iOS6 Changing how you see the world

so on the default SG3 can everything be stored on the sd card if the internal memory is full?

No. Apps all go onto internal memory. Everything else can go on SD card.

There is a mod to change this but you did state "default SG3"
Don't think you can store apps on the sd card on the S3 by default but i think there are ways of getting it to work. I do the same as zenf1 and use the sd card to store everything except apps. (music, pictures, videos and backups are kept on the card) Haven't even managed to use 1GB of the internal storage yet, but i've practically filled my 8GB sd card.

On topic, these apple maps do seem to have a few problems, and i like the fact that people are working around the "no google maps app" to get google maps back on their devices.
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II fully appreciate and I DO get that it is cheaper to upgrade the storage on a phone with an SD slot but the initial argument was comparing phones from the manufacturer and the difference between what said manufacturers charge for a memory upgrade themselves e.g. 16GB iPhone/S3 upgraded to 32GB iPhone/S3 from the factory

The argument was flawed as cymatty was comparing "Apple" to "Samsung+<A.N.Other company providing SD cards>"

My posts make it very clear that this is what I was referring to.

p.s. if it helps - I don't like Apple as a company (their ethos and how they do things more rather than their actual products). I have a Samsung S3 since launch and have been Android since the HTC Desire launched (Android 2.1, Eclair). I am NOT defending Apple here as some sort of fanboy but if you are going to put an argument forward then at least be fair or be prepared to be called out on it by someone. If not by me, like in this case, then by an ACTUAL Apple fanboy.

Fair enough, I agree that all these companies charge way too much to upgrade the internal storage but as someone else said, I'd never buy a phone without a microSD slot. Maybe it's cynical to think this but I can't help believe that the only reason some of these phones don't include a microSD slot is purely to force people to pay the ridiculous amounts to upgrade the internal memory, whether it's the iPhone or an Android phone.

And I stand corrected over the sd card storing everything, but it'll take quite a while to fill up 16gb with just apps!

Back on topic... I really don't understand how Apple could let this happen. Even if their version of Google Maps was outdated, surely it would've been preferable to this? I think their determination to set themselves apart from the competion really isn't doing them any favours.
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Looking more into the Google thing - Google were willing to include Navigation to the iOS app and update the app but wanted to include their Latitude location service with it (comes with the Android one). Apple declined. No idea why because you actually have to opt-in to Latitude and you can turn it off at any time so I am confused why Apple did not want to allow it :confused:
You don't seem to understand that for the end-user, the type of memory has no relevence whatsoever. What matters is the AMOUNT of memory, and the COST. In this case, the GS3 with the microSD slot is clearly better than the iPhone for the amount of memory you get for the price. Pretty simple really.

If the iPhone had a microSD slot, it wouldn't be the case. But as it doesn't, that's just the way it is.

This :)

To be fair if you take it back to the point originally made all the way back on page 2..

Now let's be honest a lot of electronic goods are going to be like this and what I think people were saying was that even the Android devices released in a ~£450-~£550 price band will have similar part costs to retail price ratio.

I think it's funny how the entire thread has just degenerated into a generic Apple bashing thread. Yes it is funny that they have messed the maps up and to be honest they've messed it up far worse than I had originally realised, and some of the pictures doing the rounds are hilarious :p

However does that justify people coming into the thread and posting irrelevant stuff just to say how big and bad Apple is? In my opinion no, and unfortunately it just reinforces having separate forums for iPhones and other mobile phones which is frankly a ludicrous situation.

I worded my posts carefully to show that I wasn't arguing the same point as was done previously, but solely pointing out the huge differences in storage costs for the end user.

You either can't see the wood for the trees or you are posing an argument that is very particular and biased towards, in this case, Samsung.

My point was, you are slating Apple for overcharging customers for extra memory even though Samsung do the same but then give Samsung an "out" by putting in a caveat to the argument.

What about HTC's One series where you don't even get an option for extra memory. What is your opinion on HTC's One series and memory?

I can see wood perfectly fine :) It's not biased either, simply stating fact. If Samsung didn't give an option for a microSD then I would be slating them too! I posted a while back about the HTC One X, and that if it had had a microSD card then I would probably own one now instead of my S3. However it didn't have one, nor did it even have an option for a 64GB version (not that I would have paid the crazy asking prices).

