** iOS 8 **

As per any update I wouldnt push this out on a device you need to have working, always wait 2 updates before taking the plunge, the only reason I have it on my iPad is because I have other devices I can use.
I have already sent out emails to workers telling them not to update..
5S here and battery life seems better than on 7. I have got Siri/background refresh and most apps aren't allowed GPS access however, maybe one of them is killing the battery life.
I've found iOS 8 reporting better signal strength than it was before.

In my office I used to get 2-3 bars of fluctuating 3G, now I get a solid 3 bars with the same handset (iPhone 5S). This also applies to the iPhone 6 on iOS 8 although I have no way to test it on iOS 7 to compare :p
Had a fair few iOS8 issues on my new 6.

Was listening to podcasts yesterday and a phone call came in. Took the call and it wouldn't let me adjust the volume.

I had the keyboard disappear on me in messages too. Was writing a reply and I think I scrolled, which hid the keyboard, then I couldn't get it to reappear again :-/ Had to exit and try again multiple times before it kicked back in.

Also, the motion that hides the keyboard is supper juddery in What's App when you pull down with your thumb at the top of the text entry box, especially if you try and do it slowly.
Really enjoying iOS8 on my 6 plus! I'm just really gutted they didn't include iCloud Photo Library! It's the only photo cloud storage that seems to do the job properly! :(

I'm totally loving my 6 Plus too. Not sure what you mean about the Photo Library.. at first I thought I could only view my recent pictures but then realised that you can view all of your pictures by selecting the Photos tab in Photos (not albums). Might not be what you mean though.

I've discovered an amazing app for iOS8 called Launcher. Anyone else tried it? It lets you create quick links to apps and contacts as widgets on your notification screen. I'm already using it loads to jump into WhatsApp etc.
I've discovered an amazing app for iOS8 called Launcher. Anyone else tried it? It lets you create quick links to apps and contacts as widgets on your notification screen. I'm already using it loads to jump into WhatsApp etc.

Seems sort of useful. Bit pointless for contacts as there's already the app switcher for this, however for opening apps quickly it looks pretty good.

Would be far more useful if Launch Center Pro offered this however, as you could then have full automation for certain tasks from NC. Maybe they'll be introducing that, I don't know.
Fiddlesticks. :(

Borked on both counts.

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