Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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What makes you think MoNkeE isn't my real name and Wills is just a pseudonym? :mad:

Para, what site you using? Gotta make sure I'm signing up to the right one...........

Edit: you sure you're not socially awkward penguin? I'd be after SMS of teddies straight away!

haha only POF actively, although i have other accounts floating around.

well, my philosophy is, if your crazy your no good :p
im getting to that stage now where im thinking I might have to ignore people as I am getting confused who im talking to :o and I don't want to be 'that guy'
I've had two messages in my first hour so far. One made me almost throw my monitor out the window, the other is like an ugly version of that chick from Heavenly Sword.

Still, at least people are looking at me............? Right.....?!
I've had two messages in my first hour so far. One made me almost throw my monitor out the window, the other is like an ugly version of that chick from Heavenly Sword.

Still, at least people are looking at me............? Right.....?!

oh yes, there are plent of fuglies on there :p I have like 50 views, and I would say 10-15 of them you would be happy seeing in the light :p

I do not mean that in a derogatory way at all, I am sure they have inner beauty, but as this is an online thing, pics are the main thing right? im feeling shallow now :(
few years ago i got chatting to some girl from northern ireland on plenty of fish, after a few weeks of msg's she phoned me up...
i couldnt understand a word she was saying so i hung up and blocked her :/ sorry Karen if you read this :)
few years ago i got chatting to some girl from northern ireland on plenty of fish, after a few weeks of msg's she phoned me up...
i couldnt understand a word she was saying so i hung up and blocked her :/ sorry Karen if you read this :)

Hahahaha!!! Admittedly its been 5 years of friends from NI and I still can hardly understand them on the phone :p

Then again sometimes its hard face to face...
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I tidied myself up and never got this comment :(

I seem to be getting a fair few messages thanks to you guys (and obvs gals ;) ) guidance. I guess women like shades and stubble (well most women :mad:)
Aw I'm sorry :( MoNkeE and I go way back. I've had a crush on him ever since I first joined this forum.

few years ago i got chatting to some girl from northern ireland on plenty of fish, after a few weeks of msg's she phoned me up...
i couldnt understand a word she was saying so i hung up and blocked her :/ sorry Karen if you read this :)
Mean :eek:
I have a Scottish guy who's interested in me at the moment (he wanted to meet up tonight but I very kindly declined :o) and I really struggle to understand his accent :p
I signed up for Match and spent £90 for 3 months access. Nothing come of it either due to the woman who messaged or the women who didn't reply. Those who did then showed me fb and I show the actual photos.

POF I went on 3 dates with one girl who I got on great with in the 1st two dates. 3rd date she was a borefest and neither of us enjoyed it so neither of us text each other again.

I'm at the point where I honestly can't be bothered. You send a message and they don't bother replying. What's the point of spending 10 minutes thinking of a custom, interesting message if it's a waste of time? This includes Northern girls living down South (like myself) who are into the same things as me (skiing, rock climbing, etc) and don't reply. Madness.
So apparently asking how someone is doing, this is a suitable response within 3 messages:
"I was covered after I went paintballing! I'm okay, got some bad news about one of my grandads today but I'm trying to keep positive :)"

So apparently asking how someone is doing, this is a suitable response within 3 messages:
"I was covered after I went paintballing! I'm okay, got some bad news about one of my grandads today but I'm trying to keep positive :)"


damn, although she might want a shoulder to cry on ;)

seriously though, damn. way too soon. I seem to get them messaging, first 3-4 messages are good and seem normal, then they start making it really difficult, they never ask things, they expect me to keep thinking of stuff to keep the convo moving. is this normal?
I signed up for Match and spent £90 for 3 months access. Nothing come of it either due to the woman who messaged or the women who didn't reply. Those who did then showed me fb and I show the actual photos.

POF I went on 3 dates with one girl who I got on great with in the 1st two dates. 3rd date she was a borefest and neither of us enjoyed it so neither of us text each other again.

I'm at the point where I honestly can't be bothered. You send a message and they don't bother replying. What's the point of spending 10 minutes thinking of a custom, interesting message if it's a waste of time? This includes Northern girls living down South (like myself) who are into the same things as me (skiing, rock climbing, etc) and don't reply. Madness.

Why are you wasting 10 minutes of your time thinking of something to write to them <-------- Here lies your problem.

If you get to the bottom of their profile and haven't thought of a single interesting thing to write, leave it for another time or don't bother?

Not really madness, could be a number of reasons for them being on the site (number one reason: the ego stroke).
I have a Scottish guy who's interested in me at the moment (he wanted to meet up tonight but I very kindly declined :o) and I really struggle to understand his accent :p

You're being too vague, it's only certain areas that have ruff accents, the rest of us sound normal. :D
So guy 2 has just asked me if I want to go round to his his for dinner tomorrow or he can come and meet me if I've not got any plans...
I said I have no plans, but don't know if I have the energy to go out.... Does that sound like a blatent excuse? I didn't really want to say "my feelings haven't changed, I don't want to be anything more than just friends" as that just seems mean.. he could just be wanting to meet up as friends, but I feel a bit uncomfortable about it :o
Ughh this guy is now asking me to go out on Sat night. Seriously, how can I politely decline again? He knows I've got nothing planned... So what excuse can I come up with this time?

I can't just say, "I'm sorry to keep declining you.. I'm happy to go out as friends but I don't want a relationship"... he might turn around and say "I don't want a relationship either, I'm just asking you to go out as friends"... then it'll be awkward :o
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