Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Attractive girls get literally hundreds of messages so you have to make yourself stand out somehow.

Wish I got hundreds when I was on it. More like about ten
Two dates this weekend, another tonight but I'm cancelling. Who knew it was possible to get bored with dating. The Swedish girl I met yesterday 'might' be a keeper. Very funny and delightful girl. Went with her to Midsummer's celebrations in Hyde Park yesterday and clubbing last night. I'm way too old for that :(

Got a South African tomorrow night and Dutch girl on Wednesday. Also noticed 3 more emails in my inbox on Match.

However, I've now decide to be a bit more selective now. Before I just asked out every girl I spoke to and half of them I had no intention of seeing again. Also going to whittle down on the amount of dating and focus on one of two girls I really like.
Just been quitely beavering away getting my profile just so before I make it discoverable and begin the hunt so to speak, but one element of it that's left me scratching my head is the headline, I honestly don't have a clue. The one idea I have had is a play on all these "If Carlsberg Made Girlfriends...." type headlines you see the ladies using.

"If Carlsberg actually made a decent beer......"

But I'm thinking that might make me appear to be a bit of a smart arse. Thoughts?
Well if anyone wants to give me any inspiration for my profile feel free! At the moment it's rather short but I tried to leave out the bit's about me being a boring computer nerd that plays games and all that!
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Well if anyone wants to give me any inspiration for my profile feel free! At the moment it's rather short but I tried to leave out the bit's about me being a boring computer nerd that plays games and all that!
Not sure about your pics...

pic 1 - a bit of a vain mirror shot
pic 2 - gay sunglasses and unflattering angle
pic 4 - you kinda look evil

I would also list some interests in your profile.

Sorry if harsh, just sayin' how I see it :D
Not sure about your pics...

pic 1 - a bit of a vain mirror shot
pic 2 - gay sunglasses and unflattering angle
pic 4 - you kinda look evil

I would also list some interests in your profile.

Sorry if harsh, just sayin' how I see it :D

Haha I can see what your saying, only problem is I don't have any pictures of myself other than when I'm out with female friends and I wasn't sure if those pictures would be the best for a dating website?
Not where I prowl in London, no. Girls here tend to be the educated independent type who shivers at the thought of having a child. While that's handy, it also brings its own dose of problems :(.
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