So Iv'e been talking to a girl on OKCupid for a week and a bit and we finally met today and yeah... I'm seriously punching above my weight, but what was supposed to be meeting for a coffee and that's it turned into coffee, a lap round the local lake then laying on the grass for 4 hours just talking (I'm really sun burnt >.<). We got a long absolutely great and it's clear to see this can go some where, but when we parted company it was a bit awkward as she blatantly wanted me to go in for a kiss but we ended up just hugging and I gave her a kiss on the head (she's 5ft 1") as I think it makes me look a bit desperate snogging each others faces off hours after meeting! I told her I would message her online about going out later in the week which is fine, but thinking about leaving it till tommorow evening before I message her

First online dating date so trying to learn online dating etiquette I guess