Ok the girlfriend has a 4s 8gb, she got the notification about ios8 earlier today, now myself i know naff all about apple products never owned any, but she asked me if she should update it and here i am asking you guys, who know more about this than i.
I updated my iphone 5 yesterday and since then it has been sluggish, anyone else suffer from the same issue?
updated using itunes
Ok the girlfriend has a 4s 8gb, she got the notification about ios8 earlier today, now myself i know naff all about apple products never owned any, but she asked me if she should update it and here i am asking you guys, who know more about this than i.
Anyone else noticed Safari running slower after the update, I am sure it's taking longer to load pages with ios 8. I am on 5S.
Ok the girlfriend has a 4s 8gb, she got the notification about ios8 earlier today, now myself i know naff all about apple products never owned any, but she asked me if she should update it and here i am asking you guys, who know more about this than i.
Ok the girlfriend has a 4s 8gb, she got the notification about ios8 earlier today, now myself i know naff all about apple products never owned any, but she asked me if she should update it and here i am asking you guys, who know more about this than i.
Although we are still waiting for the update to fix embedded youtube videos.
Yeah same juddering for me, don't really like the sidebar at all. It should hide itself once you've chosen a bookmark.
Also the bookmark button has changed sides and you have to reach across the screen which is annoying.