Is the snake oil slowly retreating from the Hi-Fi industry?

29 May 2006
What does GPU offloading have to do with anything? Nice little strawman there.
Its not a strawman when you are developing and editing you can GPU offload which can improve sound quality for that task. Its not something that will make a difference while listening to a single track but it can impact the way music sounds while editing and developing with music.

Stutter caused by doing other tasks while listening to music isn't diminishing sound quality, it's destroying your ability to listen to audio while multitasking.
When you aren't multi-tasking is your audio quality magically higher due to having a 2080ti instead of a 1030?

If not, you're not gaining improved sound quality.
I wasn't talking about multitasking while listening to music. I was talking about when you are developing and editing music with multiple streams and overlays where you can offload to the GPU to remove the sound shuttering. Which in turn improve the way the music sounds. When you aren't multi-tasking and doing this then upgrading the GPU can make the audio quality sound better.
25 Oct 2010
I wasn't talking about multitasking while listening to music. I was talking about when you are developing and editing music with multiple streams and overlays where you can offload to the GPU to remove the sound shuttering. Which in turn improve the way the music sounds. When you aren't multi-tasking and doing this then upgrading the GPU can make the audio quality sound better.

It was my impression that this thread was about the end user buying ridiculous products to listen to music, not the caveats of the production process.
29 May 2006
It was my impression that this thread was about the end user buying ridiculous products to listen to music, not the caveats of the production process.
There was a video posted talking about those bits of hardware impacting how music sounds. The context of the video matters because its not fair to make fun of them talking about that hardware if its aimed at people producing music. Like I said I was playing devil advocate.
12 May 2020
It was my impression that this thread was about the end user buying ridiculous products to listen to music, not the caveats of the production process.
I think it’s more about the manufactures plying their alleged snake oil. We seem to be stuck at the bottom rung of the ladder with this thread to be honest. You have to employ your due diligence when purchasing If its because it’s shiny and looks nice and you have the coin to buy it, who are we to say anything?
My point again is how low is the bar where this snake oil creeps in?

could the pc audiophile be dragged into this,? It’s a can of worms as I said before, it’s audio so it probably falls into the category. It’s all encompassing. Some of the comments have shown the belief in snake oil is real with pc audiophiles. Speaking of gems, here’s some pearls of wisdom just for you.
It can also be a case of an unwillingness to accept what others say, without having to jump through hoops to validate a statement.
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3 Mar 2010
Hants, UK
Those music development programs can use a surprising amount of ram and processing where muti cores benefit and it is even possible to impact data transfer over USB. I take it you have never tried to data transfer over USB when a dual core CPU is maxed out at 100% when rendering/processing and without an SSD. A quad core is a much smoother expreince.

When you have dozens of plugins loaded in the music productions software which most people sound processing will do at the same time as having multiple streams you use a large amount of ram up and data takes up a surprising amount of bandwidth. Depending on what editing you are doing doubling ram will improve sound. But of course you will get to a point where extra ram will do nothing. I use up more ram, CPU cores and processing while developing then I do for high end gaming. If I drop ram and the CPU down to 2 cores music will stutter, crackle while editing so its reasonable to say quad core and extra rams improves the music in the editing software. EDIT: That's just for music editing. If you are video editing and music editing together with multiple music and video overlays please give me that 256GB of ram over 128GB or way, way more at the really high end editing.

The context really does matter because those specs can impact sound quality while you are processing and creating music. But will do nothing for sound if you are just listening to single tracks at a time and nothing else. If he is pitching to people editing music and using music development programs then we shouldn't be making fun of what he is saying as its correct. Now if he is pitching those things to people listening to single tracks at a time. Ignore what I am saying and LoL at him.
It pretty obvious from the video that it's referring to audio playback/streaming.

Silberman claimed that more cores and more ram makes the sound better - no mention of audio format, sample rate, bitrate, player software, etc. If he's correct then a dual 64-core Epyc system with 2TB ram will make a 128Kbps mp3 sound better than a single quad core i5-4670K with 8GB ram, which, I hope you agree, is absolute balls.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
Its not a strawman when you are developing and editing you can GPU offload which can improve sound quality for that task. Its not something that will make a difference while listening to a single track but it can impact the way music sounds while editing and developing with music.

what does that have to do with anything discussed in this thread?

It's a strawman because it's it's not something anybody with an ounce of common sense would argue against and he's using that to make he's real argument seem more credible. This thread has nothing to do with leveraging gpu hardware to improve music production or software filtering/decoding, it's about snake oil in the hifi industry.
4 Jul 2012
It's about claims that have literally no merit. For example the claim that changing power strips made the sound system sound completely different.

That just isn't a thing, and there's literally zero evidence that it works that way. I have no idea why audiophiles actually want to believe this stuff, but they absolutely believe in all sorts of insane things with literally no proof.

