Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Everyone's so quick and willing on these sites, it takes all the subtlety out of it. It's a weird thing. I don't think I could properly use it, not regularly anyway. It seems almost dehumanizing. You're just queuing up all these pretty faces and arranging a slap-bang-wallop :D
Everyone's so quick and willing on these sites, it takes all the subtlety out of it. It's a weird thing. I don't think I could properly use it, not regularly anyway. It seems almost dehumanizing. You're just queuing up all these pretty faces and arranging a slap-bang-wallop :D

Quick and willing are good words to describe it. 80% of the girls on there will jump in bed on the first date. Make no mistake, from what I've seen and the girls I've spoken to, a good chunk of them are there purely for sex without the shame of signing up to a sex specific website.
I signed up to POF two weeks ago (when my divorce came through), started chatting to a women about 4 days later, had a few very nice and we're now involved. Everything just seems to have aligned nicely and it is great. :D
I'm so envious. Cambridge and surrounding area is like a barren wasteland of 'princesses' who just 'Read, Delete' your mails. Dunno if it's a posh thing or just the proximity to London but they all think they're somehow 11/10...
I'm so envious. Cambridge and surrounding area is like a barren wasteland of 'princesses' who just 'Read, Delete' your mails. Dunno if it's a posh thing or just the proximity to London but they all think they're somehow 11/10...

A round oxford seems to be the same. That or they think I'm far to good for them lol :D
I'm so envious. Cambridge and surrounding area is like a barren wasteland of 'princesses' who just 'Read, Delete' your mails. Dunno if it's a posh thing or just the proximity to London but they all think they're somehow 11/10...

I doubt it. London is hardly nothing but Made In Chelsea prima donnas. Likewise with Oxford and Cambridge, they both have their fair share of council estates and proles without education. Methinks you're generalizing a bit too much to excuse your terrible luck :p Not every person you are trying to pick up is an Oxbridge princess! Or if they are, you need to adjust your search filters a bit, clearly...
The worst things about these sites are:

a) The revival of the 'MySpace' pic, without doubt one of the most fraudulent and dishonest tactics ever conceived in the visual history of all photography. See how an alluring thumbnail pic reveals itself to be an obese behemoth in 2 clicks! Never before have I seen such knowledge and clever use of angles/perspective. Half the women on these networks are master Cubists, and they don't even know it.

b) An ancillary tactic to this prior form of deception: the group-shot. Girl uploads 3-4 shots of herself - always in a group, always with far superior ladies - and entices you onto her Profile with this eye-candy. It's like that feeling you get when you're a football captain in school and you always have to take the last kid from the picking-line. The one with the clubfoot.
Well into the fifth date with this 44 year old and it's going well so far.
I get the feeling she's beginning to feel old and has thought a younger man might satisfy her cravings. :D
I would never have chosen a search criteria on a 44 year old with three kids. :eek:
but she's quite nice. :o
Not quite so nice when she drags me Salsa dancing though!!!
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Just got back from my date. She was really pretty, feminine, witty and just generally a good person. Just one problem, bitch doesn't stop talking. I know her whole history, her brother having cancer, her grandad having problems selling his Mazda, her mom's hair dye fail, her sister changing careers, all the useless stuff really. Not once did she ask about me or even feign interest when I got a chance to mention some of my hobbies or tell about my job. She was just looking for a gap to continue her ramblings.

Luckily she grabbed the bill so it wasn't a total fail tonight. She did look kinda hot when we walked out of the restaurant and slowly towards the train station, but a man with options isn't wasting time on her. :p

Got a text from her when I got in saying that she felt a good chemistry with me and would like to see me again. I see that happening :rolleyes:

Stick with it, she'll run out of stories eventually :D
So... Two questions...

Firstly; For the first few dates how many of you actually pay for the dates drinks (or food) for the first few dates? I've only had food with three people and they have all insisted on paying their share (quite vocally too)*. All the girls I've been out with have also been pretty insistent on buying at least one drink as well, most fully halves. I'm intrigued to know because there seem to be a few on here that appear to always buy drinks.

*It's occasionally been fairly obvious that they are worried about the bill bit still insist, always feel I should too.

Secondly; Looks... How important..? If they weren't stunning to you but made you laugh/enjoy their company would you still carry on with it? By not stunning I don't mean fat or massively ugly, just not necessarily attractive to you...

My first date with this one cost me circa £98 quid for a meal and drinks.
She said it was the most expensive bottle of wine she'd ever had. LOL. It was only £20 odd. :o
Second date I bought tickets to an event at about £20
3rd date I paid entrance fee for us to a food and drink festival
she bought coffee and cake :D
3rd date I bought breakfast at a country club
4th I bought afternoon tea
5th she asked to split the evening meal bill in half. Another expensive one. Steak on the stone fillet @ £22 :D \o/

Swings and roundabouts :D
Looks wise... Pretty hot for your average 44 year old :D
I really don't understand why some girls would expect guys to pay for things.
I also don't understand why some people would expect others who earn more than them to pay for things.
I absolutely *hate* it when people don't pay their fair share.

Earn your own money? Then spend your own money.
Don't earn (enough of) your own money? Then stay home and don't go out.

Well into the fifth date with this 44 year old and it's going well so far.
I get the feeling she's beginning to feel old and has thought a younger man might satisfy her cravings. :D
I would never have chosen a search criteria on a 44 year old with three kids. :eek:
but she's quite nice. :o
Not quite so nice when she drags me Salsa dancing though!!!

I had a fling with a 39 year old that trapped me on Match. Only lasted a week before she went on holiday. My advice, plenty of rest, water and fruits. You're going to need it with women of that age. She laughed when I begged 'Please, no more!' enjoy it :)
Quick and willing are good words to describe it. 80% of the girls on there will jump in bed on the first date. Make no mistake, from what I've seen and the girls I've spoken to, a good chunk of them are there purely for sex without the shame of signing up to a sex specific website.

You must attract interesting people. A totally different type to the ones I'm interested in I think.:p
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