Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Hows everyones final week going?

Just been out on the bike and the legs felt pretty blocked which isn't great at this point, so just took it fairly easy. Getting pretty nervous now, can't believe its so close. Last swim and proper bike tomorrow, then need to get everything packed in the car ready for Friday!
Registered and went to the briefing earlier on. Bags pretty much all packed and bike ready. Checking it in at the flash at 10am tomorrow.

Cheers mate! Hopefully its of some use then, can't wait to get out on my bike again! Read in a lot of places its recommended that you don't do anything strenuous the week after so I've just literally been sitting down so far. Still so tired though, slept for almost 12 hours last night.
Thanks very much! Yeah, it was such an incredible experience to be cheered down that chute, I couldn't stop smiling afterwards!

Yeah I'd read a lot before entering about that and the general consensus was that if you got a couple of years running in your legs, and you can build to a longest run of 20 miles in training then it wouldn't be a problem in theory. Unfortunately my training didn't exactly go to plan for various reasons and my longest was a half marathon. So I just employed a walk run strategy really, walk the aid stations and steep hills, and try and run everything else, which got me through in the end.

Definetly want to improve my running massively before the next though, so much time to be gained there I think.
Awesome Pete, amazing effort, that's a rapid time!

Any of you guys thought about what you're going to do next? I said during training I didn't think I'd do another. Already trying to figure out which one and when!
For those thinking of entering next years race:

ENTRIES FOR ‪#‎IRONMANUK‬ 2014 will open on FRIDAY 23 AUGUST at midday to those people who are on the pre-registration list. The pre reg list is open until midnight Wednesday 21 August and already has almost 6,000 athletes listed. The link to the pre reg form is here:

Still undecided on what I'm doing, need to crack on and think about it!
Made the decision yesterday to go with IMUK again for 2014. I want to compare myself on a similar course ideally and am going to shoot for sub 11 this time. Swim isn't a million miles away, especially after the low volume I did in the run up to this years race, bike is similar, and I'll be training with power this winter which should bring me on. Running is the real crux, and I need to improve a lot to be able to run a 4hr marathon if I want my target time.

I'll be blogging regularly about it if anyone's interested checkout the link in my sig. Be good to hear if anyone else is also doing it in 2014.

Probably a fat chance, but could a mod potentially change thread title to 2014?
Can't beleive it's sold out already, took a good six weeks last year! Might be worth trying to get a charity place with scope, £50 and you have to raise £1000 though. I'd imagine they might look to increase the amount of athletes as well so I'd look out for another batch of spaces being released.
I'd second that as well, as long as you really want it, and are prepared to make sacrifices and stick to your training plans then it'll all come together. If you've already got a marathon in you I'm sure you'd be more than capable.

Just realised I've been included in the pre-registration of Outlaw half I guess due to having done it this year, so I will be able to enter :)
Niceone DC, those are some cracking run times. Really hoping to improve my running this year.

Back training pretty much fulltime again now and loving it. Concentrating on building up my running as its obviously my weakest discipline and it feels like its actually improving more than it did during IM training which is weird but probably due to the lower volume of biking and swimming.

That said I've recently bought a powermeter for the bike, so am now doing much more targeted stuff on the bike which is brilliant too, its awesome to use for pacing rides aswell.

Been enjoying the weather though and done a few OW swims, and some decent cycling. Got an oly distance race coming up on the 15th too so will be interesting to see how I go there. Also hoping to go a half marathon in October but am on holiday until the day before so not sure if its going to work. Going to a resort in greece with a 50m outdoor pool, mountainbiking, watersports etc. So should be able to get some decent training in there too.

Really enjoying my training at the moment but conscious to try not to overdo it. Planning to really focus on my running now until the beginning of next year. Then pick up the volume again of the other disciplines into the new year.

Also joined up to a local tri club who have coached swim sessions twice a week so will be joining in on those in the near future.
Missed out on IMUK...but got a place on IMWales.

Outlaw 1/2, Outlaw full & IMwales next year. GET IN!

Nice work, playing around with the idea of doing IM wales as well as Bolton but still unsure at the moment. Can't wait for next year now, outlaw 1/2 was cracking this year.

Training has been going quite well here, been working on run technique and forefoot striking in particular, had some noticeable speed gains which is encouraging.

Cycling with power is also helping, Initially set my FTP at around 230, but I managed 248w for an hour last night. Want to get it up near 300w for next years racing ideally.

Swimming is much of a muchness at the moment, but I'm starting with my local tri club soon which will help.

Doing a oly distance race on Sunday, but the weather is looking grim. Rain and gales :(
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