Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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My first date with this one cost me circa £98 quid for a meal and drinks.
She said it was the most expensive bottle of wine she'd ever had. LOL. It was only £20 odd. :o
Second date I bought tickets to an event at about £20
3rd date I paid entrance fee for us to a food and drink festival
she bought coffee and cake :D
3rd date I bought breakfast at a country club
4th I bought afternoon tea
5th she asked to split the evening meal bill in half. Another expensive one. Steak on the stone fillet @ £22 :D \o/

Swings and roundabouts :D
Looks wise... Pretty hot for your average 44 year old :D

That brings me to something else I was thinking the other day. All over the tube are match adverts that just aren't remotely what I've done. I guess they are advertised at 40 somethings then (basically it's a list of what you did with this woman).:p

I'm obviously not old enough as my idea of a date is a pub/bar then picnics and trips to the zoo. ;) Fun, not remotely formal stuff.:p

I really don't understand why some girls would expect guys to pay for things.
I also don't understand why some people would expect others who earn more than them to pay for things.
I absolutely *hate* it when people don't pay their fair share.

Earn your own money? Then spend your own money.
Don't earn (enough of) your own money? Then stay home and don't go out.


While I agree I also think that being a single very well paid graduate means when I have a date with a student, especially if I end up suggesting somewhere expensive, that I am willing to pay a little more than them, especially if they look like they are struggling with ordering something cheap because they have no money.
While I agree I also think that being a single very well paid graduate means when I have a date with a student, especially if I end up suggesting somewhere expensive, that I am willing to pay a little more than them, especially if they look like they are struggling with ordering something cheap because they have no money.
Treating someone or offering to pay a little more is completely different to when they expect you to pay it though.

I've come across a few people who just don't bother getting their wallet out and just expect me to pay. They could at least get their wallet out and pretend that they're going to offer to pay :rolleyes:
I'm so envious. Cambridge and surrounding area is like a barren wasteland of 'princesses' who just 'Read, Delete' your mails. Dunno if it's a posh thing or just the proximity to London but they all think they're somehow 11/10...

Yup I had that problem as well, especially on PoF. Met my current girlfriend through though.
Wow you lot have good success with all these dating sites, wish I had the same luck! I'm impressed.

I'm using a few different things to try and get some dates (various phone apps/dating sites). But have no success. It's a challenge to say the least..

When I do get replies, I start to make conversation and they seem interested but within 1/2 replies they start to stop replying completely. Almost every girl around my age (19-24) seems to lack a personality and uses text talk which drives me crazy! I'll ask them a question and they'll reply with 1/2 words in text talk which doesn't even make sense half the time. Communicating with women other than in person, it becomes a mental challenge!

I don't mean to offend any women on here, this is just what I've gathered from girls my age around my area. Granted some are chavs so this response is expected but there are some girls who seem normal and educated but gradually show their lack of personality throughout conversations.

I've found two decent girls out of about 20 I've spoken to recently, I've got to arrange dates with them in the next week or two. Hopefully they go well but who knows :confused:

Do you guys continue to talk to a girl if she's using text talk or is that a complete turn off? :p
Why the next week or two? Message them now and see if they fancy a drink tonight, or tomorrow. No point speaking to them for weeks, they'll just get bored and move onto the people like me who invite them out a few messages into speaking to them.

Text talk can be OK if the girl has good chat (and it's not so bad that I can't understand it!) but they don't usually and have to go!

I'm busy in the next few days and so are they :p, I've only talked to them for a few days and I haven't really had any long conversations either, I've made that mistake in the past lol

Oh I'm talking like "ye i wz doin stuffz, wbu, hru" etc

Sometimes even a pretty face doesn't make up for a lack of personality or text talk!

My generation is a nightmare! Luckily I'm not the only one who thinks this, my friends have had similar encounters.

Gotta have faith though right! I guess I have to be grateful for having any kind of attention from girls because rewind over a year ago and I was a lonely guy who was too insecure to talk to girls and be in social situations, took me a while to get the confidence to even make an online profile because I was too insecure about my looks.

I'm trying to work on my appearance as much as I can since the majority of the time, being attractive or at least average looking will get your foot in the door with women so for the next year or so I'm planning to work out a lot lol
Swings and roundabouts? Hardly. You're paying for basically everything.

This. Did she only offer on the 5th date?

I'm a single bloke with no rent to pay and have about £1000 free money to play with a month.
She's a single mother with three kids and a mortgage.

