Is the snake oil slowly retreating from the Hi-Fi industry?

Well , that is a can of worms isnt it? After all ones are ones and zero's are zeros.... aren't they? It depends if you adding a galvanically isolated 12v power supply and separate fancy femto clock into the mix, using a fanless pc with another separate power supply, with a seperate server and all other efforts to combat the horrid sound that digital audio can offer. And when I say offer, I mean that people have gone to great lengths to change the initial sound in to something more palatable on the ears, thus creating the computer audiophile. Makes you wonder what magic they are using doing doesn't it? Changing how the electricity acts is where I would start, but that's just me I guess.
So in answer to your question, the only discernible difference a fancy USB could make is if it were made of silver or silver coated copper with better shielding along with the aforementioned electrical accoutrements. Have I tried one...... of course I have. I wouldn't dare to talk about things that I haven't tried, I mean, would you? that would be an exercise in futility wouldn't it?
Wow - not only are you buying into snake oil, it seems you've been sniffing & drinking it too.

If a high-end cable can affect sound quality (i.e. altering it during transmission), then USB must be unreliable at data transfer. Except it demonstrably isn't.
It obviously wasn't spec'd properly was it? oh dear lord. it will either perform 100% or it wont? it obviously didn't it? oh dear lord. And i'm missing the point?
I think maybe you haven't let go of the numbers nerd comment have you?
Its like talking to a curmudgeonly old grump fixed in his ways.

Come on now, I'm not fixed in any old ways. And you didnt answer my question, again. Look, Str!x, any point you were trying to making about how we try to burn you down has been utterly egg-faced by your own petulance. So well done, i guess.

'Who's house is of glass, must not throw stones at another'. :)
Wow - not only are you buying into snake oil, it seems you've been sniffing & drinking it too.

If a high-end cable can affect sound quality (i.e. altering it during transmission), then USB must be unreliable at data transfer. Except it demonstrably isn't.

It seems to be seeping into anything audio doesn't it? So there's thousands upon thousands of pc guys who wish to have a audiophile type quality pc that have been led down the garden path. The same guys who by their own valition have spoken with each other on these forums and have brought forward to the fore the audiophile pc? It's a little like open source linux. it's always being added to. But it seems that some unscrupulous companies who have seen a niche and wish to take money of these mugs, plying their snake oil. There are forums with thousands upon thousands of pages dedicated to this all for nought? such a waste.
Just press play on your pc and that song will play exactly as it should on a cd right?.. Something else new I have learnt today. Femto clock purchase avoided eh?
At no point have I mentioned degraded data transfer. Some of you guys just jump in feet first don't you, johnson swinging in the air on the way in, with your I'll show him attitude. it's quite amusing it really is. I mean who's to say that data transfer doesn't carry a certain amount of unwanted noise with it? But what would I know? The more I talk the less educated I feel I really do. I'd go and take a shower to cleanse my soul, but it's full of guys in there playing light sabers.
I shall refer you to my opening comment,, 'well , that is a can of worms , isn't it?'. Maybe that means something else to others. what say you James?
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It seems to be seeping into anything audio doesn't it? So there's thousands upon thousands of pc guys who wish to have a audiophile type quality pc that have been led down the garden path. The same guys who by their own valition have spoken with each other on these forums and have brought forward to the fore the audiophile pc? It's a little like open source linux. it's always being added to. But it seems that some unscrupulous companies who have seen a niche and wish to take money of these mugs, plying their snake oil. There are forums with thousands upon thousands of pages dedicated to this all for nought? such a waste.
Just press play on your pc and that song will play exactly as it should on a cd right?.. Something else new I have learnt today. Femto clock purchase avoided eh?
At no point have I mentioned degraded data transfer. Some of you guys just jump in feet first don't you, johnson swinging in the air on the way in, with your I'll show him attitude. it's quite amusing it really is. I mean who's to say that data transfer doesn't carry a certain amount of unwanted noise with it? But what would I know? The more I talk the less educated I feel I really do. I'd go and take a shower to cleanse my soul, but it's full of guys in there playing light sabers.
I shall refer you to my opening comment,, 'well , that is a can of worms , isn't it?'. Maybe that means something else to others. what say you James?
Sorry, I did skim read the bit about better shielding and misread that as an audible difference.

Unwanted noise? Ah yes, this is what the marketing spiel wants you believe is a problem - better watch out for noise or interference in cheap, inferior cables as it could potentially impact on the fidelity of the original source material. And let's cut to the chase here - this is exactly what the £500 USB cable manufacturers are directly implying - that their cables are shielded in order to preserve the integrity of the music data.