He's doing the classic thing of getting very defensive and insulting people when they say this as well. It's like the audiophile script for when they want to make claims that lack substance or evidence.
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19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
He jumps into a diatribe of nonesense about the cern collider and the space time continuum and wires. That was good for a chuckle it really was.
The funny part is his analogy really does fall apart when you realise that you can’t actually hear anything in the vacuum of space. But it was a nice effort.

Ah a variation of the classic "it's not audio, therefore better cables won't help"
12 May 2020
what does that have to do with anything discussed in this thread?

It's a strawman because it's it's not something anybody with an ounce of common sense would argue against and he's using that to make he's real argument seem more credible. This thread has nothing to do with leveraging gpu hardware to improve music production or software filtering/decoding, it's about snake oil in the hifi industry.
It’s got everything to with it my little antagonist. Some asked about the merits of using a £500 usb cable.....there is no short answer is there.

It’s called cpu offloading James. Nothing more nothing less? I don’t have a real argument. No I don’t,you are correct. I have no intentions of arguing.. I am telling you how it is with the power cable. You need to accept it James. It made a great difference.
On a side note. If you smack the end of it with one of thos large trifle spoons it will underclock your balls just enough for for strawman to subside. I’m getting worried about you.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
It’s called cpu offloading James. Nothing more nothing less?

It's GPU offloading, and there's a nice easy way for you to confirm that - what does hqplayer call it, str!xt? Cuda offload. And why is it called cuda offload? Because hqplayer is using cuda to offload to the GPU. It's not offloading to the CPU is it?

I don’t have a real argument. No I don’t,you are correct. I have no intentions of arguing..

You don't know the difference between argument and arguing. That's cute.

I am telling you how it is with the power cable. You need to accept it James. It made a great difference.

We moved on from that. Weird.

On a side note. If you smack the end of it with one of thos large trifle spoons it will underclock your balls just enough for for strawman to subside. I’m getting worried about you.

You're projecting.
James has just said you are all as dumb as a bag of rocks.

No let me make that crystal clear for you. Nobody has or will argue against the idea that leveraging the GPU can help with processing or decoding. If, IF, that means you can enable modes that a CPU can't manage that that can lead to a better quality end product and that's just fine.

People didn't question the use of a GPU in that situation, they questioned how the use of a GPU can improve audio in the context of this thread, and they did so because you deliberately asked a vague question that you knew would be misunderstood. You talk about people trying to trip you up... and you pull nonsense like that. We see through it, str!xt. Very sad.
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29 May 2006
what does that have to do with anything discussed in this thread?

It's a strawman because it's it's not something anybody with an ounce of common sense would argue against and he's using that to make he's real argument seem more credible. This thread has nothing to do with leveraging gpu hardware to improve music production or software filtering/decoding, it's about snake oil in the hifi industry.
Its not a strawman as I didn't misrepresented the original argument saying I agree its snake oil and the specs makes no difference after a certain point when just listening to tracks. I went into the other side of the specs to explain when it does make a difference.

I just watched one of the original unedited conferences which that other video was making fun off. What the speaker said was Ram makes a difference as 4GB usage is typically with that computer just sitting on desktop (The one in the video). Then with multiple music stuff opened usage goes up to between 6GB and 8 GB. 8 is getting close to the limit so he recommends 16GB is a good baseline as its cheap and gives you lots of headroom while multitasking with the listed music programs.

All off a sudden given context his comments about doubling ram from 4 to 8, or 8 to 16 doesn’t sound silly and makes sense. He has at a quick look over 6+ hours of conference video which I have not watched it all. But from what I have watched he explains why he says what he says and backs it up with valid reasonable evidence. At least on the hardware specs bits I have seen. Got some work to do then I am going to watch some more to see if he goes into snake oil. So far I agree with him. 16GB is a little overkill but with the music programs listed 8GB isn't really enough while multitasking and its rare to see 10 to 12GB systems. People tend to double and given the cheap cost I would do the same.

It pretty obvious from the video that it's referring to audio playback/streaming.

Silberman claimed that more cores and more ram makes the sound better - no mention of audio format, sample rate, bitrate, player software, etc. If he's correct then a dual 64-core Epyc system with 2TB ram will make a 128Kbps mp3 sound better than a single quad core i5-4670K with 8GB ram, which, I hope you agree, is absolute balls.
I have already said I agree with that for listening to single files. If you go back I said I hadn't watched the video and asked what is the context of who the person is selling to as it matters as that can turn the false statements into correct statements. Although this morning I just watched one of his videos and he was talking doubling ram from 4GB to 8GB and when multitasking with a bunch of programs listed the systems gets double to 16GB to give headroom. Do you disagree with that? Personally I think he is correct.
12 May 2020
And back to more off topic nonsense In



