Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Thanks for the feedback I appreciate all opinions. Could you please define “cooler looking photos” though please?

With regards to the bow tie photo, that was a tux evening onboard a cruise ship, it isn’t my normal evening out attire :p I don’t have that many recent pictures of myself other than those, as I spend most of the time the other side of the camera. I know they look geeky, but that is part of who I am, so this will show in any photo of me.

The writing style was not meant to alienate women who may read it, I’m quite surprised that is how you interpreted it. Ultimately though, I would like to find a woman of similar character, who can construct sentences and hold a proper conversation and ideally likes at least one of the same hobbies as me such as photography.

read my post ;) think i pretty much got what you were going for :p

cooler pics, as in out and about doing something, or in shades with stubble, cant beat shades and stubble :p
I have been on it about a month now and I am failing epicly, , although I literally made my profile in less than 5 minutes. I message quite a few girls, I have conversations of about 5-10 messages and it just stops, sometimes even 1-2 messages and they stop responding....hmm
I have been on it about a month now and I am failing epicly, , although I literally made my profile in less than 5 minutes. I message quite a few girls, I have conversations of about 5-10 messages and it just stops, sometimes even 1-2 messages and they stop responding....hmm

this was how mine went for ages (about 4 months) now they cant get enough of me :p
I have been on it about a month now and I am failing epicly, , although I literally made my profile in less than 5 minutes. I message quite a few girls, I have conversations of about 5-10 messages and it just stops, sometimes even 1-2 messages and they stop responding....hmm
Hmm maybe you're not making enough conversation or asking questions so the girls get bored and stop replying :p Link to profile plz.
I was just about to delete my profile and start over; new and such and I get a nibble from on who read my original profile.

So to to be going on with things I just edited out the offending information.

Still any advice,, im no damn good at this. When I first thought about it I was like oh its going to be easy, then writing a profile its not.

Been using POF on and off since 2009, total fail for me so far.

have to get dating or daughter says she will put me on ebay.
Just been through your profile - a few typos and you seem a bit cold, like "take it or leave it" kind of personality but that could just be me reading too much into it..

Not sure about "I don't tend to send the first message because I am rather clueless as to what to say first off, please if you do like what you see here say hello." - saying you don't tend to send the first message won't really make a difference. If you don't know what to say first off, ladies might think you struggle to hold a conversation when you do eventually start talking.

I would remove what you've put in your 'First Date' section: "Anything, mutual aggrement on something; and it's not a date is it?, we see if we actually gel and like eachother then we date, makes sense." - sounds like you're trying to protect your own back in case you meet a crazy or something.
thing that puzzles me is, why do people use dating sites? most of the people i actually have a conversation with seem like nice people that could get a guy down the pub or something.
I'mma sign up at some point myself. I'm really confident, out going and attractive. I just don't meet new people very often :)
Some people just don't pull on nights out; I've only ever done it a few times myself. Tbh, I enjoy meeting people over the medium of the Internet - it's so totally random :)
thing that puzzles me is, why do people use dating sites? most of the people i actually have a conversation with seem like nice people that could get a guy down the pub or something.
I think with me it's because I don't really get the chance to meet new people when I'm out and about. Im usually out with one or two friends and we rarely go to bars and stuff. Mostly cinema, shopping, restaurants... I'm hardly going to meet someone in those places :p

I'm also quite a cautious person. I always think the worst of people (bad I know..) and whenever I get approached by someone in a bar or something, I instantly think they're a 'player' or just out to get laid :o

Just noticed your avatar 'name' Wills..... Salacious Crumb??!!? :p
Same as Mischief (or Tina, if we're getting personal :mad:) - my friends aren't big drinkers and I'm too much of a health freak for it. So I go to work, the gym, cinema, round the shops..... Not ideal locations for horribly cheesy chat up lines :)

And shhhhhhhh! :p
Some people just don't pull on nights out; I've only ever done it a few times myself. Tbh, I enjoy meeting people over the medium of the Internet - it's so totally random :)

i suppose. i must be broke as i think different :p i much rather prefer meeting people face to face. and in my younger days did well.

I think with me it's because I don't really get the chance to meet new people when I'm out and about. Im usually out with one or two friends and we rarely go to bars and stuff. Mostly cinema, shopping, restaurants... I'm hardly going to meet someone in those places :p

I'm also quite a cautious person. I always think the worst of people (bad I know..) and whenever I get approached by someone in a bar or something, I instantly think they're a 'player' or just out to get laid :o

ah, now see the player thing never occurred to me, that is probably the main reason. although some of the people on these sites to give the impression they are the female versions, not sure what a polite term for this is :o
Same as Mischief (or Tina, if we're getting personal :mad:) - my friends aren't big drinkers and I'm too much of a health freak for it. So I go to work, the gym, cinema, round the shops..... Not ideal locations for horribly cheesy chat up lines :)

And shhhhhhhh! :p
Oh I'm sorry MoNkeE, won't call you by your real name then! :mad:

I think the worse place I've been chatted up in was probably on a train.... It was a long day and the guy just wouldn't shut the hell up! Longest train journey ever :o
Oh I'm sorry MoNkeE, won't call you by your real name then! :mad:

I think the worse place I've been chatted up in was probably on a train.... It was a long day and the guy just wouldn't shut the hell up! Longest train journey ever :o

now now you 2, play nice ;)

i got attacked on my way to work once. was quite scary. she asked for directions to the station, i told her and she insisted on giving me hug and kiss and her phone number. needless to say i never followed it up.
What makes you think MoNkeE isn't my real name and Wills is just a pseudonym? :mad:

Para, what site you using? Gotta make sure I'm signing up to the right one...........

Edit: you sure you're not socially awkward penguin? I'd be after SMS of teddies straight away!
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