Have you downloaded the app? Have you then added it to your keyboard list?
Edit: Heh, helps if you download the right app... Swiftkey keyboard rather than Swiftkey Note. I'm such an idiot haha.
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Have you downloaded the app? Have you then added it to your keyboard list?
I just got a message from a mate in this situation and can't stop laughing as he's having to delete a ton of photos and videos just to fit the fat OS on. So...who ordered a 16gb iPhone 6 in ere?!seriously who has 4.7gb space free on a 16gb iphone lol? what a joke, also the poor sods on 8gb must be impossible.
seriously who has 4.7gb space free on a 16gb iphone lol? what a joke, also the poor sods on 8gb must be impossible.
I just got a message from a mate in this situation and can't stop laughing as he's having to delete a ton of photos and videos just to fit the fat OS on. So...who ordered a 16gb iPhone 6 in ere?!
Same as me, why would you not update via itunes?
Just had a quick try of the Swiftkey keyboard - it's lovely, but it ain't staying installed. Doesn't work unless you enable "full access" which basically allows the sending of ALL KEYSTROKES back to their own servers. NO THANKS!
any 1 know any apps that work with the health app?
Swiftkey isn't working for me, can't see the new keyboard. 1Password isn't showing up in the extension menu. Is iOS 8 heavily gimped on iPhone 5?
It doesn't send passwords. iOS reverts to the default keyboard for this.
I'm sure I saw a screen shot of the home page in landscape but with the dock running down the side... but I can't seem to find the option to do it? any ideas?