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how do you change a m4a file to m4r in itunes??? i have my 40 sec clip but cant find how to change it to m4r? by the way this is for PC

I downloaded iPhoneRingtoneMaker the trial version lets you take any mp3 I assume it'll take m4a and convert it to a 30 seccond ringtone clip where you can choose the 30 sec clip based on sliders.
a windows guide? well basiclaly i want to put installer on my iphone. currently jalibroken with iliberty+ and have cydia. can anyone walk me through installing installer so i have both cydia and installer?

Well I decided to delete them anyway and there doesn't seem to be any issues caused by it. I have a backup of all the apps anyway so i can always stick them back on. :)
Sorted my PC out but the iPhone Wi-Fi problem still persists. Restored and ZiPhone'd again but to no avail.

Is there an actual fix or will it have to go back to o2? I'm not sure whether thank link posted earlier is a guaranteed fix or not.
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