Is my living room too dark?

Looks like a nice cozy living room to be honest. But yeah, show us a pic without the rug (even though I like the rug, just wanted to see the difference)
The wife waited like 16weeks for that rug. Calling them up on a weekly basis. She was like a flippin cat waiting at the window for it to arrive. There's no way in hell its going. I told her straight, its going to be a pain to clean, but its what you wanted.

I don't mind it, it's great for the audio. Almost even an upgrade. :D
TBH the item in that room that looks awful and out of place IMO is the rug. The table matches in with the colour of the rest of the furniture.
Now seeing the kitchen, I'd want to change the units in there, now they're far to dark for my liking.

Coming back to the living room, seeing as you can't loose the rug, go for one that's smaller with shorter pile and isn't right upto the furniture or has the furniture sat on the edge of it.

Also, I'd change the chair that's in the corner for something lighter. Doing so would at least break the brown theme up a little.
Needs some colour I think, also it's not helping that you have black tv uni, massive black tv and black shelves. I'd maybe look at some lighter units. Maybe even consider something with a bold colour, like a bright red bench.
It is stupid really, the single most darkest piece of furniture in terms of area is that rug, yet you refuse to remove it. Short of changing the sofa to white leather or fabric, which will cost you a small fortune, the removal of the rug would solve your problem of a "dark" room (which I don't think it's too dark, I never open my curtains as I use the living room like a cinema).

Get rid of the rug and instant bright room, guarantee it.
Just give up and leave the aesthetical world behind and retreat into the Virtual one where you can choose nice stuff.

Just remember to commend her for her awful choices.
Give her a baby to stick on the rug, then she'll forgot about the decoration and vases with twigs in and just think about getting some sleep all the time :)

I don't think you'll gain anything by showing her this thread, wimmins are not interested in being told they are totally wrong by 30 Internet nerds, you'll just lose all happy time in the bedroom for a few months and she'll do what she wants anyway by grinding you down.
They grow up thinking they are experts on interior decoration because they read so many flipping magazines that "inspire them", don't go bursting their bubble or they will cry or something :/
Here was the room before the rug. Forgive the quality, iphone and a panoramic snip.


Too light if anything, too much magnolia, it's very bland, not at all inviting or homey.

I'd be tempted to add some nice dark hardwood or paint a dark purple feature wall to break it up if you want to stick with the "beige" theme as that usually works well. Certainly wouldn't add red.
Oh My God, the twigs have been breeding, now there is a whole sheaf of them in the corner :eek:

What is this, a house or a flipping squirrel nest?
You must stop her bringing bits of dead wood into your house, this is madness I tell you!
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