Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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As long as you haven't taken the curvy out of my league chick in Plymouth and the Zelda chick in Cornwall then I am happy for you :D

I wish I had boobs. That seems to be the way to go.
As long as you haven't taken the curvy out of my league chick in Plymouth and the Zelda chick in Cornwall then I am happy for you :D

I wish I had boobs. That seems to be the way to go.

haha wont touch a Plymouth lass, oh no, never again :p

I had breasts for a short while, they didn't last.
Don't know if im hopeless or the females are shallow that have viewed me. I started out on POF not mentioning the fact I had a type of muscular dystrophy, got loads of nibbles. Then to be honest I told a girl before we met and she lost her mind, all kinds of garbage about me being a liar and so on. Told her because well 50% of people notice when they see me in person the other 50% have to be told. So I thought be up front, my mistake she thought my up front was a false front apparently.

So I rewrote my profile and included it in there but also the fact that long walks, moutain biking and most kinds of everyday normal stuff are normal for me too I just have to make more effort in some areas. Just made sure it was known im paralysed from knee down both legs and carbon fibre makes it possible for me to walk. Took all the surprises away that a girl could say I was hiding behind a computer for.

Now im as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip, I would not mind but im probably in better health that a lot my age simply due to weight training and such to keep the muscular dystrophy in check and make the most of life.

The muscular dystrophy; its never been a problem when I went out had no problem with the ladies but mention it on there and im public enemy number 1.

So how do I do this, do I take the mention of muscular dystrophy out and be called a liar when I have to tell them or do I remain forever a rattle snake in the lucky dip.
Don't know if im hopeless or the females are shallow that have viewed me. I started out on POF not mentioning the fact I had a type of muscular dystrophy, got loads of nibbles. Then to be honest I told a girl before we met and she lost her mind, all kinds of garbage about me being a liar and so on. Told her because well 50% of people notice when they see me in person the other 50% have to be told. So I thought be up front, my mistake she thought my up front was a false front apparently.

So I rewrote my profile and included it in there but also the fact that long walks, moutain biking and most kinds of everyday normal stuff are normal for me too I just have to make more effort in some areas. Just made sure it was known im paralysed from knee down both legs and carbon fibre makes it possible for me to walk. Took all the surprises away that a girl could say I was hiding behind a computer for.

Now im as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip, I would not mind but im probably in better health that a lot my age simply due to weight training and such to keep the muscular dystrophy in check and make the most of life.

The muscular dystrophy; its never been a problem when I went out had no problem with the ladies but mention it on there and im public enemy number 1.

So how do I do this, do I take the mention of muscular dystrophy out and be called a liar when I have to tell them or do I remain forever a rattle snake in the lucky dip.
Don't mention it in the profile, it's not like you have to give out personal information to anybody.

Anybody who would have a problem with it if you decided to tell them you are better off without.
Don't know if im hopeless or the females are shallow that have viewed me. I started out on POF not mentioning the fact I had a type of muscular dystrophy, got loads of nibbles. Then to be honest I told a girl before we met and she lost her mind, all kinds of garbage about me being a liar and so on. Told her because well 50% of people notice when they see me in person the other 50% have to be told. So I thought be up front, my mistake she thought my up front was a false front apparently.

So I rewrote my profile and included it in there but also the fact that long walks, moutain biking and most kinds of everyday normal stuff are normal for me too I just have to make more effort in some areas. Just made sure it was known im paralysed from knee down both legs and carbon fibre makes it possible for me to walk. Took all the surprises away that a girl could say I was hiding behind a computer for.

Now im as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip, I would not mind but im probably in better health that a lot my age simply due to weight training and such to keep the muscular dystrophy in check and make the most of life.

The muscular dystrophy; its never been a problem when I went out had no problem with the ladies but mention it on there and im public enemy number 1.

So how do I do this, do I take the mention of muscular dystrophy out and be called a liar when I have to tell them or do I remain forever a rattle snake in the lucky dip.

