Out of curiosity, do you think a £500+ USB cable improves sound quality over a £5 one?
Well , that is a can of worms isnt it? After all ones are ones and zero's are zeros.... aren't they? It depends if you adding a galvanically isolated 12v power supply and separate fancy femto clock into the mix, using a fanless pc with another separate power supply, with a seperate server and all other efforts to combat the horrid sound that digital audio can offer. And when I say offer, I mean that people have gone to great lengths to change the initial sound in to something more palatable on the ears, thus creating the computer audiophile. Makes you wonder what magic they are using doing doesn't it? Changing how the electricity acts is where I would start, but that's just me I guess.
So in answer to your question, the only discernible difference a fancy USB could make is if it were made of silver or silver coated copper with better shielding along with the aforementioned electrical accoutrements. Have I tried one...... of course I have. I wouldn't dare to talk about things that I haven't tried, I mean, would you? that would be an exercise in futility wouldn't it?
This isn't the same at all.
If you under rated the stated power supply parameters to the music system it would malfunction or under perform.
Once you've sized the components inline to spec, and ensured they're stable doing so, anything more 'perfomance' wise is unlikely to the point I put it up there with unicorns..
This isn't the same at all? really? A rather off the cuff sweeping statement. It's a wonderful analogy. The extension lead is the 6mm ring main. The shower is the amp. the 10mm is the new power cord. And even to the point where the more powerful supply of water , could even be considered the extra difference in the sound. So YES it is the same. poetic in fact. So by adding a better cable to an under performing shower........yes that's right, you clean off all the snake oil and can enjoy the shower in all its glory.
Malfunction or under perform? I liked that you used the term under perform, it somehow encapsulates exactly what I have been trying to get across doesn't it? Having my Amp plugged into a generic 5 bar B&Q extension lead along with the pre amp, cd player, DAC and the TV, was at the time, probably not the best idea. But by simply plugging the amp directly into the wall socket on with an un-badged ( does making it badged make a difference?) thicker core shielded cable, it somehow magically performed to the best of its abilities.
Once you have sized the components.......... and they are stable doing so? By getting a better cable you mean? Now how on earth would one make them stable I wonder? stable as in having a constant supply ?
Maybe the Amp was working sub par all along? who woulda thunked it ? not me that's for sure!
Seeing as this thread has now turned into the proverbial snake oil pit. Could some of you explain exactly what is your beef with all of this and not just my hornets nest poking claims. Who's side are you on exactly, because from here it seems you are own side. You cannot fathom out the ludicrous prices that these guys charge and the pretentious claims that they make. with that I agree to a certain extent of course, I have never said anything different have I? Seems that you are also not on my side. Is that because you think iv'e been duped by the spiel and are some how under their spell and i'm some sort of shmuck who knows no better, the perfect sales mans dream? And therefore I deserve the same berating as they are afforded? I mean after all, if cannot substantiate my claims it must rubbish? musn't it?
I have seen lowly figures of a couple of quid to a hundred or so quid banded around. Is this base zero for you guys? Anything above is therefore snake oil and must be treated as such? Or is it that you are peeved that someone wants to spend a considerable amount more on cable or whatever before doing their due diligence? ( in my case i'm pretty sure I know am doing and I know where this snake oil actually begins and what I consider before I buy to be a better upgrade by getting more bang for my buck having walked the path for a few years). look I know its sometimes a case of being drawn in by aesthetics, form over function and all that, so be it I say. Why would you want to go through life eating average food everyday when there is a veritable smorgasbord of better offerings out there? Or is it are you all from Yorkshire? Now we know how tight they are don't we?
Is snake oil retracting from the hi fi industry? holy crap no! Just have a look at this thread. Ever wondered that maybe you are part of the problem by perpetuating it? it's just a thought.
'personally I wouldn't have had it in black ' Good for you! What colour did you end up having Malcolm?