Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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maybe she's still thinking of you as a best friend, i.e. not good enough to be a boyfriend unless things go drastically wrong, you know the way women collect nice guys and date gits, until the clock starts ticking and suddenly they realize they guy they want has been there all the time.

Best friend when we had roughly 6 meetings in total?

If that's the case, time to get my number changed methinks :p
Friend approval when we barely know each other and her rebounding?
How do you know she's rebounding? Maybe she gets over relationships easily? Maybe she likes you that much that she keeps talking to her friend about you ;)

Or why don't you just ask her why she wanted to you come out and meet your friend.
Best friend when we had roughly 6 meetings in total?

If that's the case, time to get my number changed methinks :p

I didn't say it was a logical step, just one that I've noticed and happens to me quite regularly.
I actually have a nice condo set up in the friendzone, it has a swimming pool and everything.
My favorite line is "Aww, you'd make a great boyfriend but I don't want to ruin our friendship", which hurts a little more when she goes and dates an abusive guy.
But enough about me, the fact of the matter is you have to make a choice, do you a) see a future with this girl b) want to be actual friends with this women. If neither cut and run, as you could be chasing after something that may never happen and miss the obvious signs, that I can guarantee
I signed up to POF couple weeks ago after a friend was going on about it. So far met up with quite a few girls through it, Saturday had one in the morning and one at night.
Problem is trying to remember what each girl likes! :S

I always thought internet dating was kinda lame but if you play your cards right it's super easy to get chicks!
How do you know she's rebounding? Maybe she gets over relationships easily? Maybe she likes you that much that she keeps talking to her friend about you ;)

Or why don't you just ask her why she wanted to you come out and meet your friend.

I did ask her, she simply said that it would be nice for us to have lunch together. Now, I have 12 years dating experience and I know a vague answer when I see one. I also know that pushing would get me nowhere so I saved the energy and didn't bother. Won't text her now and wait and see what she does.
I didn't say it was a logical step, just one that I've noticed and happens to me quite regularly.
I actually have a nice condo set up in the friendzone, it has a swimming pool and everything.
My favorite line is "Aww, you'd make a great boyfriend but I don't want to ruin our friendship", which hurts a little more when she goes and dates an abusive guy.
But enough about me, the fact of the matter is you have to make a choice, do you a) see a future with this girl b) want to be actual friends with this women. If neither cut and run, as you could be chasing after something that may never happen and miss the obvious signs, that I can guarantee

Like hell will I chase after her. I'll date the current I have for a bit and see where it goes. Like I said, we're all but exclusive although I may have my suspicions.

Was just trying to figure out this girl's angle. I mean, call me old fashioned but you don't meet friends and family until you've dated a bit and at least think you got a shot at a proper relationship.
I'm on PoF now out of curiosity. Chatting with some really cool people at the moment actually - there seem to be a few nice "geek girls" on there, although there are LOADS of fake tan fanatics! :eek:
Can you folks please translate this for me from Womanese to English. I saw this random a while back. Followed it up with a date or two, things happened ... you know. Saw her again but she just got out of a long relationship so my experience told me she was rebounding so I stayed well clear and just had a bit of fun with her. Waited for her to get in touch rather than asking her out and so forth. In the mean time I met someone else and we're kinda exclusive(ish) right now.

So Friday she text me asking how I am, she's been away with work, etc etc, just chatting really. Then she said that a friend of hers is in town and she want me to meet her. Was a bit taken back since I kinda forgot about her. I made an excuse. Yesterday she text me inviting me out for dinner with her and her friend. Once more I made excuses. Today she text again saying that she REALLY want me to come out to lunch with them this afternoon and that her friend is leaving tomorrow. Was a bit like WTF is with this woman, but I said sure then, I'll come out and meet up since this really must be important. First I thought this was a setup to pawn me off on her friend but she was very overweight, very married and just found out she was expecting, so that was not it. Anyway, we met, had lunch, lovely chat and both were very witty and fun to be with. Had a 3 hour lunch then strolled through London and had coffee. I just got home.

What was that all about?

My translation:

