Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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That's what I think, So I stop sending them messages as I think they're either just being polite/not interested only for me to get "hey, what are you up to?" a few hours down the line.

for example, I've just wrote a few sentences about what I'm considering doing over the new few months (nothing long), then I get "You seem like my kinda guy xxx", I can't seem to respond to stuff like that, is it me or is it damn hard or near impossible?

It's not just you. I find that there are a lot of people signed up to these kind of sites but people are looking for others who have better standards so people have something to aim higher for to boost themselves.
Time for an update I think.
It's been four months and I'm still with the same woman. :eek:
The issues we had at the beginning have vanished now she realises I'm in no way like her last boyfriend. (problems with trust)
We are definitely in this for the long term and her kids love me too.
One of them called me dad today. :o
\o/ On top of the world
with the rubbish replies. i've had this too lately, i send what could be considered an essay (an essay of gold ;) ) and all i get back is "haha yeah. you're cute btw."

i can only guess these are fake profiles, but then they'd have an aim surely which hasn't been shown with a rubbish reply.
with the rubbish replies. i've had this too lately, i send what could be considered an essay (an essay of gold ;) ) and all i get back is "haha yeah. you're cute btw."

i can only guess these are fake profiles, but then they'd have an aim surely which hasn't been shown with a rubbish reply.

Or could it be - (this is what I have concluded in the brief time since I started posting in this thread) that these women that we thoughtfully get in touch with are so inundated with messages that they are merely too busy to reply likewise and so, have to resort to short messages that ultimately keep us interested/intrigued/confused (delete as applicable) whilst they whittle down their numerous potential suitors to a select few...
perhaps. it's a difficult world online dating. guys have to spend ages reading a profile, making messages unique and show that you've taken an interest in person, to then either get ignored, or a reply that is completely empty of any useful content, and who can blame the person as they prob get 20+ messages a day from guys who all seem so great yet so boring as by now they've heard it all many times over.

it all then comes down to simply do they like your picture or not, so you make effort for them to really ignore the message and just view your image, but for them to moan if you don't post anything longer then just hey how is it going.

I doubt a girl even cares if you don't match their preferences, if they don't like guys who like football, but find this good looking guy who does, i bet most will not care as at this point it's hard to tell do they really love it, just put it to seem fun and a 'guy' etc. I know when i see a chick with interested not related to mine, they all go out the window when i see a picture of her great rack.

to make it simpler, pof should simplify the dating, make it so the only thing you can find out about a person if what they look like, if you like them then you send them your pictures, if they like you then they accept and you can now send messages. will save a lot fo wasted time spent on making pointless unique message that will just get ignored.
The girl who was interested that I met while out is now playing the hot/cold game. Well, that one has been given the boot :/ Oh well, lets see what else turns up, onwards! :)
perhaps. it's a difficult world online dating. guys have to spend ages reading a profile, making messages unique and show that you've taken an interest in person, to then either get ignored, or a reply that is completely empty of any useful content, and who can blame the person as they prob get 20+ messages a day from guys who all seem so great yet so boring as by now they've heard it all many times over.

it all then comes down to simply do they like your picture or not, so you make effort for them to really ignore the message and just view your image, but for them to moan if you don't post anything longer then just hey how is it going.

I doubt a girl even cares if you don't match their preferences, if they don't like guys who like football, but find this good looking guy who does, i bet most will not care as at this point it's hard to tell do they really love it, just put it to seem fun and a 'guy' etc. I know when i see a chick with interested not related to mine, they all go out the window when i see a picture of her great rack.

to make it simpler, pof should simplify the dating, make it so the only thing you can find out about a person if what they look like, if you like them then you send them your pictures, if they like you then they accept and you can now send messages. will save a lot fo wasted time spent on making pointless unique message that will just get ignored.

Eh? The purpose of a dating website is to act as a billboard (something you don't get in real life anymore) and advertise yourself (interests included).

We've been over this, myspacers and desperation shots only work on the young and immature/less experienced online daters.

We guys do the 3 star check:
Are they ugly? No move to next step
Are they interesting? Yes
Are they articulate? Na bu who cares shes got a gr8 rack :D :P
The girl who was interested that I met while out is now playing the hot/cold game. Well, that one has been given the boot :/ Oh well, lets see what else turns up, onwards! :)

Daft isn't it. :/ It's naff I'm running out of interesting ones to message, that number wasn't large to start with though. :p
Daft isn't it. :/ It's naff I'm running out of interesting ones to message, that number wasn't large to start with though. :p

Yep. Back to nada again. Not really worried but it is another case of stringing a guy along to see if anything better comes up.
well the dating sites wouldn't even accept me!

Daft isn't it. :/ It's naff I'm running out of interesting ones to message, that number wasn't large to start with though. :p

I'm in the same boat really, I've kept trying with one as she seemed ok at the start only for the one liners to keep persisting. I even got this before.

her -"Do you have facebook? :) x"

me - "yeah, :)"

her - "found you ;)"

me - ":O add me then :)"

her - "nope :) ha"

me - ":O how come?"

her - "because I can ;) x"

Absolutely no idea how to respond to that. I'm not someone who likes the whole chase thing if that's what she's after.. nuts.
I'm in the same boat really, I've kept trying with one as she seemed ok at the start only for the one liners to keep persisting. I even got this before.

her - "because I can ;) x"

Absolutely no idea how to respond to that. I'm not someone who likes the whole chase thing if that's what she's after.. nuts.

There's just no need for that crap, so annoying. Just move on tbh.
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