Sigh, this is exactly what I am talking about... people just don't seem to click.
I know it was a joke, you know it was a joke, his pet chinchilla probably knows it was a joke. But re-read what I said... you have two or three messages to sell yourself to this multitude of attention-deficient women with 5000 guys in her area to potentially message or get messages from, many of which probably have better photos than you have, which on the shallowest level means they have to say less impressive things than you to get her interest, and you have to say more impressive things than they do to compensate. Do you seriously, honestly, genuinely think that they want to see even
light-hearted messages about grey hair, which they immediately and subconsciously associate with old age and fading masculinity... of all the puns you can think to make in this world
that's the one you deliver?
We are not (especially on POF) generally talking about the cream of the UK's lady crop here; we are not talking about people that as a rule veer to the flippant and ironic side of life, or people that even pick up on the subtleties of the written word. Target your audience, understand what they likely want to read, and write accordingly. Worry about being ironic about your looks later when the hook has been set.
The FACT is, that if you have been on multiple websites, and had no luck getting past the initial conversation stages, then you are not appealing to the fancy, ideals or imagination (however loosely the term may often be applied) of the opposite sex, and the reason for this is rarely just looks unless you really were unlucky enough to fall out of the ugly tree and hit every branch, which I
haven't seen much evidence of in this thread, and certainly not with paradisiac.
But sure what do I know... I obviously have zero experience with this, i'm just some epic stud on his mile high horse.