Is it ok to be proud to be white?

Nah, the world is fine. Social media is the problem.

Social media isn't the only problem. There were plenty of problems before it.

The world is fine. Human society is the problem. Social media makes it worse by promoting groupthink, intolerance and irrational prejudice.
WTF is this thread about??? I'm white, male, straight and middle aged and I have zero feelings about what skin I was born in. People think waaaaay too much about this ****. FFS to coin a phrase, man up!
You know, non-whites are very much over-represented in homelessness. So maybe you should slowly backtrack from that non-point.

Perhaps you should check your facts and backtrack from your disengenious and unsupported by the facts claim?

Next time you meet a "white" male homeless person (most of them are "white" and male) huddled in a doorway, will you tell them they're dominant and privileged? Or will you ask them if they're straight first?

Angilion was clearly reffering to 'rough sleepers' not thoose that are in the wider Statutory homeless category (with the two not being the same thing)

To be legally defined as homeless you must either lack a secure place in which you are entitled to live or not reasonably be able to stay.

Its would hardly be surprising that that the statutory homeless category would have a disproportionate amount of non whites in it given that this group would include recent immigrants (including some larger family units) into the UK who lacked permeant and therefore secure housing and so would count for the statutory homeless figures.

By and large these people won't be rough sleeping however.

However when it comes to rough sleepers in the diverse capital city, London .... ..

So in the 2011 the census whites made up under 60% of the population of London but seven years later, when the white population of London can be expected to have decreased, 65.2% of rough sleepers identified were white. I. E whites are over represented in the most diverse city in London when it comes to rough sleepers!
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And as expected cheesyboy even your quoted link has demonstrable falsehoods in it.. ...

'Homelessness among ethnic minorities soars under Conservative government, new analysis reveals'

Balbir Chatrik, the charity’s director of policy and engagement, said the increases in homelessness among ethnic minorities were linked to the difficulties members of these communities still faced in getting jobs.

She said: “Unfortunately, it is not surprising that the homelessness figures within black and minority ethnic (BME) communities are increasing.

“While there are many contributing factors to homelessness, the one dominant feature within these communities is a high rate of unemployment. For many years it has been apparent that it’s much harder for young people within BME communities to gain employment, and this can have a direct impact on their housing situation.”

In 2010 the employment rate for blacks was 60% in 2016 it had risen to 67%...

the rates for all ethnic minority groups listed by the goverment data went up in this time frame

It would therefore seem a stretch to say that the increased rates of recorded homelessness in ethnic minorities were due to unemployment rates under the Tories....

But lets look deeper.... what's one group of mostly 'BAME' people are deemed at greater risk of being defined as being 'homeless' (but not generally rough sleepers)?.... asylum seekers

From 2010 to 2016 the numbers of UK Asylum application went from 24,335 to 39,737 an increase of 15,402 or over a 63% increase from 2010 to 2016 and the rate every year after 2010 to 2016 was higher than the 2010 figure with the biggest figure being 40,159 in 2015

Now given that the Independent says the BAME (statutory) homeless rate increased 52% in the same period but BAME employment rates went up in this time frame.

What's the more likely significant cause of increased BAME homeless rates? unemployment rates in general in the BAME demographic or a massive surge in asylum applicants in the same period?

… bare in mind in absolute numbers the number of BAME households registered as homeless went from 3,310 to 5,030 (an increase of 1,720) with the number of individual asylum applications rising by 15,402 comparing year on year in the same period
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Few weeks ago I was out with my wife. A club in Shorditch late at night with many none white people in there (is that the correct PC term?). Waiting and chatting to the 2 ladies on reception, both GORGEOUS and having some banter I noticed a young black (is that the right term?) guy looking at my wife and I with that sneering look. He whispers to his girlfriend "white provable init" to which to her credit she apologises (she did not need to I hasted to add) and the 2 girls on reception, both black (help me here?) admonish him in no uncertain terms.

AFAIK "black" is OK but some people object to "non-white".

The current fashionable term is "people of colour" though this seems to get adopted sometimes by people who aren't exactly too different to the average white person in order to give themselves some status... like Greek or Turkish who otherwise look white referring to themselves as "people of colour", lumping themselves in with black people as if Greeks and Turks have the same potential issues with racism as they do.

IIRC some black people have now started rejecting the POC label and just refer to themselves as black, something that woke "SJW" types who are basically white but with say a Turkish Grandad can't co-opt.

