Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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A girl msg me just now on okcupid and i checked her profile, now in 3 out of 6 pics she looks totally slammin, in the other 3 she looks a bit meh

Now, heres the dilemma, do i reply and hope the first 3 are more life like, or keep the search going for someone i fancy? know what i mean? especially after just reading the Chinese meal post lol
Bit of an awkward situation I find myself in. I've been receiving messages from a girl, who to be honest, doesn't really seem to be my cup of tea. She's not directly asked me to meet up or anything yet, it's just general chat going back and forth. I've read her profile and from her messages she seems to have a nice personality, but from her pictures, I just don't find her physically attractive. I'm debating whether to

a.) meet up and give her a chance should it come up, she could look different in person,

b.) go along with the chat, and politely turn her down should she ask

c.) be honest with her now and tell her that I don't think she's for me and that she's wasting her time should she want something to come of this.

I know, I feel like a horrible, shallow *******. :( I haven't even done anything yet to warrant it, but I feel guilty as hell.
Give me a plain Jane with some brains over a WAG type any day of the week! :)
How about an Ugly Betty type?

Now I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, however I'm not fugly either. Some of the people who message me just makes me want to reply and say, are you having a laugh?! :o

A girl msg me just now on okcupid and i checked her profile, now in 3 out of 6 pics she looks totally slammin, in the other 3 she looks a bit meh

Now, heres the dilemma, do i reply and hope the first 3 are more life like, or keep the search going for someone i fancy? know what i mean? especially after just reading the Chinese meal post lol
Reply, talk, ask for more pics and if you dislike then don't meet.
Short answer, yes. I email anyone.

Well call me arrogant but I don't think any girl is out of my league, or ANY guy's league. Some are just harder to win over, that's about the only difference. Amongst the good genes and pretty facades they're just as confused as they 'uglier' girls. Take a look at the pic I posted of the current girl I'm seeing a few pages back. She's not exactly ugly and turned up at our date with tons of confidence. Long story short, she cannot decide which pizza she wants, she cannot decide which movie she wants to see, she cannot decide what to wear. She cannot decide on anything and confusion reigns in her head. I practically see her eyes dart around in utter dismay when she's confronted with two choices. Right now she's struggling to be in MY league of what I want in a girl, and she edge me out on looks.

Ugly, pretty, skinny, fat, all the same.

All it takes is a nice pic to reel them in and 15min of charm, wit and making them laugh on the first date, it's really that simple and I wish guys would realize that and stop putting it on a pedestal. I see these hurt begging puppies sucking up and want to whack them over the head with a baseball bat. It's pathetic really.

The only ones I ignore are those that have huge financial requirements such as having to earn about 100k a year minimum. Not that I cannot win them over, I just don't like gold diggers on principle.

Pretty much what i do/think really :-)
Bit of an awkward situation I find myself in. I've been receiving messages from a girl, who to be honest, doesn't really seem to be my cup of tea. She's not directly asked me to meet up or anything yet, it's just general chat going back and forth. I've read her profile and from her messages she seems to have a nice personality, but from her pictures, I just don't find her physically attractive. I'm debating whether to

a.) meet up and give her a chance should it come up, she could look different in person,

b.) go along with the chat, and politely turn her down should she ask

c.) be honest with her now and tell her that I don't think she's for me and that she's wasting her time should she want something to come of this.

I know, I feel like a horrible, shallow *******. :( I haven't even done anything yet to warrant it, but I feel guilty as hell.

Go see her. If anything, you get dating experience.
How about an Ugly Betty type?

Now I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, however I'm not fugly either. Some of the people who message me just makes me want to reply and say, are you having a laugh?! :o
See this I don't get, from the pictures I've seen (Im not stalking honest) you are pretty, really shouldn't put yourself down.
If you weren't pretty would 5ub be stalking you?;)
I dont see how is she putting her self down? Shes just being ealistic shes pretty but no way is she the hottest girl ever so in my eyes shes where she needs to be! Thinking too good of your self is not good either
I dont see how is she putting her self down? Shes just being ealistic shes pretty but no way is she the hottest girl ever so in my eyes shes where she needs to be! Thinking too good of your self is not good either

Saying that your not pretty is not the same as saying im the hottest person in the world, i.e. my milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard.
Pretty can be found in many shades, to say you have no aspect of yourself that is pretty is putting yourself down, which she shouldn't do. To put it in context she is well out of my league, if I was the equator shed be somewhere in the northern hemisphere.

On a lighter note I've forgotten how long I've had these teeth whitening stripes in for.....
Expect illuminating teeth in the morning...
Saying that your not pretty is not the same as saying im the hottest person in the world, i.e. my milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard.
Pretty can be found in many shades, to say you have no aspect of yourself that is pretty is putting yourself down, which she shouldn't do. To put it in context she is well out of my league, if I was the equator shed be somewhere in the northern hemisphere.

Yeah but she didn't say there is no aspect of her that's pretty.... read her post. She says "I'm not the prettiest girl in the world", that's what she said... she didn't say "I'm not pretty". She just said she's not fugly, which is absolutely true! She isn't putting herself down at all.

Someone putting themselves down looks like this...

To put it in context she is well out of my league, if I was the equator shed be somewhere in the northern hemisphere.

See? See how it's different?
Yeah grudas and Zefan are right - I didn't say I'm not pretty, just not the prettiest :)

See this I don't get, from the pictures I've seen (Im not stalking honest) you are pretty, really shouldn't put yourself down.
If you weren't pretty would 5ub be stalking you?;)
Thanks :p
5UB doesn't stalk me anymore. He's got better things to do nowadays :(
I thought she was quite endearing in that show and tbh you can't say she was "ugly". I had a bit of a thing for her when I used to watch that on the odd occasion! :p
No no nooo I didn't mean America Ferrera was ugly at all! But I mean, if Ugly Betty was like a real life person - the dress sense, the glasses and the braces. Not really sexy is it :p
How do I link my OKCupid profile here? Doesn't seem to let me link properly. :confused:

Decide to check out something other than Match as the same women are starting to come up in searches.

Want Mischief and any other ladies here to have a look and offer some truths :p
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