Well I just started on POF, and a sort of aimed for the girls with more than a paragraph in there about me section. So got talking to this girl, seemed kinda nerdy, into computer games, hiking etc, seemed perfect. She looked cute on the pictures posted. So I asked out for a meal at a friends parents Chinese restaurant, she agrees, I'm over the moon this is the first date I've been on in about two years and I think I've pulled well above my weight.
Time for date comes around, I dress up in a Decent pair of Jeans, shirt and proper shoes, had my hair cut and even paid for a proper shave from my barber.
8pm rolls around, she's not there....
8:30pm rolls on and a girl not dissimilar walks in, I say not dissimilar to the pictures if the girl in the pictures had put on 80 odd pounds, I'm not exactly packing a six pack so I'm letting this slide maybe she's put on some weight from a previous break up, I ain't going to hold it against her.
I did specify that this restaurant is kinda posh and being as it was a date I'd ahve thought she'd have dressed up, nope trackies, dirty trainers and hair pulled back so tight i could make out the bone structure of her face...

Cue two minutes of awkward conversation with what I can only describe as a real life Vicky Pollard, my mate walks over to take our order, at this points she decides to scratch herself quite thoroughly in her lady never regions
Lets just say, I didn't follow up on the date..
Later Found out she'd used her sisters photos and my so called mates haven't let it drop since then, so when ever a chavette walks past they start trying to pull her for me