Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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NINJA EDIT - And omg the general standard of women in Zurich is unbelievable... literally wherever you turn your head on a night out there are some stunning women, the city is full of them!

Yeha iv hear that mate, in fact iv also heard that Copenhagen is full of them as well! Damn I need to get out in Europe more :p
Less stunned silence, more the words he was trying to speak were sucked into her vortex of a belly-button. He screamed, silently.

Got a movie date with her next week, and taking her to a great tapas place in camden the weekend after :)
On a tangent...

Call me negative, but most of the time these days, the onus is on the guy to impress/spend some cash on dates. Maybe I'm just getting cynical, but I try to do stuff like going around parks/National trust places these days, as I'm fed up of meeting the leech type. This at least weeds out the gold digger type IME.

I don't see the point in taking girls to plush, expensive places as it creates a precedent that you really don't want to follow :)
K lads there is this magical place known as outside!

There are also locations known as

Pub, clubs, work, uni, gyms shop etc any place of social interaction!

These locations also contain women!

Dating sites are a business nothing more they don’t care they just want you money.
They are designed so that desperate person A can meet desperate person B & then can become Mr & Mrs C in order to be acceptable to society

There success is simply based a peoples lack of confidence around the opposite sex.

The main problem with these sites, is I see no way they could help to boost people’s confidence & could in fact have a detrimental affect on people’s confidence.

Like everything in life its not going to find you your going to have to find it.

Stop wasting your time / money & get out there
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K lads there is this magical place known as outside!

There are also locations known as

Pub, clubs, work, uni, gyms shop etc any place of social interaction!

These locations also contain women!

Dating sites are a business nothing more they don’t care they just want you money.
They are designed so that desperate person A can meet desperate person B & then can become Mr & Mrs C in order to be acceptable to society

There success is simply based a peoples lack of confidence around the opposite sex.

The main problem with these sites, is I see no way they could help to boost people’s confidence & could in fact have a detrimental affect on people’s confidence.

Like everything in life its not going to find you your going to have to find it.

Stop wasting your time / money & get out there

Goodness grief man. POF is FREE dating site. FREE. That means it doesn't cost money.

And on top of this, there really is no need to try and be a smart arse with the whole "zomg u need to go out and meet women" spiel as though you yourself are some sort of rabid cassanova who holds the secrets to romantic nervana. Most of us DO go out a lot but just DON'T meet many women that way (in a romantic sense). Same also goes for the many hot women on the dating sites who are on there for the same reason. Please stop spouting pointless rhetoric and go away unless you have something decent to actually contribute to the thread beyond what amounts to mild patronisation. Capiche, lover boy? ;)

In fact I just did a quick huint for your other posts and found this gem:

Internet is filled with whiners, trolls & cowards as they hide behide there screens
A few more murders should quite them down a bit when they realize that even on the internet you **** someone of enough & there are consequences.

More issues than a year of Penthouse, eh? You sound like a catch. ;)
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More issues than a year of Penthouse, eh? You sound like a catch. ;)

What has that got to do with this topic?

And have you nothing better to do than look me up........

In fact you I can justify my position on both fronts simply in my belief the internet is becoming overbearing on society.

And am I not entailed to my opinion?

Dating sites are no substitute for the real dating process.
I would also add that a lot of us are very busy in out chosen career's and don't have a great deal of time to meet someone easily. So certain web sites help us a little with that problem.
K lads there is this magical place known as outside!

There are also locations known as

Pub, clubs, work, uni, gyms shop etc any place of social interaction!

These locations also contain women!

Dating sites are a business nothing more they don’t care they just want you money.
They are designed so that desperate person A can meet desperate person B & then can become Mr & Mrs C in order to be acceptable to society

There success is simply based a peoples lack of confidence around the opposite sex.

The main problem with these sites, is I see no way they could help to boost people’s confidence & could in fact have a detrimental affect on people’s confidence.

Like everything in life its not going to find you your going to have to find it.

Stop wasting your time / money & get out there

you are so wrong on every level...

the dating site being used here is free as others have said.. but more importantly it's a great way to meet people.

i recently came out of a 10yr marriage and thought I was over the hill (near 40), lacked confidence, was too old for clubbing , too many work commitments and lost touch with all real m8s through family commitment etc...

after about 6-7 dates from POF though I was initially scared silly I started enjoying the dates and feeling much better about myself.. eventually had two really good short relationships then found someone who I want to be with forever and they feel the same way... and hell, she is beautiful, young (11yrs my junior), intelligent, funny and I'm totally in love with her and she is with me :D (we plan to get married next year)

thankyou POF :)

ps: you sound very insecure being that you feel the need to bring down people who are trying to find a partner... do you have problems in your own life ?, I rekon so.
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Dating sites are no substitute for the real dating process.

it's the same thing, in fact better... as you get a chance to learn a little about the person before commiting to meeting them. How is meeting some girl in a club better ?, internet dating is 'avanced mode' dating where you can pick and choose at your leisure.... and if you want something lasting and not a quick shag (which is not the be all and end all in life) then thats a good thing.

don't mean to troll, but I bet you are the following -

1. 16
2. live with your mum
3. think a relationship is snogging a near unconcious girl on a sat night
4. tried internet dating once but no-one liked you
5. spend 25hrs a day on the interweb

I could be wrong though :D

(don't be offended, just having a joke with you, but this is the way you come across... if you want to come across different then you should change your posting style maybe and not be negative in a positive thread about dating)
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What has that got to do with this topic?

And have you nothing better to do than look me up........

In fact you I can justify my position on both fronts simply in my belief the internet is becoming overbearing on society.

And am I not entailed to my opinion?

Dating sites are no substitute for the real dating process.

The 'real dating process' is pants.

Meeting women out in bars or pubs is such a waste of time and money, I go to those places to have fun with friends and dance, not chat up women, which is impossible to do with loud music any way.

I've had 2 long-term relationships with gorgeous women come as a result of meeting on the internet, and much preferred to just going out there and meeting randoms.

Internet dating only sucks if you are butt ugly, but then 'real dating' suffers from the same issue, only people have to be more polite in person rather than ignore your messages. ;)
2.Live on my own due to gf studying elsewhere
3.Been in a relationship for just over 2 years

Yes some people i can respect some people dont have much time but the same time spent browsersing such sites could be spent elsewhere.

As for the reasons for meeting someone in the flesh it allows for chemstrey etc
2.Live on my own due to gf studying elsewhere
3.Been in a relationship for just over 2 years

Yes some people i can respect some people dont have much time but the same time spent browsersing such sites could be spent elsewhere.

As for the reasons for meeting someone in the flesh it allows for chemstrey etc

well you dont seem to understand internet dating then... the internet part is to find someone you like. THEN you meet in the flesh and look for chemistry (note spelling, it's important on the interweb) etc...

and elsewhere ?, if looking for a date then internet is best way these days imo.. it's like try before you buy :)
no spelling really doesn’t matter in the interweb especially when u haven’t slept much.

The whole try before you buy comparison is a good one, I think it takes the mystery out of it the sport if you like.

But I think the internet dating is ofc more suited to the older age groups where as you said it’s not really appropriate to go to clubs etc.

However when someone in there twenties is doing it its slightly different and so begs the question what’s there reasoning for doing it?
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