Invasion (Apple TV)

actually latest ep doesn't even seem that bad tbh, quite enjoyed it even but I ha watched startrek discovery earlier in the day which probably set my expectations for what's entertaining to a really low bar
Traveling from Afghanistan to London during an alien invasion with no means of transportation...hardly an inconvenience, just a simple stroll from one scene into another.
I kinda hate myself for continuing to watch this.
It has almost nothing going for it, except maybe good production values.

8 Eps in and we know NOTHING !!!!

Also the most hate-able characters in TV history?
Ok, maybe not that bad, but they're all pretty damn awful.

I particularly dislike...
* Soldier guy who shouts and point his gun and screams orders at almost everyone he meets.
* Japanese scientist who will literally trample over anyone and say and do anything to get her own way.

They couldn't have made it more unwatchable if they tried.
And yet here I am... watching it.

But I swear to god, if they save the day with love of some other touchy feely B$, there'll be hell to pay :mad:
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I wouldn't say I hate this, I watch it every week, and like others here, I'm waiting (hoping) for a decent payoff, but I don't think it will happen; cliffhanger for season 2?

I very much dislike the American soldier and not too keen on the Doctor, or more precisely, the Doctor's husband, who needs to be killed off painfully. I like the English schoolkids story and hope the bully kid comes back, at least he had a little bit of character growth. The Japanese side of things I can take to leave.
It is definitely a challenge. I'm struggling to care for any of the characters and as above actively disliking most of the principals.

I forget, was Sam Neill in this ....
What an utter pile of crap this show is. Who are all the characters? Why should we care? All I remember is the spaced out Doctor, the abusive soldier who hates everything, and the kid who needs a sugar fix
As slow as it is to build up to /anything/ I'm still enjoying things unfold. It's pretty clear what they are doing with the slowness though and that the characters shown from around the world are not just random stories. Their roles are coming together as we have now started to see so I'm intrigued as to how their roles combine and for what purpose.

The peeps at JASA it's pretty obvious but the rest I'm not so sure about so will keep watching.

Also interested to find out why some kids are affected and the rest aren't. What kind of connection do they have to the aliens...
:(:(:( my god this series is so awful.

I like how these aliens literally can't be killed and have wrecked everything...... yet the US military dude seemed to have no problem killing one with a bit of fire :p
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