Here's a snippet from Russ Andrews and the £1250 (!!!) silver USB Kimber Kable:
The engineers at Kimber Kable have paid particular care and attention to the shielding. The data pair shielding is circumferentially bonded to the connector shell using pure silver foil for low RF impedance to ground.

Kimber Select USB-Silver feature pure silver for the data wires and pure silver for the power conductors. Despite being heavily shielded the cables remain highly flexible and easy to fit.

According to them, shielding is so vitally important that it warrants such attention.

Riddle me this: if I used one these expensive USB cables in my pc setup, say from external hard drive to the computer itself, will I notice a difference in the data being transferred?

Obviously there isn't a yes, so let's move straight on....

Maybe it's in the performance spec, perhaps my data will get transferred a bit quicker? In that case you would expect music to be streamed/played quicker....?

If the answer is no, then what exactly is the benefit in using one? The mess of cables under my desk is quite awful tbh, data cables entwined with power cables (5 external drives, 13 power sockets in use), so you would expect this to be a hotbed of RF & electrical interference, yet I suffer no data corruption, no problems.
How can this be possible?
Surely my inferior cables with their pathetic shielding should be susceptible to all this?
Is it magic?
Why aren't computer hardware manufacturers taking this shielding problem more seriously, as it's obviously a serious issue that only the audiophile market has addressed?
Or is it simply a case of a problem that exists in the analogue world being used to "scare" people into believing that digital data can suffer the same fate?

And silly me, I forgot that these super duper cables only make a difference in audio systems that cost megabucks, because that's where the snake oil works best.
I installed a 40amp cable to my hot-tub, yet the performance has not improved :( i feel robbed should have stuck to 32amp.

For the love of God, how on Earth do you expect to get improved performance if you didn't also upgrade to a Super Fuse and silver shielded oxygen free mains lead with platinum pins? Cloth eared philistines may claim it makes no difference, but I can assure you that the fidelity of the bubbles was markedly improved and opening up the rich midrange detail of the hot water has made a night and day difference.
Sorry, I did skim read the bit about better shielding and misread that as an audible difference.

Unwanted noise? Ah yes, this is what the marketing spiel wants you believe is a problem - better watch out for noise or interference in cheap, inferior cables as it could potentially impact on the fidelity of the original source material. And let's cut to the chase here - this is exactly what the £500 USB cable manufacturers are directly implying - that their cables are shielded in order to preserve the integrity of the music data.

Here's a snippet from Russ Andrews and the £1250 (!!!) silver USB Kimber Kable:

According to them, shielding is so vitally important that it warrants such attention.

Riddle me this: if I used one these expensive USB cables in my pc setup, say from external hard drive to the computer itself, will I notice a difference in the data being transferred?

Obviously there isn't a yes, so let's move straight on....

Maybe it's in the performance spec, perhaps my data will get transferred a bit quicker? In that case you would expect music to be streamed/played quicker....?

If the answer is no, then what exactly is the benefit in using one? The mess of cables under my desk is quite awful tbh, data cables entwined with power cables (5 external drives, 13 power sockets in use), so you would expect this to be a hotbed of RF & electrical interference, yet I suffer no data corruption, no problems.
How can this be possible?
Surely my inferior cables with their pathetic shielding should be susceptible to all this?
Is it magic?
Why aren't computer hardware manufacturers taking this shielding problem more seriously, as it's obviously a serious issue that only the audiophile market has addressed?
Or is it simply a case of a problem that exists in the analogue world being used to "scare" people into believing that digital data can suffer the same fate?

And silly me, I forgot that these super duper cables only make a difference in audio systems that cost megabucks, because that's where the snake oil works best.

I suggest you read this.

The part where I mention pc users, you know regular joes getting together and brining to the fore the audiophile pc.
Read this and try to understand it. It may be hard work for someone like you, especially with your blinkers on, but I have faith in you.I have been there since the start of the thread.
Then maybe just maybe you might come back and say something of worth. You might even be able to talk to me on a level I may find vaguely interesting.
Flat earthers are alive and well in this thread.

Just lol....

Removing a network switch and adding a 2nd connection to your PC to link directly to your NAS improves sound quality lol....

Most music software buffers the audio file before playing anyway... no way that audio packets can arrive out of order.

And more lols - USB Cables:

When directly comparing the USPCB against my Clarity Cables Natural USB, the USPCB has greater immediacy. It is more “in your face” whereas my Clarity Natural has a calmer, more relaxed presentation. The USPCB has a more commanding leading edge and crystal clear clarity that makes you take notice immediately although the Clarity Natural presents detail and delicacy every bit as well. For my Omegas, I easily prefer the USPCB but for the Voxativs I have on hand, I prefer the Clarity Natural. It just sounds more “natural.”

