Is my living room too dark?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
So, having a bit of an argument with the wife.

We've just spent a pretty penny on some new sofa's and accent chairs. Which we both like.

The argument is that the coffee table is making the front room horrible. (well that's what the wife is saying) She claims its making the entire room too dark and apparently she hates the rest of the room because of it.

While I agree the coffee table is an inexpensive made in china piece of crap, and needs replacing, I do not think the colour of it ruins the look of the room. Actually I think the colour suits the room well. Grays and browns go well together in a modern living room. She for some reason hates browns and wants to switch everything that's brown to be grey. The girl is outta control on her flippin greys!

Honest what do you think opinion please. I will be presenting her with this thread.

oh, that's diabolically awful, that's just so punishing on the senses..... :p

Better tell her to forget all about chocolate.. 'cause, you know, that's brown too :D
I agree with your girlfriend. I wouldn't put grey and brown together in my house, it would be one or the other.

An accent colour is all well and good, but if you're going with grey as your main colour palette then I wouldn't have that accent colour being brown, you'd want something to 'lift' the grey.
For starters get a better pic and try to balance the colours better. The sofas and chairs look very similar to the table but from what is said in your post
She for some reason hates browns and wants to switch everything that's brown to be grey.
I assume that they are in fact grey not brown.
To me, it looks rather good.

Only problems are:

- The two white vases in the back corner there. Remove them, and replace with something similar to that on the shelf above them. Or possibly something like a small plate type ornament?

- The picture in the centre shelf, doesn't go for me.

But apart from that, it's good.
The coffee table doesn't exactly go, but it's not what draws my eye in the room as the thing that doesn't go with everything else. That would be the walls. Though as said the picture isn't great at showing true colours so it could just be the picture!
Personally I'd use green to brighten it up a bit and maybe some light grey, the table is a bit OTT though, I'd have to remove it and open up that bit of the room.

Having said that I'd get rid of the chair in the corner too.. unless it's where a pet sleeps!
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