** iOS 8 **

Google Hangouts needs a serious update, it doesn't recognise the new keyboards are on screen at all. The input box does not move up above the keyboard so you cannot see what you are typing.

A lot of vendors seem to be slow on the updates this time around.
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Is anybody else finding that the notification banner doesn't disappear or allow you to scroll it back up?
Am I the only one who finds the stock keyboard best? I've tried Swype, SwiftKey and Fleksy. Swype and SwiftKey's swiping is just too inaccurate when it comes to words with repeating letters, and Fleksy is mostly frustrating when it comes to punctuation and typing in smilies and the like. The iOS keyboard just...works.

Very much liking App Extensions though. Not having to log in to the Pocket site whenever I want to use a bookmarklet and using Safari alongside 1Password is fantastic. There are some bugs though (Share Sheet buttons keep reverting their order).
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I'm a big fan of the Apple keyboard too, and it's even better after the update.

I've no doubt the third party ones will eventually get very good though.
Left my iPhone 5S and iPad mini updating overnight, only to wake up to "2hrs remaining".

Started the download at 7pm on a BT fibre connection too :confused:
No problems so far on a 16GB iPhone 5 - did the install via iTunes this time round, unlike iOS7 which I did OTA.

SwiftKey was my keyboard of choice when I was an Android owner (yeah, I know ...) and it's good to be able to use that again, although the stock keyboard is much improved - trying out both at the moment.

Not sure whether to install iOS8 on my non-retina iPad mini though ... sounds from a few posts in here that it's a bit laggy
Same as me, why would you not update via itunes?
Most folks I know refuse to mess with that as it is finicky, and OTA installs are 'easy' now so most don't want to take the quick way out. Can't blame them though tbh.

SwiftKey should slaughter the stock iOS keyboard over time and the third party ones will be miles better for learning text patterns. It is bloated though, well on Android anyway.
I'm a big fan of the Apple keyboard too, and it's even better after the update.

I've no doubt the third party ones will eventually get very good though.
I'm not so sure to be honest. These problems are the same as I had on Android too, so I'm not confident they will improve enough. Time will tell.

The stock keyboard doesn't support swiping though does it?
Nope, however swiping is slower if you're a fast tapper, and I've found the swiping keyboards to be inaccurate enough to not really save any time.
I just got a message from a mate in this situation and can't stop laughing as he's having to delete a ton of photos and videos just to fit the fat OS on. So...who ordered a 16gb iPhone 6 in ere?!

Install via iTunes.

If you download OTA it needs space to download the OS, then working space to decompress and install it. - typically 2.5-3x the size of the OS when installed.
No problems updating via iTunes last night. Both iPad Air and iPhone 5S updated within 30 minutes.

Timelapse function isn't a patch on Hyperlapse - they've missed a huge trick here - but it is a niche function anyway. Can't wait for some apps to start connecting to the Health Kit.
The feature to transmit your last known location before your battery dies is amazing!

I can picture the mrs sending me a "help I'm probably dead" message when she goes out, as her phone always seems to die :p
Nope, however swiping is slower if you're a fast tapper, and I've found the swiping keyboards to be inaccurate enough to not really save any time.

Unless there is evidence to suggest that is true then that's a bit of a sweeping statement, I'd say it's more down an individuals experience with both methods of typing as well as their own personal preference. I use Android and iOS and much prefer typing with a swipe keyboard on Android - I find it to be much quicker and I'm not a slow typer. Although I like the stock keyboard on my iPad, I've always found it odd that Apple don't offer it as an option and I miss it when I switch devices.
Just did the update OTA with the iPad Mini. Effortless but did take a while. Keyboard is definitely better but yet to play with it all properly. :)
Ok the girlfriend has a 4s 8gb, she got the notification about ios8 earlier today, now myself i know naff all about apple products never owned any, but she asked me if she should update it and here i am asking you guys, who know more about this than i.
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