Can you folks please translate this for me from Womanese to English. I saw this random a while back. Followed it up with a date or two, things happened ... you know. Saw her again but she just got out of a long relationship so my experience told me she was rebounding so I stayed well clear and just had a bit of fun with her. Waited for her to get in touch rather than asking her out and so forth. In the mean time I met someone else and we're kinda exclusive(ish) right now.
So Friday she text me asking how I am, she's been away with work, etc etc, just chatting really. Then she said that a friend of hers is in town and she want me to meet her. Was a bit taken back since I kinda forgot about her. I made an excuse. Yesterday she text me inviting me out for dinner with her and her friend. Once more I made excuses. Today she text again saying that she REALLY want me to come out to lunch with them this afternoon and that her friend is leaving tomorrow. Was a bit like WTF is with this woman, but I said sure then, I'll come out and meet up since this really must be important. First I thought this was a setup to pawn me off on her friend but she was very overweight, very married and just found out she was expecting, so that was not it. Anyway, we met, had lunch, lovely chat and both were very witty and fun to be with. Had a 3 hour lunch then strolled through London and had coffee. I just got home.
What was that all about?