Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Well the weather just about held off for my oly distance race. Slightly damp and windy but that's September for you.

Had some bad swim experiences recently where I've seeded myself in the middle of the pack and been climbed all over, especially at IMUK! Changed tack for this race and got myself right to the front. Went off full gas for the first 200m or so and had loads of space. Couple of faster guys got away but I was still swimming well. Got out of the water in 24 mins (previous best was 26, so chuffed with that).

Out on the bike for 2 laps of a fairly flat course, two foot down stops at crossroads too. Was pretty cold, but the legs felt in fairly good nick. Managed the 3rd fastest bike split out of 226 competitors as well :D

Ride link:

Onto the run and it was a 6 lap undulating trail run, which was quite rutted and muddy in places so not the fastest. Not helped by me having to take a poo stop halfway through :( need to think about wearing tri separates too as the trisuit was a massive pain at this point. Got back on the run and felt good.

Finished in 2:25, a 6 minute improvement on my previous best so I was chuffed, and 26th out of 226 people as well.

Things to think about, are continuing my run technique training as its really paying off, and improving my cycling more. Training with power is the single best cycling investment I've made. Already seeing the training benefit.
Nice one Pete, very good effort well done. Those sort of results aren't far off if I carry on improving my running I think.

Got a few pictures back from my previous end of season tri where I managed the third fastest bike split at 22.1mph :)



Training with power has brought my riding on another level, and I can't wait to see how much I can improve through the winter. Provisionally set my FTP at 220w on first testing, and its now up to 266w at the last test. Part of that is a low first test but part of it is undoubtedly improvement.


Begun swim training with my local club which is cool, and nice to get some pointers rather than just improving fitness levels which I have been doing previously with no real technique work.

Just got back from a weeks holiday in Greece. Spent a lot of time on their mountain bikes, and racked up over 80 miles which seems good going considering how slow they are in comparison to roadies.

Had a couple of sensational rides for the scenery. Incredible to ride there in great weather and perfect terrain. Not my usual thing mountain biking but quality fun nonetheless. Some awesome climbing to be had to, and even picked up a couple of cat 3 KOMs while I was there as well :D


Radio Mast Climb:

From the top:





Other rides:



Swam most days as well, either in the 50m pool, or in the sea which was awesome. Crystal clear so no worries about sighting either. Great fun.

Managed my fair share of this too:

Run training has taken a bit of a back seat after this:

I had been transitioning nicely into forefoot striking, but a paddleboarding accident on holiday has torn all the muscles in my little toe which has been annoyingly painful for this week. So haven't done a run session for just over 10 days now. Will begin picking up the volume in the next few weeks though.

After having been on an active holiday I can really see the benefits a training holiday might have. Going to look into getting away early next year for a training camp. Potentially Lanzarote or something.

Hope all is well with you guys.
Howdy folks, looks like its that time of year again!

My training for this year began w/c 23rd of Dec, and I've had a pretty good week to be honest. I was more than aware that I had been training for far too long a time for last year (trained from May to Sept '12 for London tri, and then all the way through to August '13 for IMUK) so I took it fairly easy in the months following Ironman and my last tri of the season. I pretty much gave up running for 2 and half months, and just swam and cycled when I felt like it. Given cycling is my main passion though, I held on to a decent amount of fitness, and my power is only slightly down on where it was post Ironman :)

I've started using fink again 30 weeks out from IMUK, but I'll be training a bit smarter this time I hope. Slightly less swimming, less Z2 stuff, and more variety really, which will hopefully allow me to increase in speed.

This week I totalled 6hrs31mins training, with just 30mins swimming. My first couple of runs I felt like death, as I hadn't trained at all, but my last two runs including my longish Sunday one I already felt fitness returning and could hold a nice steady effort, quite amazing really after a long time off :)

This week will just be a continuation of last week with slightly more volume, which might get slightly more difficult given the introduction of a return to work during the week to add to things!

So looking forward to the 2014 season and all that it brings. Hope you guys are starting training again soon if you aren't already and I look forward to hearing about it!

DC, coach sounds great, is it expensive if you don't mind me asking? I'm also looking into spring holiday training options, although its a bit more complicated as a solo traveller!
Like the new bike!!!

Calf is sorted now, been back in training for a couple of weeks, 5 weeks off in total. I was a bit worried about missing out on those weeks but after the Marathon and a half in January I think the time off was needed, even without the injury.

Luckily I don't seem to have lost any fitness and have got back into it fairly easily.

Have you seen the changes to the course this year? 2 laps on the bike now. I'm a bit annoyed as it's not going to be a true comparison to last year now. Only good thing I see is that T2 is now at the Reebok which I am happy with.

Thanks! Got out for a decent 40 miles this afternoon at 20.5mph average which I was pleased with, definite improvements on the bike!

Yeah I'd been keeping track of the changes on Tri-Talk and was hoping they wouldn't be altering it. Was also hoping they didn't change so it would be a like for like comparison, but I can't see it making too much of a time difference hopefully. Seems they just want more bodies on the course, and I suppose you can't blame them. Just hope they do something about the swim like a wave start or something, because it freaked me out last time and I'm usually more than confident in water.

T2 at the reebok should be an improvement from a logistics perspective though, no long drive over to the school! Thinking about staying for Monday too, Craig Alexander is supposed to be attending the race and the awards dinner too. Would love to get my medal from him! My idol!!

Niceone Blair! Sounds like you've got all the right ingredients, let us know how you get on. Don't be under any illusions that you need to have completed a marathon before you do an Ironman through. Completely different beasts. I "ran" my first marathon at the end of IMUK 2013.
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