
18 Oct 2002
Really? I'd have thought if I was too far off the pace that would cause issues for people.

As much as is possible, you will be put in races with people with broadly the same abilities. As long as you're not a complete disaster, you can enter a few races, hopefully enjoy yourself and learn something from the experience. I was in your position only a week or 2 ago, I'm certainly no experienced racer, but I'm getting there slowly and learning along the way, just like you.

The important thing to remember is that the SR system, class system and irating are all in place to ensure that you're not leaping into a situation that's far beyond your abilities. Go racing and accept that you'll make a few mistakes.
29 Sep 2009
Really? I'd have thought if I was too far off the pace that would cause issues for people. I still need to work on keeping it on the road for a full race distance, but I'm getting there. My only real issue is the occasional wobbly moment at the top of the hill at Lime Rock and generally losing concentration towards the end of a long run on any track.

Thanks. :)

Pace has no bearing. Some of the fast guys are the biggest dangers, has a lot of them fail to qualify. Start at the back then think its there god given right. To Just push everyone out the way. (Obviously this is more a Rookie lower series problem).

If you can keep it on the grey stuff, can race clean. Make it race distance. Then you are ready IMO.

As for the crest at LRP until I could nail it 99 times out of a hundred times flat. I used to just lift off the throttle a little bit "But make sure the wheels are straight about 10 ft before you crest."

You will loose a tenth or two lifting. But you will make that hill every lap. Over the full race you will loose no more than a second or two. Much better than wiping out. Where you will loose minutes.
19 Jun 2013

long time lurker first time poster..

I've just ordered a t500 to get back into iracing, last year I got a A licence in oval and B in road with a dfgt and a set of t500 pedals which I picked up from that popular auction site, I modded the pedals with a load cell and a leo bodnar board, I quit because the dfgt broke and I didn't have the cash to get anything better, times have changed however and im now thinking of getting a obutto r3v also.

Anyway I've followed this thread for a long time so I just thought I would say hello so hello lol.
15 Aug 2008
Hi Warhead,

The obutto is a great rig, if you can afford it and your machine can run them get 3 screens, it really helps when racing close to other cars and adds immersion.

Edit: Or wait for the consumer Oculus Rift to be released. I have had a quick race with my dev kit and its amazing but not really raceable due to the low resolution
7 May 2004
Naked and afraid
So I cancelled my auto-renewal a few months back, still no "come back" offer... bast.

I had my account on auto-renew for 2 years and for over 1 year did 0 races. I should at least get an offer to entice me back, I'm good value for money!
29 Sep 2009
So I cancelled my auto-renewal a few months back, still no "come back" offer... bast.

I had my account on auto-renew for 2 years and for over 1 year did 0 races. I should at least get an offer to entice me back, I'm good value for money!

I Emailed them when i did this I never really played for the last 6 months of my 12 month sub they sent me a free 3 month sub.

I-racing Customer service cant be beat. But if you don't ask you don't get.
25 Jul 2009
Just done my first race.

Came 12/13, lol.

Clipped a wall a I had to drive around steering 30/40 degrees just to go straight, lol.

Really want to buy an open wheel car and Oulton Park but I think im going to hang on for a bit.
18 Oct 2002
I'm going to build myself a button box and was hoping that those of you that use them could help with my planning.

I will be getting a control board from either Leo Bodnar or SymProjects, both of which are 32-button boards. With 32 potential buttons to assign, I'm struggling to find 32 commands I need or want to use.

What I'm hoping you can help with is a list of commands that you have assigned, or, if you don't have a button box, a list of whatever commands you use regularly.

The obvious choices are:
Brake bias
Enter/Exit/Tow car
Pit limiter
Previous black box
Next black box
Toggle control
Next control
Previous control
Decrease control
Increase control

That leaves me with a lot of spare buttons, any thoughts?

29 Sep 2009
Good call! Thanks, will try that.

I cant remember her name but the lady who deals with the customer support is supper. I-racing in my own personal experience as been fantastic. I had a small issue when I first signed up. They gave me a years sub for half price promo.

Then when I had Internet problems at home I explained to them that I'd been unable to race. (I was blinking like mad so was unsafe for other drivers). They gave me a free 3 months sub.
I can not imagine for a second EA Games, Ubisoft, Gearbox, Sega, Codemaster, any of the big players doing anything like that.
I'd be told by some indian chap named Steve over there online support system that there is a virus on my pc and its all my fault. Buying the latest DLC is my only solution to the problem:p

I go away start of September on my return I'm going to have to resub. Murray I'm looking at you to get me back up to speed in the Lotus 79 and get me up to speed in the 49. I dont have most the tracks on the schedule but the first one I do after resubbing we will have to turn some laps. really missed playing. Its mad when I have a sub I don't get to race soons it runs out I miss it like hell.

Dam Iracing and there awesome content and service.
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18 Oct 2002
I'm going to build myself a button box and was hoping that those of you that use them could help with my planning.

I will be getting a control board from either Leo Bodnar or SymProjects, both of which are 32-button boards. With 32 potential buttons to assign, I'm struggling to find 32 commands I need or want to use.

What I'm hoping you can help with is a list of commands that you have assigned, or, if you don't have a button box, a list of whatever commands you use regularly.

The obvious choices are:
Brake bias
Enter/Exit/Tow car
Pit limiter
Previous black box
Next black box
Toggle control
Next control
Previous control
Decrease control
Increase control

That leaves me with a lot of spare buttons, any thoughts?


I've thought about a button box a couple of times but not got around to doing anything yet, although personally I think the pre-built 'control boards' or even full boxes are way overpriced. I've got a usb gamepad here that I half-plan to repurpose into a button box, 'only' 14 digital inputs (4 axes as well in theory) but it cost £2.34 delivered from good ol' china :p

Anyway, looking at those commands, I use regularly:
brake bias (I've got it assigned to my G25 shifter in sequential mode, I always use paddles)
Enter/Exit/Tow car (one of the 2 G25 buttons)
Pit Limiter (one of the ones on the shifter pod)

But then I use the keyboard for the rest. For buttons I also have setup 2 voice chat buttons, one in-game the other for mumble, a mute for mumble, and the ignition/starter buttons on the shifter pod as well.

What you can do with button boxes (well just spare buttons in general) is use xpadder to create macros, e.g. for oval racing you can set left side tyres only for the pit stop, or no fuel, etc.
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