NINJA EDIT - And omg the general standard of women in Zurich is unbelievable... literally wherever you turn your head on a night out there are some stunning women, the city is full of them!
Was that a stunned silence Gumbald ??
OMG, I have a 21 yr old WIN !!! contacting me (moved onto MSN) and she has jugs the size of a house WIN WIN.
and she has a webcam.. WIN WIN WIN WIN
One slight problem, she is also the size of a house...
ARRGGGHHHHH why me.....
K lads there is this magical place known as outside!
There are also locations known as
Pub, clubs, work, uni, gyms shop etc any place of social interaction!
These locations also contain women!
Dating sites are a business nothing more they don’t care they just want you money.
They are designed so that desperate person A can meet desperate person B & then can become Mr & Mrs C in order to be acceptable to society
There success is simply based a peoples lack of confidence around the opposite sex.
The main problem with these sites, is I see no way they could help to boost people’s confidence & could in fact have a detrimental affect on people’s confidence.
Like everything in life its not going to find you your going to have to find it.
Stop wasting your time / money & get out there
Internet is filled with whiners, trolls & cowards as they hide behide there screens
A few more murders should quite them down a bit when they realize that even on the internet you **** someone of enough & there are consequences.
More issues than a year of Penthouse, eh? You sound like a catch.
K lads there is this magical place known as outside!
There are also locations known as
Pub, clubs, work, uni, gyms shop etc any place of social interaction!
These locations also contain women!
Dating sites are a business nothing more they don’t care they just want you money.
They are designed so that desperate person A can meet desperate person B & then can become Mr & Mrs C in order to be acceptable to society
There success is simply based a peoples lack of confidence around the opposite sex.
The main problem with these sites, is I see no way they could help to boost people’s confidence & could in fact have a detrimental affect on people’s confidence.
Like everything in life its not going to find you your going to have to find it.
Stop wasting your time / money & get out there
Dating sites are no substitute for the real dating process.
What has that got to do with this topic?
And have you nothing better to do than look me up........
In fact you I can justify my position on both fronts simply in my belief the internet is becoming overbearing on society.
And am I not entailed to my opinion?
Dating sites are no substitute for the real dating process.
2.Live on my own due to gf studying elsewhere
3.Been in a relationship for just over 2 years
Yes some people i can respect some people dont have much time but the same time spent browsersing such sites could be spent elsewhere.
As for the reasons for meeting someone in the flesh it allows for chemstrey etc