James it’s offloading from the cpu to the gpu.....
Trip them up? Really oh ok....
And yes, you called them dumb....
we have moved on from that? Have we reallly James.....
Stop trying so hard James. Is this what number nerds do when they feel cornered?
The projecting part is just called leg pulling. Taking the ****. The one that makes you angry?
You somehow assume they are all clever as you. But stupid little me can trip them up with a bafflingly worded question. Lol and have a free snort of derision.
You seem to get your wires crossed quite a lot, don’t you James?
I never mentioned the use of gpu in decoding, did I James?

what are you like when you angry James? Do you purposely not wash your grapes before you eat them. Do you not use full,stops and question marks or do you refuse to have your bedtime cocoa?
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3 Mar 2010
Hants, UK
Its not a strawman as I didn't misrepresented the original argument saying I agree its snake oil and the specs makes no difference after a certain point when just listening to tracks. I went into the other side of the specs to explain when it does make a difference.

I just watched one of the original unedited conferences which that other video was making fun off. What the speaker said was Ram makes a difference as 4GB usage is typically with that computer just sitting on desktop (The one in the video). Then with multiple music stuff opened usage goes up to between 6GB and 8 GB. 8 is getting close to the limit so he recommends 16GB is a good baseline as its cheap and gives you lots of headroom while multitasking with the listed music programs.

All off a sudden given context his comments about doubling ram from 4 to 8, or 8 to 16 doesn’t sound silly and makes sense. He has at a quick look over 6+ hours of conference video which I have not watched it all. But from what I have watched he explains why he says what he says and backs it up with valid reasonable evidence. At least on the hardware specs bits I have seen. Got some work to do then I am going to watch some more to see if he goes into snake oil. So far I agree with him. 16GB is a little overkill but with the music programs listed 8GB isn't really enough while multitasking and its rare to see 10 to 12GB systems. People tend to double and given the cheap cost I would do the same.

I have already said I agree with that for listening to single files. If you go back I said I hadn't watched the video and asked what is the context of who the person is selling to as it matters as that can turn the false statements into correct statements. Although this morning I just watched one of his videos and he was talking doubling ram from 4GB to 8GB and when multitasking with a bunch of programs listed the systems gets double to 16GB to give headroom. Do you disagree with that? Personally I think he is correct.
I don't disagree, but if you're in a position where you want to stream the highest fidelity music possible and a lack of ram will hinder that, then the simplest and cheapest option is to close some apps to free up some memory.

Why he didn't just say that in normal use the recommended minimum ram for streaming music through his cables is 16GB and a quad core cpu? Why say "more cores/ram means better sound"? Why aren't these minimum requirements stated in the product specs?

Here's a snippet from one of AQ's USB cables: "Is digital audio really just ones and zeros? We don't believe so, and once you've had a chance to listen to Diamond USB, you won't think so either..."
Yes, digital audio is just ones and zeros - they are deliberately trying to interject emotional attachment to digital audio so that subjective opinion can be used to describe the sound.
4 Jul 2012
It’s got everything to with it my little antagonist. Some asked about the merits of using a £500 usb cable.....there is no short answer is there.

It’s called cpu offloading James. Nothing more nothing less? I don’t have a real argument. No I don’t,you are correct. I have no intentions of arguing.. I am telling you how it is with the power cable. You need to accept it James. It made a great difference.
On a side note. If you smack the end of it with one of thos large trifle spoons it will underclock your balls just enough for for strawman to subside. I’m getting worried about you.
The power cable made no difference and you have nothing to substantiate your claim.
29 May 2006
I don't disagree, but if you're in a position where you want to stream the highest fidelity music possible and a lack of ram will hinder that, then the simplest and cheapest option is to close some apps to free up some memory.

Why he didn't just say that in normal use the recommended minimum ram for streaming music through his cables is 16GB and a quad core cpu? Why say "more cores/ram means better sound"? Why aren't these minimum requirements stated in the product specs?

Here's a snippet from one of AQ's USB cables: "Is digital audio really just ones and zeros? We don't believe so, and once you've had a chance to listen to Diamond USB, you won't think so either..."
Yes, digital audio is just ones and zeros - they are deliberately trying to interject emotional attachment to digital audio so that subjective opinion can be used to describe the sound.
He did though. He spent a reasonable amount of time at the conference video I watched explaining minimum ram for different situations. Which then got miss quoted as snake oil more RAM sounds better. But its not snake oil its 100% correct if you put the quote with the rest of his speech. The problem is he spent hours talking and the video making fun of him as snake oil is taking little snippets of what he said out of context. At least from what I have watched. Like I said there is hours but so far he has been correct.

He says minimum while multitasking and listening to music is between 6GB and 8GB which is reasonable to me. Not got to the cores bit yet, going watch that later today. But I suspect the cores is a misquote as well and he is talking about multitasking like he was with RAM.
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