I really have no aim being biased or one sided, I'm simply showing the comparison in prices to upgrade memory.
story is up now, with a suitably pro-apple stance :)

Same at the BBC, as if their wet liberal hearts can't bring themselves to give Apple a hard time, even in the video the reporter couldn't bring himself to show how bad it is when instead he showed a part of England that didn't look that much worse then Google Maps, when we've all seen much much worse.
Looking more into the Google thing - Google were willing to include Navigation to the iOS app and update the app but wanted to include their Latitude location service with it (comes with the Android one). Apple declined. No idea why because you actually have to opt-in to Latitude and you can turn it off at any time so I am confused why Apple did not want to allow it :confused:

kickback from foursquare?
Looking more into the Google thing - Google were willing to include Navigation to the iOS app and update the app but wanted to include their Latitude location service with it (comes with the Android one). Apple declined. No idea why because you actually have to opt-in to Latitude and you can turn it off at any time so I am confused why Apple did not want to allow it :confused:

It's simple why Apple don't want it; it's a big risk for them to have one of the killer apps for Smartphone ran by one of their biggest rival/threat.

It was always inevitable Apple would want to move away from gmaps.

It's just you would have expected them to have come out with something better than Google Maps, and not only have they fell short of this, they have released something which is actually unacceptable quality wise. I just played with it on my colleagues phone, it's terrible, nearly every place we looked up was wrong. Yes there will be problems with any new maps, but this is considerable.

You have to remember as well that Google Maps on Android is much better than Google Maps on iOS, the current incarnations are just amazing, no Sat Nav company can come anywhere near close to just how good it is in both the information available and map freshness.
What's best is somehow they are blaming Google for not having an app!!


^That cannot be real.:p:p
Same at the BBC, as if their wet liberal hearts can't bring themselves to give Apple a hard time, even in the video the reporter couldn't bring himself to show how bad it is when instead he showed a part of England that didn't look that much worse then Google Maps, when we've all seen much much worse.

The BBC have closed the comments section after one day?:mad: Too many Apple lovers in the BBC getting butt hurt. :D
im not surprised its a mess, there was no way when it was announced that it would be any good.

Its laughable those that are defending it just because its 'Apple' but same old same old, Apple will continue to dominate with its bs PR campaign.

Apple were always going to close out Google eventually - but I dont think their thinking this through. They are making their system even more closed, and removing Google apps is not a wise idea given that everyone pretty much uses one of them.
The argument was flawed as cymatty was comparing "Apple" to "Samsung+<A.N.Other company providing SD cards>"

I must admit my first post was a bit incendiary and trollish, I thought my wink smily would intimate that it was not 100% serious, next time I will add a troll fact to be clearer. ;)

Anyway the point about maps sucking still stands. What amuses me the most is that some people around the net are comparing it to Google Maps V1 which is missing the point by about <-----------------------------> this much. They have not removed G Maps V1 but the latest version and replaced it with something that is not ready. To add insult to injury because of the way iOS works even if Google release a version it will be handicapped when compared with the native version.

It seems that to benefit themselves Apple is hurting the consumer, shame.
Lasted Untill I saw the title. I don't get these people, same with the games and book people who que up. Like for Harry potter books.
why do we have apple threads in mobile forum and in apple software/hardware forums too? shouldn't we keep all the apple stuff in those 2 sections?

I don't see any android threads in apple hardware/software sections?
It's not really the people queuing that was bad, it's the behaviour of the Apple staff. :eek:

why do we have apple threads in mobile forum and in apple software/hardware forums too? shouldn't we keep all the apple stuff in those 2 sections?

I don't see any android threads in apple hardware/software sections?

It's because some people on here like to take the **** (or just make it in the wrong section). It's allowed, for some reason.
It's because some people on here like to take the **** (or just make it in the wrong section). It's allowed, for some reason.

if it is allowed then i don't see any need for those 2 sections? we're fine here with windows/android/symbian etc discussions so why not apple?

same with hardware we still get people recommending iphones/ipads and creating threads about the "i" devices too :confused:
if it is allowed then i don't see any need for those 2 sections? we're fine here with windows/android/symbian etc discussions so why not apple?

same with hardware we still get people recommending iphones/ipads and creating threads about the "i" devices too :confused:

That's just how the moderators want it. If the Apple section was removed it would create a more hostile environment in this particular part of the forum, but after a while people would just get it out of their system I think.
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