Leon one thing you will need to accept is that having a disability, and speaking specifically in terms of online dating, is that it will often potentially cause an adverse reaction, however unreasonable, in the opposite sex. Women by nature are mentally programmed to seek out the best partner they can in terms of physical and genetical condition for their offspring, and what I wrote earlier in terms of many of the girls shallowly flicking through profiles and regarding or disregarding people based on a few main criteria stands in your case too.

Your disability may be minimal and barely noticeable, you may be fit and otherwise active (probably mroe than most blokes I imagine, including me), and your personality nicer than 99% of the men on there... but as long as it is written in your profile that you have a disability, it will put off the main bulk of the women on the site and serve as a trigger for them to move to the next one. Of course there will be some girls who will look beyond that, but on a site like POF they will be few and far between, and I would suggest either not getting too worked up by that fact (easier said than done im sure), or stick with leaving it out of your profile and working it into the conversation once interest has been gained. Reactions will vary obviously, but you may get chatting to a good girl who won't use that to cut contact.

The girl you quoted as going mental when she found out was obviously one of the aformentioned types, and a complete muppet in the way she overreacted, but her reaction is typical (if not in the way she was accusing you of being dishonest, thats bullocks) of what I am talking about. I really recommend using other sites like OlCupid (or whatever its called) or some of the better paid dating sites, because they do generally contain a higher standard of woman due to the fees, than free sites like POF which have a lot of undesirables as it's free. I would wager that on the good paid sites you can keep the same profile you have now with mentioning a disability, and have better results.

Good luck with it, and i'm sure with effort and patience you'll meet someone worthy of you in the not too distant future. :)
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I would say working the disability into the conversation would be better than listing it in your profile. like you say, it doesn't really affect your day to day life, but most people see a disability as something bad and move on. at least in conversation you can explain and most people will listen. obviously you will get the odd numpty like your last one that is so uneducated they weren't worth meeting anyway.
ok, i know its early days and all. but after my months of nothingness and now a kind of out of the blue popularity, i would like some advice.

the people im talking to are all nice in their own way, but obvs there is a favourite. how to you politely let the others know that you are no longer interested if the favourite happens to turn out well?

i am nowhere near this situation arising yet, but like to be prepaired :p
you dont have to tell them "hey im not interested" just keep chatting but keep it in the "Friend zone" you said you want new friends too.. so?! keep at it :)
Just tell them mate!

I was in this exact same situation and i just messaged/texted the relevant ladies and told them that i really didnt see things going anywhere but its been lovely chatting etc, hope theres no hard feelings.

I only had 1 negative reply and that was along the lines of " what so you string me along and now drop me, no one drops me!"

She was a bit of a swamp donkey to be honest so it wasnt any great loss.

Be honest mate, you never know whats down the line, you might rekindle something with one of them in the future.
Really? You need telling? Are you the socially awkward penguin reincarnate or something? :p Just tell them that you've enjoyed talking to them, but you feel they're not right for you, bid them farewell and good luck, and ride off in to the sunset of your trusty steed.
you dont have to tell them "hey im not interested" just keep chatting but keep it in the "Friend zone" you said you want new friends too.. so?! keep at it :)

yeh, but how do you subtly let them know its only a friend thing? im all up for making friends, although be a bit odd if all my friends were female :p
yeh, but how do you subtly let them know its only a friend thing? im all up for making friends, although be a bit odd if all my friends were female :p

i dunno man its natural for me :D i just keep chatting but don't go over the line.. for e.g. now i chat with girls and some of them are giving hits but im just keeping my distance as im really not in to it :D
Really? You need telling? Are you the socially awkward penguin reincarnate or something? :p Just tell them that you've enjoyed talking to them, but you feel they're not right for you, bid them farewell and good luck, and ride off in to the sunset of your trusty steed.

im not socially awkward, just well, i don't like upsetting people, so wanted advice on the nicest way of saying 'i like you and all, but i have found someone better than you, so lets just me mates if that's kool' :p

obvs that statement was not what i would say ;)
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