Anyway the point about maps sucking still stands. What amuses me the most is that some people around the net are comparing it to Google Maps V1 which is missing the point by about <-----------------------------> this much. They have not removed G Maps V1 but the latest version and replaced it with something that is not ready. To add insult to injury because of the way iOS works even if Google release a version it will be handicapped when compared with the native version.
I agree with this. The only defence that iFans seem to have is that "Google maps was bad when it first launched". Yes it probably was (I don't recall) but that's because they had nothing to go off of or to look at to see what to do. Apple (and other companies) now have 10 years worth of Google Maps to see how to do things right. No sane person would expect iMaps to be as good as GMaps but the difference is outrageous.
As for the Apple launch thing.... There is no way you would catch me walking up a shopping centre cheering like a loon even if I did work for them.... I guess you have to be a certain type of person to work there to begin with though