Is it ok to be proud to be white?

Throughout my life i've noticed that most black people are obessed about their colour. A vast majorty of their time, speak to any black person long enough and the subject of their race always come up, some take longer than others but it always come up eventually. I've only known a couple of guys who where chill and got on with their life without bringing it up. I don't get the same with any Asians i work with.

Why do you think that is?
It's pretty sad and pathetic to be proud of the colour of your skin, something which you have no control over! (Obviously being proud of your culture & history is very different)
Be proud of something you have achieved, created or relationships you have developed in life. ie something YOU have actually done.

Why is being proud of your culture and history "very different"? Skin colour is fairly indicative of your heritage by the way
Why is being proud of your culture and history "very different"? Skin colour is fairly indicative of your heritage by the way

History I don;t agree with because it is completely irreverent to yourself. Current culture you can be vaguely associated with because yourself living in the present could help form the culture. But there is a scale issue. You can help mold the culture of a small community, but you wont have an influence at larger scales of a city or country.

Your link of skin color and culture is exactly why race is defined in the context of culture
History I don;t agree with because it is completely irreverent to yourself. Current culture you can be vaguely associated with because yourself living in the present could help form the culture. But there is a scale issue. You can help mold the culture of a small community, but you wont have an influence at larger scales of a city or country.

Your link of skin color and culture is exactly why race is defined in the context of culture

It's false you need to be directly involved in something to be proud of it, I can be proud my Grandad fought in WW2 against Germany without having done anything myself, I am proud of him, I am proud to say he was my Grandad; it does not need me to have done anything. This is just a BS argument.
Maybe but far too many people vicariously live through their ancestors like it’s their personal achievement and deserve utter derision.

You should strive to be better than your ancestors, after all.
Why is being proud of your culture and history "very different"? Skin colour is fairly indicative of your heritage by the way

It means he is a mediocre little man who feels inadequate because he lost his status as ruler, even if that status exists only in his fantasies. Driven by fear of 'extinction', with a bit of sexual insecurity on the side, he anchors on skin colour to earn a sense of identity. Pathetic.
Maybe but far too many people vicariously live through their ancestors like it’s their personal achievement and deserve utter derision.

You should strive to be better than your ancestors, after all.

They aren't mutually exclusive positions, I can be proud and strive. 10/10 post
It means he is a mediocre little man who feels inadequate because he lost his status as ruler, even if that status exists only in his fantasies. Driven by fear of 'extinction', with a bit of sexual insecurity on the side, he anchors on skin colour to earn a sense of identity. Pathetic.

I don't think anyone actually thinks like that, it's strange that you've decided people hold these whacky positions and then built this hatred of them based on that, maybe get some help?
Your link of skin color and culture is exactly why race is defined in the context of culture

By who exactly. ..?

Please oh please post one of your links to one of your 'peer reviewed' grievance studies professor's ....

(because you should know by now that's not going to end well for your argument)

Thankfully in UK law we have an actual legal defintion of what consistutes a 'race'

Equality act 2010 said:

But not.... 'culture' which would be far too vague as cultures involve 'beliefs' (I. E ideas....)

So your preffered defintion of racism would mean that people opposed to other people's ideas would also be 'racist' if you could show certain ideas we commonly held by a particular group.
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I feel like this whole thread has speciesist overtones. What if the OP is a snow leopard?


After all - the OP would then be part of a.... pride*!

*The collective noun for a group of leopards is a leap, which, whilst in itself is chucklesome, hardly fits the thread topic
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I am neither proud nor ashamed. Colour as a category to me is an irrelevance. The sins of white people before me are not my sins, the achievements of other white people before me are not my achievements. What annoys me is when people try to categorise people using colour/sex/background as a stick to beat them with. A quote from a diversity manager at a work departmental meeting recently was:

"There are too many white middle class men in this business".

Completely unacceptable yet deemed appropriate to say in a work environment for some reason that I still struggle to understand.
I am neither proud nor ashamed. Colour as a category to me is an irrelevance. The sins of white people before me are not my sins, the achievements of other white people before me are not my achievements. What annoys me is when people try to categorise people using colour/sex/background as a stick to beat them with. A quote from a diversity manager at a work departmental meeting recently was:

"There are too many white middle class men in this business".

Completely unacceptable yet deemed appropriate to say in a work environment for some reason that I still struggle to understand.

Your head of HR probably feels a lack of feline representation.

White people have been conditioned to feel bad about being white. Nobody else does.
I think that's a bit of a stretch, no?

I mean, we've been assailed by media and cultural fear mongering of the 'other' for decades, and it seems pretty unlikely for some of that to not be internalised by those very 'others'.

It's really rather entitled to take offense at now being pulled up on some of this behaviour , surely?
I think that's a bit of a stretch, no?

I mean, we've been assailed by media and cultural fear mongering of the 'other' for decades, and it seems pretty unlikely for some of that to not be internalised by those very 'others'.

It's really rather entitled to take offense at now being pulled up on some of this behaviour , surely?
Yes, yes, do tell us how racism towards white people is totally deserved and justified. Because some of their white ancestors had different values and may have done some questionable things. NOW FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT, DAMN YOU! ENTITLED RACISTS ALL! EVERYTHING BAD IS YOUR FAULT! NOW AND FOREVER!

You people are hilarious, tragic and downright dangerous for the future of all of us. All at the same time.

Historic racism doesn't justify contemporary racism; anyone saying such is a bona-fide moron. True story.
I think that's a bit of a stretch, no?

I mean, we've been assailed by media and cultural fear mongering of the 'other' for decades, and it seems pretty unlikely for some of that to not be internalised by those very 'others'.

It's really rather entitled to take offense at now being pulled up on some of this behaviour , surely?


Fear of 'others' is a general human condition not something unique or even obviously more prevalent in whites. It comes from out biology as a survival mechanism.

Currently predominantly white nations are demonstrably some of most tolerant of 'others' in any time and place when taken as whole.

Go try and be an 'other' in some of the other places of the world ...

What you don't see is the pathetic self flagellation and promotion of collective intergenerational race based guilt that we see promulgated for white people for any other group to anything like the same degree.

The Chinese, Japanese, zulu ancestors etc for example don't suffer from this issue to any significant degree despite their ancestors actions
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