spending weeks just text messaging...

I fell into this trap early on, and then by the end it was a case of once I'd got the number, call them to chat.. If I felt something 'might' be there then arrange on the phone for a date, stick to it, and not contact again till a day or so before the meet, to just confirm date and time is still on with me, and see them at the pre arrange place of meeting (never gave a way for them to cancel) and that was all the contact I'd make until we'd met...

9 - 10 times once we'd met it led nowhere else... the other time, it maybe led to a few kisses etc, and that was that...

Never fall into the text message game... It just comes off as attention seeking, girls seem to love this text message lark.. they'd text you as it you are their new best friend, waste of time.....

If after around two weeks of emailing, you'd not got a number to have a telephone talk, and arranged a date to met, then move on..!!
I don't wish to sound paranoid, but I am wary of this as well :o.

So I've dug into a cupboard and pulled out a phone from a few years ago. Sim card inserted and away we go.

If its actually something other than a waste of time, then i'll "buy" a new phone :p
Well, I did a bit of POFing and then went inactive for a while, then I got back on there before xmas and started talking to an older lass. We seemed to hit it off and we have had a far few dates and all that... a spot of canoodling and hanky panky has been done, and its all quite nice when we are with each other, but I know for a fcat that it won't last as she has already hinted that she isnt sure what she wants at the moment (due to her past history). She had binned off her POF profile as well, which I had done as well because I was fed up with rubbish that was coming through... anyway, for some daft reason I had a gander on there yesterday, before I met up with the lady friend for the evening for some general enjoying of each other company, cheeky cuddles in front of the tv and bedroom athletics... and guess what, her profile is back again.

Well, I would say something to her, but to be honest I just can't seem to want to open up that can of worms. I shall keep up with our general dating and hanky panky, but I suspect in the near furture I might as well just call it a day as she is obviously sorting out some issues in her head.

Ah the joy... and god only knows why I am posting this here. I suppose I just need somewhere to vent and don't want to look like a plonker in front of my mates.
Well thats that then. Spoke to her last night and we have both decided to turn it in. She was pretty upset about it all, yet it was all a result of what she said... women, they never know what they want... and at the same time, scew you over in their quest to understand their problems.

Joy... can't believe I feel so down about it :(
On the topic of speed, I'd meet after a few hours of talking if I had it my way. There's nothing to lose, but plenty to lose if you just talk on MSN forever without getting anywhere "more" - believe me.
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