A similar phenomenon seems to occur with LGBTQ at the moment, in particular the "Q" bit - now someone who is say female but has decided to go with short hair/alternative look can claim to be "queer" and "gender fluid" while basically still living as a girl and dating guys.... they too can the join the rainbow club, go on marches and co-opt the victimhood status without really having had any of the same level of discrimination.
What a crock of ****.
If anyone said to me I'm proud to be white, brown, black, yellow, red or bleached white for all you northern Indians out there I would instantly class you to be a complete moron.

I can go with proud of your culture, ancestors achievements, even at a stretch area you live but bloody amount of pigment in your skin..... Urghh go away.... I'm proud of my fingernails too.
Pretty much came here to post this.

I've been pretty consistent with this point .

I haven't saidthat you're being inconsistent. I've said (and am saying) that you're being irrationally prejudiced and discriminatory.

I see your claim has already been debunked, even using your own sources. And, as I said before, it would be irrelevant even if it was true (which it isn't). Also as I said before, you can't understand or acknowledge the idea of an individual because you are devoted to a belief in biological group identity, i.e. that "they're all the same". Even when they're obviously not. Also as I said before, you won't answer the question I asked.

You're consistent in your point, but your point is inconsistent with reality. It's simply not true that "they're all the same" just because "they" have a vaguely similar amount of melanin in their skin or they're the same sex or whatever other triviality it's fashionable to irrationally consider of such extreme importance that it defines everything a person is, that it's their identity.

I think that the position directly opposing yours was most eloquently expressed by Martin Luther King when he spoke of dreaming that one day people would be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. I'd extend that to sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
probably a bit dumb to say just 'white' better to say im proud to be say catholic, muslim or even scottish or something. its more cultural to me.
I like how questions like this are always centered around white people, and yet this is the reality...


Whites don't think race is central to their identity because that wouldn't be allowed. They're constantly told they can't have pride in their race, heritage, etc. but it is actively encouraged within all other races.
It's pretty sad and pathetic to be proud of the colour of your skin, something which you have no control over! (Obviously being proud of your culture & history is very different)
Be proud of something you have achieved, created or relationships you have developed in life. ie something YOU have actually done.
It's pretty sad and pathetic to be proud of the colour of your skin, something which you have no control over! (Obviously being proud of your culture & history is very different)
Be proud of something you have achieved, created or relationships you have developed in life. ie something YOU have actually done.

Social media isn't the only problem. There were plenty of problems before it.

The world is fine. Human society is the problem. Social media makes it worse by promoting groupthink, intolerance and irrational prejudice.

The difference was before it, people could tell them to shut their face then they would go and sulk and unless you were there, you would never have known about it. Now, today it promotes mob rule and everything about life these days is about trending. Which the mainstream media has the biggest influence on including fees for it.
I haven't saidthat you're being inconsistent. I've said (and am saying) that you're being irrationally prejudiced and discriminatory.
I wasn't posting that to argue my consistency. Its purpose was to re-confirm my argument (which I've been consistent on ;) ).

So what's 'irrationally prejudiced and discriminatory' about this:
I suppose the point is: lots of people have it tough, but white people don't have the additional challenge of being disadvantaged due to their skin colour.

It's not that white people necessarily have it easy, but that their skin colour isn't one of the things making it harder.
And how does this fail to fit with your homeless white people 'point'?
The difference was before it, people could tell them to shut their face then they would go and sulk and unless you were there, you would never have known about it. Now, today it promotes mob rule and everything about life these days is about trending. Which the mainstream media has the biggest influence on including fees for it.

You can still do that. If you have no social media presence or use an alias, they can't do much :p

The best security online is anonymity and always has been. It's only with facebook etc that people started posting their lives online and making themselves targets. When the internet was only for geeks it was considered stupid to even post your real name let alone a photo of yourself, your kids, your house, etc.
WTF is this thread about??? I'm white, male, straight and middle aged and I have zero feelings about what skin I was born in. People think waaaaay too much about this ****. FFS to coin a phrase, man up!

Throughout my life i've noticed that most black people are obessed about their colour. A vast majorty of their time, speak to any black person long enough and the subject of their race always come up, some take longer than others but it always come up eventually. I've only known a couple of guys who where chill and got on with their life without bringing it up. I don't get the same with any Asians i work with.
It's pretty sad and pathetic to be proud of the colour of your skin, something which you have no control over! (Obviously being proud of your culture & history is very different)
Be proud of something you have achieved, created or relationships you have developed in life. ie something YOU have actually done.

Agree, but this goes for all Colours/races not just White people.
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