Well I've been here before and deleted my profile, I just seemed to be finding the ones that appeared to be a sandwich short of a picnic and that really wasn't what I was looking for.
So I left, tarring you all with the same brush I'm afraid.
BUT ! In the vain hope that there actually is a normal person out there somewhere, I'm willing to try again.....
So some things I think sum me up well...
I'm not scared of what life is likely to throw my way.
I'm an honest open book, down to earth, organised, sensible and calm during a storm.
I'm your handy Andy in real life, pretty useful in any given situation.
I'm pretty hands on, in more ways than one.
I enjoy life, real things, experiences and a good challenge.
I like to keep fit, exercise, go cycling, hill walking, anything outdoors really.
I also love water (as long as it's warm) snorkelling, swimming, scuba, free diving and anything else you can think of doing in it.
I'm currently thinking about learning to ski, why I don't know, because I hate the cold.
I don't understand soap operas on TV, I would rather chew wasps!
I need enlightenment about the world around me and the people in it, not about made up calamities on television!
I want to get to know you as a friend, not jump your bones on the first date.
Cut me some slack here and write to me. Preferably not in god damn text speak either. lol
I would suspect, to be my partner, you'd have to be pretty relaxed, happy in your own skin and how you look to the outside world. Someone grounded, respectable and with good values or at least similar ones I guess.
Skinny, dark haired and good looking would be a true bonus but I am a realist after all, so don't be put off if you think we might simply get on well together.
If you feel like stalking me further, my facebook page is fairly open.. search for "Andy Cookson" I think in my current picture on there I'm wearing a hat and a Tux.
So just to end, I am genuinely here to find a normal person for a normal relationship, nothing more, nothing less.
First Date,
Well I've done the drinks in a pub, met some of you round your own house!! Talked and talked about meeting others only for you to back out at the last minute for various head scratching reason I have yet to fathom.
Are there any sensible women left at this age or am I destined to a life of dating others damaged goods.
So if you really are interested, you are not going to decide "sorry but I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I have to get my head straight" you actually really will get a date with a down to earth, if Mr average, decent bloke.