My first date with this one cost me circa £98 quid for a meal and drinks.
She said it was the most expensive bottle of wine she'd ever had. LOL. It was only £20 odd.
Second date I bought tickets to an event at about £20
3rd date I paid entrance fee for us to a food and drink festival
she bought coffee and cake
3rd date I bought breakfast at a country club
4th I bought afternoon tea
5th she asked to split the evening meal bill in half. Another expensive one. Steak on the stone fillet @ £22\o/
Swings and roundabouts
Looks wise... Pretty hot for your average 44 year old![]()
That brings me to something else I was thinking the other day. All over the tube are match adverts that just aren't remotely what I've done. I guess they are advertised at 40 somethings then (basically it's a list of what you did with this woman).

I'm obviously not old enough as my idea of a date is a pub/bar then picnics and trips to the zoo.

I really don't understand why some girls would expect guys to pay for things.
I also don't understand why some people would expect others who earn more than them to pay for things.
I absolutely *hate* it when people don't pay their fair share.
Earn your own money? Then spend your own money.
Don't earn (enough of) your own money? Then stay home and don't go out.
While I agree I also think that being a single very well paid graduate means when I have a date with a student, especially if I end up suggesting somewhere expensive, that I am willing to pay a little more than them, especially if they look like they are struggling with ordering something cheap because they have no money.