Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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mischief (or anyone, but I think a female would have more weight with the answer) do you save the compliments on a woman's looks for when you meet up? I mean, its less creepy saying 'you look nice' when you meet them than 'you look nice in your pics' when talking over the net, even if you have been talking for ages.
Ummmm I'm probs not the best person to ask. I don't take compliments very well, I get all embarrassed and don't know how to respond :o

Sometimes you don't have to verbally compliment someone to let them know you think they're hahhht. Some guys would just stare at me and smile like they've been hypnotised. I find that funny, but also a little creepy at the same time :D :o

Anyway, why you thinking so much into compliments and 'saving' them anyway? If you think they look nice, tell them. Why the need to wait?
Tread real careful here as to a Doris you saying you look nice in your pics is like saying You don't look nice in real life.
Personally I wait until they ask what attracted me to them & then I say I don't really know there was just something that drew me to you, They Love all that **** :p

It's a minefield though as If a Doris asks you why you like her & you say you like your Doris with Brown hair & big jugs she'll ditch you as she'll think she is competing with your X/X's.

Never say you have a type no matter what !!!

You lot owe me you do know that don't you ? :p

ah yes, luckily the only thing that links my exes is they were all female so they had the usual body parts, other than that they could have been more different, so a don't have a 'type'. I thought it was something best left for that first meeting, but started to think, its been a few days now, I have complimented her personality, but not mentioned her looks, and maybe they see that as a bad thing.

Ah yes, but my last attempt at a little light hearted quip about online gaming, didn't quite go as planned.....

Well its now on my profile with some accompanying text.....

haha yeh, that wasn't a great move :p
The girls are wet already.

Ummmm I'm probs not the best person to ask. I don't take compliments very well, I get all embarrassed and don't know how to respond :o

really, even after the amount you must get you still get :o about it

Sometimes you don't have to verbally compliment someone to let them know you think they're hahhht. Some guys would just stare at me and smile like they've been hypnotised. I find that funny, but also a little creepy at the same time :D :o

hehe the googly eyed look :p I can imagine most men do that

Anyway, why you thinking so much into compliments and 'saving' them anyway? If you think they look nice, tell them. Why the need to wait?

I don't know, my silly over thinking again I guess. don't want to go in with 'you look nice' or something less odd :o and scare them off. but when you meet, its always easy to say, as well, its the polite thing to do.
some do some don't you can't say all of them do.. :D it makes me look older and all and i just shave it off every 3-5 days.. grows slow tho ;D im 21 after all :o

haha I have like a 3 day growth :mad: im not fussed either way. must admit I get more luck with it, plus it saves me having to shave daily :p

what I would give to be 21 again :(
ah its not no, but a 29 dating an 18-23 year old is wrong :p im stuck with the 25-32 sort of range ;) plus, im going grey, that's never a good look :p

damn.. why does it bother me when 16-18 year olds are all over me then?! :o i should just go for it.. its legal so w/e :o
damn.. why does it bother me when 16-18 year olds are all over me then?! :o i should just go for it.. its legal so w/e :o

haha yeh, 16-18 is one of those age ranges that can go either way. they are either really really immature, or they act 25. there doesn't seem to be a middle ground (in my experience) when they hit 18-21 its a lot better (apart from the thing with the letter z, but that seems to be spreading to 21-30s now too :mad:)
You keep mentioning this letter "Z"...... do enlighten me as to what you are refering to :p
haha yeh, 16-18 is one of those age ranges that can go either way. they are either really really immature, or they act 25. there doesn't seem to be a middle ground (in my experience) when they hit 18-21 its a lot better (apart from the thing with the letter z, but that seems to be spreading to 21-30s now too :mad:)

letter z? i dunno i guess i should give it a go i do get on well with them.. but it just feels wrong even tho it isn't... eh :D
You keep mentioning this letter "Z"...... do enlighten me as to what you are refering to :p


Only bout 3 :p I have a habit of looking though the profiles and thinking they're either a swamp donkey, an alcoholic, or too far out my league :D

Tru m8, but it woz well worf it, my bezzies are my lyfff!

haha it is weird how quickly you jump to conclusions on how people are from the little bit of text (and the strangely odd pictures) people use.

but your right, bezzies are wat livin iz 4. cant hav fun wivoot ma bezzies around.

my reference to being clever with text like you seem to be, to add humour, and then it just sounding wrong. I think you should have a gander at HankScorpio profile and dish out some hints, because I missed all the humour in it. I saw it was meant to be there, but seemed worded wrong in some way. he could use your guidance.

the classy birds like to use the letter 'Z' a lot, aswell as 'V'. suppose its like the 'Doris' thing, I blanket all the classy ones with the name 'Z' girls :p
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it does feel wrong, but when you get to my age you wish you had taken the opportunity (well 17-19) more

yeah 16 is just over the limit.. :O but who cares time flies and she will soon be 17! but it would be funny dating someone younger than my little brother :D i get the Z thing now.. i hate that sooo much puts me right off.. and trust me in my age group i have to put up with this a lot..
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