"RandomGirl" has been talking to "PregnantGirl", catching up like friends do, possibly some time ago. The conversation turned to men as it always does with girls, and PG asks RG how's it goes, has she been seeing anyone etc? With PG seemingly living the life of Riley - married, expecting and all, RG feels a little embarrassed to say "ummmmm.... all quiet on that front, of late my gash has been drier than a cream cracker being blow-dried in the Sahaha :(". So instead she says, "yeah, there is this one bloke regulus, been kinda seeing him, you know... ;)". Or maybe even upgrades you to full-on boyfriend status - as I said, depends on when this conversation took place, whether she likes to exaggerate. A few steps up from an imaginary boyfriend. So anyway PG is under the impression RG has a bloke or at least a potential partner in the making, she wants to meet him while she's in London. Maybe RG talked him up a lot, who knows. As I opened with, it could be a case of embarrassment - RG didn't want PG thinking that this "regulus" was just another made up boyfriend like she had 3 years ago.
Well I just started on POF, and a sort of aimed for the girls with more than a paragraph in there about me section. So got talking to this girl, seemed kinda nerdy, into computer games, hiking etc, seemed perfect. She looked cute on the pictures posted. So I asked out for a meal at a friends parents Chinese restaurant, she agrees, I'm over the moon this is the first date I've been on in about two years and I think I've pulled well above my weight.
Time for date comes around, I dress up in a Decent pair of Jeans, shirt and proper shoes, had my hair cut and even paid for a proper shave from my barber.
8pm rolls around, she's not there....
8:30pm rolls on and a girl not dissimilar walks in, I say not dissimilar to the pictures if the girl in the pictures had put on 80 odd pounds, I'm not exactly packing a six pack so I'm letting this slide maybe she's put on some weight from a previous break up, I ain't going to hold it against her.
I did specify that this restaurant is kinda posh and being as it was a date I'd ahve thought she'd have dressed up, nope trackies, dirty trainers and hair pulled back so tight i could make out the bone structure of her face...:(
Cue two minutes of awkward conversation with what I can only describe as a real life Vicky Pollard, my mate walks over to take our order, at this points she decides to scratch herself quite thoroughly in her lady never regions:eek:

Lets just say, I didn't follow up on the date..
Later Found out she'd used her sisters photos and my so called mates haven't let it drop since then, so when ever a chavette walks past they start trying to pull her for me :(

hahaha oh brilliant. Post of the year.
My translation:

"RandomGirl" has been talking to "PregnantGirl", catching up like friends do, possibly some time ago. The conversation turned to men as it always does with girls, and PG asks RG how's it goes, has she been seeing anyone etc? With PG seemingly living the life of Riley - married, expecting and all, RG feels a little embarrassed to say "ummmmm.... all quiet on that front, of late my gash has been drier than a cream cracker being blow-dried in the Sahaha :(". So instead she says, "yeah, there is this one bloke regulus, been kinda seeing him, you know... ;)". Or maybe even upgrades you to full-on boyfriend status - as I said, depends on when this conversation took place, whether she likes to exaggerate. A few steps up from an imaginary boyfriend. So anyway PG is under the impression RG has a bloke or at least a potential partner in the making, she wants to meet him while she's in London. Maybe RG talked him up a lot, who knows. As I opened with, it could be a case of embarrassment - RG didn't want PG thinking that this "regulus" was just another made up boyfriend like she had 3 years ago.

Genuine LOL from me :D

Now what do you make of this.

'Thanks for a lovely afternoon and great company. Was nice to meet you'

This came from the friend and not RandomGirl, but from RandomGirl's phone.

Seriously, I'm so glad I'm a guy sometimes and NOT have to live in a female's head where bugger all ever seems to make sense.
shes a married fat preggo girl that wants you to cheat on her husband with her with whom she's having a tough time with

yeeeh my magic powers strike again.
Do you guys tend to message girls who you think are in your own 'league', or do you try and punch above your weight and message girls who you think are slightly/way out of your league?
Do you guys tend to message girls who you think are in your own 'league', or do you try and punch above your weight and message girls who you think are slightly/way out of your league?

Hadn't thought about it that way, I just message people I find interesting.
I message everyone, well anyone i find attractive, i really dont care if they are out of my league, i mean thats a load of rubbish anyway, look at Flavio Briatore for instance
Do you guys tend to message girls who you think are in your own 'league', or do you try and punch above your weight and message girls who you think are slightly/way out of your league?

Short answer, yes. I email anyone.

Well call me arrogant but I don't think any girl is out of my league, or ANY guy's league. Some are just harder to win over, that's about the only difference. Amongst the good genes and pretty facades they're just as confused as they 'uglier' girls. Take a look at the pic I posted of the current girl I'm seeing a few pages back. She's not exactly ugly and turned up at our date with tons of confidence. Long story short, she cannot decide which pizza she wants, she cannot decide which movie she wants to see, she cannot decide what to wear. She cannot decide on anything and confusion reigns in her head. I practically see her eyes dart around in utter dismay when she's confronted with two choices. Right now she's struggling to be in MY league of what I want in a girl, and she edge me out on looks.

Ugly, pretty, skinny, fat, all the same.

All it takes is a nice pic to reel them in and 15min of charm, wit and making them laugh on the first date, it's really that simple and I wish guys would realize that and stop putting it on a pedestal. I see these hurt begging puppies sucking up and want to whack them over the head with a baseball bat. It's pathetic really.

The only ones I ignore are those that have huge financial requirements such as having to earn about 100k a year minimum. Not that I cannot win them over, I just don't like gold diggers on principle.
Do you guys tend to message girls who you think are in your own 'league', or do you try and punch above your weight and message girls who you think are slightly/way out of your league?

tbh, I think my league pretty much covers the deaf, blind and dumb hence why I'm very surpised when an actual attractive girl replys/messages me :D
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