Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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not really, just my bad luck.
Ever since then I haven't talked to anyone I work with about the date or taken them to anywhere I might meet someone I know and haven't had as scary a date as that bar the one girl that started to talk about marriage and kids on the first date.
The last two were amazing I was just surprised that they actually replied back to my messages. Only problem with POF most of the girls are Valleys girls, I'd rather date a girl with a bit of class and brains than a larger lout with boobs whos hole life consists of getting hammered on the weekend, so my picking are rather slim.

I been there myself, girls who use fake pictures. Not nice.

Even worse, men who pretend to be woman :D :eek: :rolleyes:
I been there myself, girls who use fake pictures. Not nice.

Even worse, men who pretend to be woman :D :eek: :rolleyes:

TBH, the only reason why I don't post my POF account on here for our resident Cilla black (mischeif) to judge is because I know for a fact the guys at work know I'm on here and I know for a fact that they'll come on with fake accounts...
Good luck, can't be worse than my worse date so far off POF, shudder....:(

Please tell!

I have met a few people from POF, not one bad occasion thank god.

Tonight, I met in a bar on Friday though. We were sucking face, staggering over each other with fits of laughter... So this could be a disaster! But she seemed nice at the time :)
But you had to pretend to enjoy her company for the whole duration of the meal :eek: So you must've ordered the food before she got there then?! I probably would have just pretended to go to the loo and then do a runner :D

I was ordering the food as she started to scratch , thank god i ordered beef not a seafood as usual...
But you're seriously underestimated how good this food is and the fact that work was non stop that day that I hadn't had food since breakfast (6am)
Plus I normally have to eat my food surrounded by naked wrinkle old guys that insist on walking out of the changing rooms into the canteen every time I'm trying to eat.
If you can eat while a old mans wrinkly manhood is dangling in you're peripheral vision you can eat with a girl scratching her lady parts.
Can you folks please translate this for me from Womanese to English. I saw this random a while back. Followed it up with a date or two, things happened ... you know. Saw her again but she just got out of a long relationship so my experience told me she was rebounding so I stayed well clear and just had a bit of fun with her. Waited for her to get in touch rather than asking her out and so forth. In the mean time I met someone else and we're kinda exclusive(ish) right now.

So Friday she text me asking how I am, she's been away with work, etc etc, just chatting really. Then she said that a friend of hers is in town and she want me to meet her. Was a bit taken back since I kinda forgot about her. I made an excuse. Yesterday she text me inviting me out for dinner with her and her friend. Once more I made excuses. Today she text again saying that she REALLY want me to come out to lunch with them this afternoon and that her friend is leaving tomorrow. Was a bit like WTF is with this woman, but I said sure then, I'll come out and meet up since this really must be important. First I thought this was a setup to pawn me off on her friend but she was very overweight, very married and just found out she was expecting, so that was not it. Anyway, we met, had lunch, lovely chat and both were very witty and fun to be with. Had a 3 hour lunch then strolled through London and had coffee. I just got home.

What was that all about?
Nah, as I said, matey is happily married and preggers. That wasn't it.

Still trying to figure out her angle.

maybe she's still thinking of you as a best friend, i.e. not good enough to be a boyfriend unless things go drastically wrong, you know the way women collect nice guys and date gits, until the clock starts ticking and suddenly they realize they guy they want has been there all the time.
How far back is "a while back"?

Sounds like she told her friend about you and her friend was curious to meet you and see what you're like and give the "friend approval", or the friend thought you might be someone she knows and wanted to find out.

About a month ago when we saw each other with the odd meeting in between. Last meeting was two weeks ago as she's been in China with work until last week.

No way could her pal know me either as she lives in Canada and has her whole life.

Friend approval when we barely know each other and her rebounding?
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