I didn't ask her to pay and neither would I want to, most of the time it wasn't "that sort of situation" where she had the choice anyway, I didn't feel she was sponging off me. I bought the tickets and then asked her out to the events.
She also didn't realise the restaurant was a posh one until we arrived outside the door. :D plus the fact I think it's traditional that the bloke pays. (at least to start with)
From a womans point of view I'm sure being wined and dined is a little romantic, all that groundwork would come un done if I said at the end "get your cash out love":o
I get quite a lot of views on my profile but very little messages. When I look back at other peoples as well I have to admit most of them are so bland.
It really seems the women on these sites don't really have to make an effort just put pics up, the text is just so dull! There are a few that caught my eye but the rest so forgettable. I am sure mine is probably similar but it makes it so much harder trying to make contact with someone.
Anyone that types using text speak as said above is pretty horrible, classing shopping as a hobby, seeing the girls and has pics of her out drinking some where and most seem to have no character at all! Not sure why I bother to keep looking tbh :(

Anyone able to spice up my profile? See if I can improve my chances.
I'm busy in the next few days and so are they :p, I've only talked to them for a few days and I haven't really had any long conversations either, I've made that mistake in the past lol

Oh I'm talking like "ye i wz doin stuffz, wbu, hru" etc

Sometimes even a pretty face doesn't make up for a lack of personality or text talk!

My generation is a nightmare! Luckily I'm not the only one who thinks this, my friends have had similar encounters.

Gotta have faith though right! I guess I have to be grateful for having any kind of attention from girls because rewind over a year ago and I was a lonely guy who was too insecure to talk to girls and be in social situations, took me a while to get the confidence to even make an online profile because I was too insecure about my looks.

I'm trying to work on my appearance as much as I can since the majority of the time, being attractive or at least average looking will get your foot in the door with women so for the next year or so I'm planning to work out a lot lol

I disagree, I'm only a couple of years older than you but have had none of the issues you mention. Perhaps your profile is attracting a certain type of woman or you are attracted to that type? Have a look at changing the way you present yourself on your profile or how you approach the girls in the first place.:)

I get quite a lot of views on my profile but very little messages. When I look back at other peoples as well I have to admit most of them are so bland.
It really seems the women on these sites don't really have to make an effort just put pics up, the text is just so dull! There are a few that caught my eye but the rest so forgettable. I am sure mine is probably similar but it makes it so much harder trying to make contact with someone.
Anyone that types using text speak as said above is pretty horrible, classing shopping as a hobby, seeing the girls and has pics of her out drinking some where and most seem to have no character at all! Not sure why I bother to keep looking tbh :(

Anyone able to spice up my profile? See if I can improve my chances.

I've only had a few girls message me, all of them have just sent rather odd, short messages. Go message them, unfortunately it's like the real world, most women seem to expect the man to make the first move.

PoF website looks awful.

What other websites does everyone use? I am not sifting through hundreds of pages to find this out. ;)

Okcupid is good. The matching percentage system seems pretty good and I've had 100% success rate when sending a message to someone who looked at my page I find interesting with a high match 85%+. It seems to be a different "class" of people on there TBH, or the matching system weedles out all the people you have to wade through on PoF?
I have to be honest here and say no one should even consider comparing themselves to anyone else's success on dating sites. It's ridiculous.

People have success because they are good looking, funny or lucky. It's that simple. If you aren't having any success then you aren't attractive. That's not to say you won't be to anyone, but it will be to fewer people and you will have to be patient.
I have to be honest here and say no one should even consider comparing themselves to anyone else's success on dating sites. It's ridiculous.

People have success because they are good looking, funny or lucky. It's that simple. If you aren't having any success then you aren't attractive. That's not to say you won't be to anyone, but it will be to fewer people and you will have to be patient.

/ties belt around neck.

I'm patient I tell yee! :D
So Cmon get sharing what messages you send to girls cause I'm not getting any replies! Get the usual profile view after you have sent the message but no reply. I'm not that fugly surely!
I have to be honest here and say no one should even consider comparing themselves to anyone else's success on dating sites. It's ridiculous.

People have success because they are good looking, funny or lucky. It's that simple. If you aren't having any success then you aren't attractive. That's not to say you won't be to anyone, but it will be to fewer people and you will have to be patient.

Never tried internet dating myself but I do agree with you. Same can be said for meeting people outside internet dating.
plus the fact I think it's traditional that the bloke pays. (at least to start with)

That is a tradition form a time when women had no or next to no income vs men. Nowadays it has zero relevance other than the occasional treat, and a woman who expected me to pay would be judged harshly. I do it on my terms, or not at all.

So Cmon get sharing what messages you send to girls cause I'm not getting any replies! Get the usual profile view after you have sent the message but no reply. I'm not that fugly surely!

Post a link to your profile and we can tell you whats up.
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