I think that profile is a great example of what not to do.
You look like the 'creepy geek guy' in all of your photos. You give way too much info in your profile description when the fact of the matter is 100% of people are going to judge you on your photos and wont give a damn what you write. However because you've written so much they'll probably get the impression you are needy and desperate. You listed IT and games in your interests which isn't going to get the women bending over backwards to meet you. Saying you want a long term relationship is also a mistake, regardless of whether you want one or not - be cool enough to be able to say you want to date only and if it leads to more than that so be it.
Hopefully you appreciate honesty
Anyway here's what i'd suggest.
Get a picture of you smiling properly.
Change the description to a paragraph at most, basically you're trying to give the impression you didn't have time to write any more than that because of your uber cool social life! You're just to busy having fun!
Get rid of the geeky activities from your profile. VERY rare that a girl wants a computer game playing I.T enthusiast to bring home to Mom or show off to their friends. (obviously you can introduce these things to any girls slowly over time, hitting them with it all at once isn't going to work)