Is it now worth moving from plasma to something LED?

Having both a sony 65" Oled & sony 65" QD-Oled in the house the colours on the QD-Oled are far better
Which is making me very much looking at upgrading the 65" OLED to an QD-Oled as i hate looking at the duller colours on my OLED now compared to my QD-Oled

Am waiting to see what new QD-Oled improvements come out this year
Video link - Samsung Display launch the 2nd Generation of QD OLED at CES 2023
Seeing as I keep my tvs so long I think I'll wait and see what qd oled brings. Maybe the Sony will come down enough to justify
Bought one of those plug in energy monitors as was curious as to how much the 42 inch plasma is drawing. Wish I hadn’t.

Watching some ice hockey so a lot of white/bright on the screen and it’s pulling 400 watts
My 55” LG C9, Sonos Arc and Sub Mini, router, NAS and Virgin Superhub use around 120W combined.
It’s being retired to family room duties this year (having the tough glass front panel has been good with a little one…), so won’t get used much then.

Plus that 400 watts was an extreme example with basically a full white screen on, be interested to see what sort of power draw the OLEDs have with similar content (it’ll still be like a quarter of the plasma or something)

Was all set on an LZ2000x then with the incoming MZ2000 with MLA I’m now wondering whether to hold out for that.
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Plus that 400 watts was an extreme example with basically a full white screen on, be interested to see what sort of power draw the OLEDs have with similar content (it’ll still be like a quarter of the plasma or something)

Not sure if there would be that much difference in power draw between them....From looking at the labels on back of them :cry: They both say over 400watt

65" OLED

50" Plasma
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Hah have never looked on the label on our plasma

42 inch and says 350W, but def exceeds that sometimes.

Highest recorded from the energy monitor plug is 444W.
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Still love my 60ZT65 it must be 7 years old or so now and still looks fantastic for games and TV/Movies and is very forgiving on source content I never seem to have issues with lower bitrate content and dark scenes :) motion is near perfect and I've still no burn in :)

I got my LG C1 on Saturday. Absolutely zero regrets. 4K HDR content is absolutely stunning on it! The thing that really jumps out to me is the highlights - night and day difference compared to Plasma. People talk about OLED black levels as the remarkable thing, but I think most of them are coming from LCD.

But I will caveat my enthusiasm with two things. Firstly, I haven't watched any broadcast TV with the set. I don't even have an aerial any more. I have absolutely no idea how well (or otherwise) upscaling works. And secondly, the soap opera effect is very noticeable to my eyes. Hopefully this can be remedied by tweaking the settings.

Overall though, Plasma to a modern OLED is a generational leap. No question about it. The OLED can display details and colours which would be missing or muted on the old Panasonic set.
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You just have to disable the motion smoothing setting to remove the soap opera effect, most easily done by setting it to filmmaker mode.

As for black levels, OLED is still massively better than plasma in that regard.

I got my LG C1 on Saturday. Absolutely zero regrets. 4K HDR content is absolutely stunning on it! The thing that really jumps out to me is the highlights - night and day difference compared to Plasma. People talk about OLED black levels as the remarkable thing, but I think most of them are coming from LCD.

But I will caveat my enthusiasm with two things. Firstly, I haven't watched any broadcast TV with the set. I don't even have an aerial any more. I have absolutely no idea how well (or otherwise) upscaling works. And secondly, the soap opera effect is very noticeable to my eyes. Hopefully this can be remedied by tweaking the settings.

Overall though, Plasma to a modern OLED is a generational leap. No question about it. The OLED can display details and colours which would be missing or muted on the old Panasonic set.
Still love my 60ZT65 it must be 7 years old or so now and still looks fantastic for games and TV/Movies and is very forgiving on source content I never seem to have issues with lower bitrate content and dark scenes :) motion is near perfect and I've still no burn in :)

This is probably my biggest concern.

That my 'poor' source material (best ill get is Netflix premium) will look scratchy on these big, high res screens.

I'm aware plasma is forgiving on tat.

I'm sure most people have Netflix.
Is Netflix top tier good enough on these tvs?
I'm sure most people have Netflix.
Is Netflix top tier good enough on these tvs?

Netflix Premium looks excellent, as do Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video. Cbeebies aside (which also looks fine), that's most of our viewing.

Not sure about the other catch-up apps as we don't use them often.
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Still waiting on good Micro-LED before I upgrade from my Sony XE9305 - These OLED's with their 800 - 900 peak brightness.
Don't get me wrong, it's a mad improvement over where they were, but with HDR10+ & DV mastered at 1000 - 4000, they just need that little more.
Micro-LED is just going to give you all the advantages of "blackest black" you get with OLED, but give you that peak brightness as well.

Obviously if I was looking to buy right now, OLED is the direction I'd go - but when I was looking 5yrs ago, I still stand by my choice.
I went from that TV to a x95j and it was a huge step up. Going to change again end of this year. Can't decide on either Sony mini led or do I trust oled enough now with image retention and brightness. Regardless it will be a Sony at there motion and colours are great.
This article describes EXACTLY what I feel when I see this.

It is common for a new TV’s picture to leave an unsettling impression after purchasing. Actors and objects are clearly visible against the background – almost as if someone had literally glued them there.

The flow is also extremely smooth, with no stuttering at all. This is referred to as the soap opera effect. When it comes to high-quality TV series and movies, this is especially true.
ive never seen a tv where you couldn't turn off this setting
Netflix Premium looks excellent, as do Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video. Cbeebies aside (which also looks fine), that's most of our viewing.

Not sure about the other catch-up apps as we don't use them often.
Thanks for this. This is all I really use anyway.
F1 is only other thing I watch on c4. And it looks terrible regardless of the TV!
Not sure if its been covered but you will need to upgrade your yam reciever if your using it as a hdmi switcher, I had an older RXV 673 that I had to replace when I went to 4k, it just displayed a black screen
Not sure if its been covered but you will need to upgrade your yam reciever if your using it as a hdmi switcher, I had an older RXV 673 that I had to replace when I went to 4k, it just displayed a black screen

Apparently I won't need to if Netflix works with TV as an app? Rather than plugging hdmis into the av can use the TV?

Not sure how control Netflix on TV though vs chrome cast

I thought I'd have to as well.
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I was in the same position about 2yr ago. I had been using a Panasonic 55" VT30 for many years, stubbornly holding on to it. When I bought a LG CX 55" OLED I regretted not upgrading sooner, so much better in every regard. Just grab an LG OLED, you won't be disappointed.

If you're worried about the soap opera effect, it can be turned off on any TV, you just have to dig around in the settings sometimes to find it.
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