Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Well this week has pretty much been awful. Started well, hitting all my sessions early in the week, even getting outside for my first evening ride of the year. Then it all came crashing down Thursday when I showed symptoms of a cold. Done absolutely nothing exercise wise since then, and am missing a 10 mile TT I entered today. The longest time I've not exercised for about six months. Probably a blessing in disguise to have a week off but just feels crap at the moment, especially as the weather has been great this weekend. Would have loved my long cycle on Saturday in the sun!

Hope everyone else is getting on ok, and enjoying the nice weather!
Long time no post in here, shame on me! Glad to hear your doing well Dolmio, looks like a good result for your sprint tri. Wish I had your run pace! Good to see your getting up to almost full distance on the bike, I'm yet to go over 75 miles this year. Something I need to address soon I think.

Yeah I'm doing Outlaw half next weekend (:eek:). I'm not local unfortunately so I'm going to have to get back down south reasonably shortly after the race so I'll have to pass up your kind offer.

I've managed to update the blog finally today with some recent thoughts.
Thanks! Yeah it's pretty much all down to motivation really. In the beginning it came really easily to me as it was a new challenge and I tend to throw myself at things. I'm struggling now a bit as I've been training since the beginning of the year. A long time to focus on one goal! Really looking to do a decent length race this weekend though, hopefully that's goig to fire me up to really motor towards the big race.

Start small and enter a race, should give you the motivation you need. Go steady with the running though if you do. Like you say it's good to get trainers fitted. I'd be surprised if you genuinely had shin splints as well. A lot of people think they suffer from shin splints, it's usually just the muscle that runs down the shin. Which non runners just aren't used to using so it feels really painful after a while running.
Had a great day at the outlaw half yesterday. Finished in 5:39 which I was happy with. Swim and bike went well overall. Struggled on the run.

Dolmio I'm sure you saw me and said something, and I think I just blanked you as I just didn't realise at the time! I was in my own little world of hurt!

Hope you race went well, I'm guessing you must have finished just ahead of me in the end.
haha thought so, sorry about the blank stare!

Congrats on the race effort, sounds like you had a decent race!

I was hoping for sub 6 myself and was working it out on the way round estimated I should have it as long as I held together on the run which I did just about.

Had a decent swim and was out in 34 mins, and rarely two decent transitions too. Was a bit gutted on the bike as I was going really well, but then had to make an unscheduled stop at the second feed station where I think I lost about 3 or 4 minutes. I'll blog about that and explain it in full later though!

I got off the bike feeling ok, and settled into a first mile of 8:30 which is good going for me, but it just got slower and slower. I didn't have my HR monitor on my wrist, so looking at the data I could have pushed harder than I did during the middle of the run. Something for next time. Add that to the list for some new trainers, among other things too!

I'm left looking forward to IMUK though. Just need to really suck the training up now.

Snap on the sunburn, I've got a lovely tri suit outline in red on me. Very achey yesterday and today. Not helped by jumping in a car and driving 2 and a half hours home straight after the race (not my idea of a good recovery). So tomorrow's run session should be interesting!
Niceone! I was reading some of the race reports on tri talk, seemed pretty brutal weather by all accounts. I'd read the run turned into a bit of a mud bath by the end?! Very well done on your placing though, great effort.

I'm staying at the premier inn warrington north east. Booked quite late so couldn't get to any of the hotels next to the reebok. Booked two nights as I don't think I'll be up for a three hour drive after 13-14+ hours of ironman.
Ha niceone Dolmio! Wish my injuries would result in faster times!

I'm glad you have found the bike course not too bad, that makes me feel a little better about it, as its been really hyped up as a beast of a course. Have you got garmin or strava data for the course? Be interested to have a gander.

Really hoping to get up there soon and give it a crack before the big day as I think it will help, but time is getting a bit tight now.

Updated my blog for this week. Bit of a long one:
Great stuff Pete sounds like a good week.

I'm still unsure of the hamstring at the moment, haven't run at all this week but have cycled quite a bit and swam, but it's still giving me a bit if pain. Thinking I may just write this weekend off and try and start next week fresh having hopefully recovered. Difficult decision as I want I make the most of my peak weeks!
This just got ridiculously real. Sat in my garden feet up, aiming for a rare weekend of doing absolutley nothing and along comes the race instruction email complete with the race number I'll be wearing: 266. Massive :eek: moment.

Getting worried now.
Blimey, that's a hell of a training week, great effort. You'll be flying come August!. I feel like such a slug now! Cycled 50 miles last week and swam about 6k that's it! So difficult to just sit and do nothing all weekend.

Hopefully this week and weekend will be better! Going up to Bolton and camping Friday night for one of the team true spirit training days. 3.8k swim in the lake then two laps of the bike course, so should give me a feel for it!

Just hoping I can pick up the volume again this week where I left off, and not have anymore hamstring pain. Here's hoping!
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