
Do you want to have a look at joining our Sim Racing team?
It's pretty casual, don't expect us to be pushing for top honours. Just looking for people who will keep on the track and be a good fit.


Likewise, would be great to have a go at one of these with like minded people, be great to hear more about it.

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We decided to 2-man the 24 hours of Le Mans on Saturday. I did the first 9 stints (42 mins per stint) managing to go from 9th to 1st (We were outgunned bigtime on the SoF we got landed). 9 hours in I was passing a GT3 through the Porsche Curves (I was 3/4s of the way past) when he turned into me and murder, death, killed me. 45 mins of repairs so no point continuing. I was heartbroken. Up to that point the race had been outrageously awesome.
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Ah man, yeah, thats cruel. I've not done a team endurance race in iRacing yet, in fact im pretty sure we didnt have driver swapping when i last raced (Sept '14, i think we only had Road Warrior 2.4h races), but they're one of the things that made me want to get back into sim racing. Whenever Jimmer does an enduro race i'll watch it in full over a few days, and it makes me miss the old days of doing 6/12/24hr races as a team, but we didnt have persistent damage so if you got absolutely destroyed, you could just TP to the pits and get a new car. The game would reset you to lap 1, but the race tracker would add all the laps together and they'd penalise you a lap. So you'd only lose the lap you were on and a penalty lap, so maybe you lost 5min on your competition and even then it felt pretty brutal.

I've only had my new racing setup up & running for a couple of weeks now, and still getting comfortable with it, and so far i think ive spent about 2hrs racing against AI in MX5, M4 GT4 and McLaren GT3, and about 16hrs in photoshop making skins (Macca, helmet & suit) :D
The design is a replica of my old Live for Speed team from 2004 to 2009, and i figured it needed to be brought back.



Did my first race in almost 10yrs tonight (Sept 22, '14). I'd been trying different cars and trying to get back up to speed. Turns out its not like riding a bicycle, cos i absolutely sucked for a good while, and i'd been putting off doing a race and ruining races for others cos my iR (only 2.6k) still means im thrown into decent splits with my rookie pace.
So the last couple of days i've been practicing the GT4 round, and decided i'd give it a go. I like Okayama, and i'd stopped binning the McLaren 570S every 3-4 laps, finally :D

So i signed up for the 15min race, couldnt understand why the recent results were doing 1:46-1:48 when i was doing 1:36s, it said no rain. Joined the practice server, bone dry :confused: and then i joined the race server and its throwing it down. I've done maybe 3 laps in a GT3 in rain and it wasnt good. I had qualifying to get my &*$# together, and i only managed a 1:50.x. Started the race, couldnt avoid a spun car at T1, 4x. Then hit another car who'd spun and tried a 180 into my path. 8x... :o then somehow finished the race without any more Inc Pts.

Then signed up for the 30min race, with LMP2s. Never done multi-class before. Somehow managed to survive that with only a 1x. So i figured i'd do the wet race again, now that i'd got a bit of practice with it. Got a 1x before the race started, and picked up a couple of off-tracks. I dont think ive overtaken anyone yet, other than freebies, and im not really attempting to race anyone, if someone catches me as soon as i see them looking to pass i let them by, at the moment i just need to build a bit of confidence around others, and improve my consistency. Most i can do really is be an annoying roadblock to someone who's clearly faster than me, who's screwed up and spun, and im doing fine simply driving my own race and only focusing on not spinning and surviving others.

Its giving me confidence to contemplate doing something like the IMSA Pilot 2hr races (GT4 & TCR), cos my second concern is not finishing (wrecking or DQ).

Does anyone know why the race results page flat out lies about the weather conditions? Ive seen the schedule PDF says its a 100% rain race, yet the results say 1% chance rain. The signup page says 100% rain, so the info is in there, i just didnt see it and doing AI races based on the series, joining practice sessions were all dry, and the past race results said it was dry. I know where to find the info now, but its kinda annoying, i wouldnt have raced it if i knew it was wet - so i guess i got that out of my system.
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