Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

haha that's a great race number! looks like your going great guns from your strava feed too. Smashing it.

Well, the leg felt a lot better today, so I cautiously went for a ride, got suckered into getting a KOM on one segment as I felt pretty good (when will I learn) probably due to all the rest I've had over the past week. Some minor pain, but nothing that I thought I should be worried about.

Then thought I'd at least give a small run a go to see how it feels now, only went half a mile up the road and back but no pain at all, and felt pretty fresh. Going to ice it and rest it for the rest of the evening, and give it some foam rollering just to be on the safe side too.

Hopefully I can be out training properly again soon. Think I may have to spend a little more time in the future on core and hip strength, as I think that's where the problem may have originated from.
Niceone, I think if anything it's my road bike position. I've been thinking about it and I've now changed the stem to a shorter one. I did two century rides two weekends in a row on the road bike, and I think having had too long a reach and low bars had me stretching too much. Amplified over longer rides, with poor core strength, then not stretching and sitting in a car afterwards has all added up to bad legs! At least that's what I've been thinking anyway.

I've been messing around with my TT position for ages and think its pretty nailed on now. Going to try a proper training this weekend, albeit slightly lower volume than plan, just need to take it easy and see how it goes.
Niceone Pete, sounds like you're training well!

Hams seem better thanks, just trying to go a little easy on them, which isn't always easy. I'm currently camped up near Bolton for the next two nights. Up early for a training day tomorrow, 3.8k open water swim at 6:30 tomorrow followed by a couple of loops of the IM bike course. Probably do another loop Sunday and try for a semi long run too depending on how I feel. Hopefully it'll all go ok!
Camping IM style!

Didn't want to chance leaving it in the car!

Awesome day today, full IM distance open water swim in 1:10, then out on the IM bike course for 2 laps plus a bit extra. Did 100 miles in the end. Great to experience it, sheephouse lane is nowhere near as bad as its made out to be either which surprised me.

There's another training weekend on the 20th too, would heartily recommend it. The guys organising it let us use the leisure centre after. Jacuzzi and plunge pool where a godsend post bike.

Details are here if anyone is interested:
Cheers guys, had to stop for a toilet break for a minute or so, and was told I wasn't swimming the straightest, so there's still a bit of time to find which is encouraging. As for the bike, it's probably a bit misleading as I was riding with a group the whole way so getting the benefit of a draft for the most of it. Hoping for a sub 7, maybe even 6:30 for the race.

But yeah seemingly back on track now, just need to try and build up to a long run this weekend.

Agreed Dolmio, really getting close now and I cannot wait!
Ah nice wheels. How did everyone's peak weeks go? Had a decent week on the bike covering just over 160 miles, but not so much running, concerned I haven't done more than a half marathon still. Think I may be resorting to a run walk strategy especially if the weather is anything like this.

Absolutely dead on my feet today though. Just been asleep on the sofa the last two hours.
Niceone, glad you enjoyed it, loved it when I did it. Good to get the full swim and then out on the bike too. Nice swim time that's very good. Bit worried it might be a non wetsuit swim if this weather continues. That'll slow everyone up a load.

Yeah sheephouse is no trouble with a compact is it, just sit and spin it out. Will be being careful the first time up though to ease myself in.

Managed a half marathon this morning and felt pretty decent despite getting pretty dehydrated by the end. That'll be my last big training run now, will be all lessening volume from here on out.

Getting seriously nervous and excited now, so close!
Yeah, when I got the bike they had vittoria cx pro tyres on. I chose to change them to continental competitions so I could run a 19mm on the front and a 21mm on the rear. So I just use one of the spare vittoria's as my spare on the bike just ziptied up to my saddle. Its got plenty of glue still on it, and the rims are all taped up with tub tape. If in the event of a puncture should just be a case of ripping the old one off and inflating the spare. Then I'll have to take it pretty steady if that happens.

There's a specific way to fold them to get them as small as possible, I used this guide

I've got mine all set up with the valve extender already on too so no faffing there should the worse happen on course.

Thanks, I absolutley love it, wish I was as fast as it looks though!

Ah really, will have to see if I can nab that if I head over that way again! Did that on what felt like the hottest day of the year. Was dying for food an water by the time I got near Chepstow, so just ended up stopping at a Texaco garage and stocking up before heading straight back.
niceone Dolmio, that's awesom you can see your stats improving like that! Know what you mean about feeling impatient. Gearing up for my usual 6hour plus saturday ride is not going to be the same knowing it'll only be two hours!

I've just been for a last minute health MOT of a different type. I went to the doctors last week after getting concerned at how low my heart rate was getting. I was measured in the surgery at 32bpm :/

Got referred to a cardiologist as they wanted to be able to clear me for Ironman, and just had an ECG and scan and it all looks normal. Got given a 24hour tape to wear, so providing that throws up nothing crazy I'm good to go. :)

Interesting process if nothing else.
Yeah not sure it's a particularly accurate indicator of my fitness really :/ I'm still wearing the 24hour tape, but they have provisionally ok'd me providing the tape shows nothing out of the ordinary which I'm told is the most likely case. The cardiologist is going to call me later this week to discuss. I went for a run with it on last night too, so should give them some good data hopefully.
Niceone Pete tub looks good. Had a pretty decent week here, tweaked my TT position and seem to have found a lot more speed being that I'm more aero which is encouraging. Also got news on Friday that I won a new set of 50mm carbon wheels on a bike radar competition! How cool is that! Ended up ordering some super light tyres to go on them that I think I'll use as spares for the race if I run my 100mm tubs. They should fold up a lot smaller than my current vittoria spare.

This time next week, should be seeing how it all pans out! Keep checking the weather and its now forecast to be dry but a bit windier :/
I'm going to use my edge for the ride, then I usually reset it and stick it in my back pocket for the run. I've got a timex GPS watch that I use for running but the battery life is pants on it and I don't think it'll last the marathon so I want the backup of having it on my edge. So I'll probably wear it but just have it showing heart rate probably.

Probably just going to leave the timex watch in my t2 bag rather than wear it all the way through, and just put it on when I change.
Nice one on the sprint result, shame about the race itself. I found the same when I did the Olympic last year but as it was my first didnt really know any different. Don't think of do it again to be honest, too packed with noobs on hybrids with next to no clue how to ride a bike, and the run course like you say isn't the best.

I'm getting up to Bolton Friday morning as I don't want to risk a 3 hour drive Saturday morning and missing registration. Going to register Friday and go to the long briefing and just try and chill out. Saturday I'm racking my bike fairly early on then ill just get a last minute bike ride in and check out the expo and sort all the transition bags etc before having a big meal!

Had a pretty good weekend training, nice chilled bike ride Saturday and felt good running Sunday albeit taking it easy.

Getting pretty nervous now as well, mostly for the run really, comfortable with everything else, but my longest ever runs are half marathons, so really not sure how I'm going to hold up in the latter stages of the run. Plan is just to take it really steady.

Weather seems to be taking a slight turn for the worse too :(
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