Seems these days if the word "proud" is used by any non white group it's ok because they have fought adversity but if white people use the same word it means something completely different and your a worse person for saying it so who was it that decided that bs rule. White culture has made this world what it is primarily good and bad and isn't something to be ashamed of even though there is a growing lobby that advocates that. Adversity is not universal in it's form and plenty of white people have fought adversity to progress before anyone says it isn't the same try overcoming a class system or the mystical power of the right school tie because fighting through those can be very hard and have costs. We have people out there that don't just say only white people can be racist but actually believe it often ignoring the irony in their position and it's amazing how many are involved in academia spreading this bile.
The term "white pride" should be seen for what it often is an uncomplicated response to the frustration that is growing in an ever growing section of society who no longer feel involved or relevant to society and ultimately that is the goal of identity politics to create division within society setting those groups against each other. I have always believed judging anyone on a few millimetres of pigmentation is the stupidest thing a person can do but by modern standards i am a racist because i dislike one group in society but my dislike comes from experience with that group and over thirty years of involvement with them. I am not mentioning the group because my journey to disliking them was personal and only applies to a very small group who made the same journey as me and while i support less pandering to them i absolutely despise physical or verbal attacks on them.
Our country is in a mess in so many regards right now that i am not overly convinced we can come together again without a drastic period of change both in society and politics both of which right now are failing everyone and causing the types of question the op asked.
The term "white pride" should be seen for what it often is an uncomplicated response to the frustration that is growing in an ever growing section of society who no longer feel involved or relevant to society and ultimately that is the goal of identity politics to create division within society setting those groups against each other. I have always believed judging anyone on a few millimetres of pigmentation is the stupidest thing a person can do but by modern standards i am a racist because i dislike one group in society but my dislike comes from experience with that group and over thirty years of involvement with them. I am not mentioning the group because my journey to disliking them was personal and only applies to a very small group who made the same journey as me and while i support less pandering to them i absolutely despise physical or verbal attacks on them.
Our country is in a mess in so many regards right now that i am not overly convinced we can come together again without a drastic period of change both in society and politics both of which right now are failing everyone and causing the types of question the op asked.