Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I can't believe I'm still doing this. I've sent out god knows how many messages on Plenty of Fish and OkCupid over the past few months and I've had just TWO replies let alone any dates. :( The first one there were a couple of messages between us and then soon after she deleted her profile (!) and the second had no thought put in to it what so ever. I still replied though and guess what. Nothing back. :o

I'm never a person to back down though so I will persist! I overhauled my photos today and took one of myself which I think is much better than my previous main picture. But I did take it myself in my house though and obviously that's not ideal. However it is far better than my previous profile picture so that's good. It's a shame all the other pictures of me other people have taken are badly lit, contain me drunk, or I'm just pulling a face or not looking at the camera. :o I don't think I'm a ugly guy. I just have lots of bad photos!

I'm not so sure on the actual text of my profile though. I have made an effort with it, but I feel there is defiantly something I'm doing wrong with it. So I'm asking you the people of OcUk to help me out. If anyone who has been successful with online dating could give my profile the once over and give me some tips, I would be eternally grateful. If you are female, even better, but given the male dominance of this forum, I thought I would open it up to everyone! Hell for those of your with girlfriends/wives etc who wouldn't mind passing this request on to them, that would be brilliant. I don't really want to post my profile here, but if you or your girlfriend/wife etc are willing to help, post in this thread saying so or mail me in my trust and I'll send you the link.

I know this is for the most part a faceless computer forum, but anyone that's willing to help I would be eternally grateful to.
Contemplating giving up with pof all my messages seem to either get read with no reply or deleated >.< + i hardly ever know what to put in them anyway. Well done to all who got something from the site thou!
I've done a bit of "don't give a toss" attitude slant to my profile this time. :D

Well I've been here before and deleted my profile, I just seemed to be finding the ones that appeared to be a sandwich short of a picnic and that really wasn't what I was looking for.
So I left, tarring you all with the same brush I'm afraid.
BUT ! In the vain hope that there actually is a normal person out there somewhere, I'm willing to try again.....

So some things I think sum me up well...
I'm not scared of what life is likely to throw my way.
I'm an honest open book, down to earth, organised, sensible and calm during a storm.
I'm your handy Andy in real life, pretty useful in any given situation.
I'm pretty hands on, in more ways than one.
I enjoy life, real things, experiences and a good challenge.
I like to keep fit, exercise, go cycling, hill walking, anything outdoors really.
I also love water (as long as it's warm) snorkelling, swimming, scuba, free diving and anything else you can think of doing in it.
I'm currently thinking about learning to ski, why I don't know, because I hate the cold.
I don't understand soap operas on TV, I would rather chew wasps!
I need enlightenment about the world around me and the people in it, not about made up calamities on television!

I want to get to know you as a friend, not jump your bones on the first date.
Cut me some slack here and write to me. Preferably not in god damn text speak either. lol

I would suspect, to be my partner, you'd have to be pretty relaxed, happy in your own skin and how you look to the outside world. Someone grounded, respectable and with good values or at least similar ones I guess.
Skinny, dark haired and good looking would be a true bonus but I am a realist after all, so don't be put off if you think we might simply get on well together.
If you feel like stalking me further, my facebook page is fairly open.. search for "Andy Cookson" I think in my current picture on there I'm wearing a hat and a Tux.:)

So just to end, I am genuinely here to find a normal person for a normal relationship, nothing more, nothing less.

First Date,

Well I've done the drinks in a pub, met some of you round your own house!! Talked and talked about meeting others only for you to back out at the last minute for various head scratching reason I have yet to fathom.
Are there any sensible women left at this age or am I destined to a life of dating others damaged goods.
So if you really are interested, you are not going to decide "sorry but I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I have to get my head straight" you actually really will get a date with a down to earth, if Mr average, decent bloke.
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What a nightmare of a date I had yesterday! She really really really liked me after a few hours and on the way home I had 3 texts and 8 missed calls from her inviting me in for a coffe. Trying to do dirty things to me, walking her back to hers.

Pyscho alert!

I paid for the lot too - never again.
i have been on POF for a year now and only met 3 people
most of the others i chatted to on there were time wasters.
i met a woman off there 2 weeks ago and were already on our 5th date tonight, its going great so far :D
What a nightmare of a date I had yesterday! She really really really liked me after a few hours and on the way home I had 3 texts and 8 missed calls from her inviting me in for a coffe. Trying to do dirty things to me, walking her back to hers.

Pyscho alert!

I paid for the lot too - never again.

So you turned down a chance to get your end away? Cut it off immediately.
So you turned down a chance to get your end away? Cut it off immediately.

Yes, yes I did. She basically offered it to me on a plate for this coming weekend.

I just can't. Its mental I meat a girl at a club the other weekend, and we had sooo much in common. I liked her, but clearly not the other way round. Well she won't text back. Still can't get her out of my head.

But some burd that seems to be in love with me, who isn't bad looking at all I just have no interest in. Its always been like this with me. Idiot.
Yes, yes I did. She basically offered it to me on a plate for this coming weekend.

I just can't. Its mental I meat a girl at a club the other weekend, and we had sooo much in common. I liked her, but clearly not the other way round. Well she won't text back. Still can't get her out of my head.

But some burd that seems to be in love with me, who isn't bad looking at all I just have no interest in. Its always been like this with me. Idiot.

Sorta similar, I like the chase but hate being smothered.

Anyway I thought I'd sign up to PoF and see what this was all about, being a handsome single man, but after refreshing the pics several times I have come to one conclusion: 90% of the girls on there meet at least one or more of the following criteria:

- Have a kid
- Fat
- Druggy or look a mess
- Speek lyk dis
- Stupid
- Random unattractive feature/characteristic

Back to real life it is then.
I remember one in Evesham, sat on her sofa watching a movie... (first date)
Hand starts wandering.. and she comes out with "Your keen" LOLOL
Like she just invited me round for coffee and biscuits!
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