So a USB cable can now make the 0's and 1's sound more "in your face" and "natural"??? In what way can it possibly change 0's and 1's
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Why aren't computer hardware manufacturers taking this shielding problem more seriously, as it's obviously a serious issue that only the audiophile market has addressed?
Or is it simply a case of a problem that exists in the analogue world being used to "scare" people into believing that digital data can suffer the same fate?
And silly me, I forgot that these super duper cables only make a difference in audio systems that cost megabucks, because that's where the snake oil works best.
They do take it seriously and it is addressed because it can be a serious issue. Most home users don’t bother because their equipment and data aren’t important enough or they don’t understand when extra shielding is needed and so use the wrong cable. That’s if they need shielding in the first place as many don’t. But just as often I have seen many who should be using a shielded cable at home and do not and others who do not realize the problem they have is due to lack of shielding.

Both at home and at work I have plenty of shielded cables and equipment and many places prefer shielded cables for valid reasons. I have no idea why you think only the audiophile market has addressed this as its common practice in many markets to use shielded cables. Though that £1000 USB stick looks like pure snake oil.
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Probably not bigger (the current requirements are not high) but moving it from the 5 gang and shielding may have been the trick :)
Oh Jez. I’m sorry man, I can’t take you seriously. You are basing your audiophile knowledge or lack of be honest on the level of £5 cable from a shop called Richer sounds?
This shop that sells really low end to below mid range hi fi gear for the masses who know no different. I doubt you even own a hi fi or have even done any A/B testing so you can make an informed decision.
I pretty sure I don’t need anyone to tell me what I am hearing.
Maybe you should talk to this guy. He’s called Steve Hoffman. He’s a mastering engineer. You might be able to use your degree in whatever it was you got it in.
Here is a post from him.

Just catching up on this thread, reading some newer posts. My goodness, I can read the public posts that were removed by the moderators. Yikes, one guy really lost his cool over this topic. The mods took care of that.

First "deluxe" power cord I ever saw I guess was when I first wandered into ACOUSTIC IMAGE in the early 1990s. My old gear had attached power cords, nothing to do about that (McIntosh MC30s MX-110, etc.) but the new stuff had a spot where you could attach a cord. The store gave me a few to try and I did, never compared, I just like the way they looked over my wimp cords. What I didn't like about some of them is that they were impossible to bend or work into a position where they would be out of the way instead of just dominating.

Starting in the late 1980s, I was floating (AC pun) in upscale power cords thanks to kind people, so I've never been without.

I use the basic cords (furnished with most new gear) for situations that I can't use a heavier cord but other than that, I use good cords. Actually thinking about it, the power cord brand I mentioned at the beginning of this thread is one that my buddy @warren Jarrett can't stand, and I trust his ears but I still use the cords in most places. They sound fine to me but then I've never really gone crazy with power cords like most audiophiles do. That's because I get them from the makers for demo'ing and therefore have no monetary attachment to any one brand.

Every audio show I've ever been to and every audiophile house I've been to uses upgraded power cords. Also, people I know and trust in the industry (Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note UK, Kevin Hayes of VAC and many others) feel good power cords are essential in getting the most out of their gear, and most say so right in the instruction manuals. They assume you will switch out the cords immediately, just like you would switch out those cheap Asian batteries that they include with their remote controls.
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Just lol....

Removing a network switch and adding a 2nd connection to your PC to link directly to your NAS improves sound quality lol....

Most music software buffers the audio file before playing anyway... no way that audio packets can arrive out of order.

And more lols - USB Cables:

So a USB cable can now make the 0's and 1's sound more "in your face" and "natural"??? In what way can it possibly change 0's and 1's

The only person that needs laughing at is you. These are just regular people and you come along and with your blinkers on as well . Skim read over 600 hundred pages and your first comment is just lol.
Yet another rock thrower who assumes he has a horse in this race.
Read’s just 600 + pages of nonsense by people who are dummer than you.
You need to learn to quit mate, i was the only one being civil to you despite all of this utter nonsense. I broke down to you factually why you may have seen an improvement from your A to B. Factually, there is a limit when it comes to this, that limit is a low bar. I have explained this, there is no argument to be had, you need to accept this. :)

To clarify...i am not in any way bothered about what you do...i hope you enjoy the system and i am sure that the cabling is fantastic and solid. The comments are merely that technically, they are not actually better than any other well built normal shielded cable. This doesnt just apply to the power cords :)
You need to learn to quit mate, i was the only one being civil to you despite all of this utter nonsense. I broke down to you factually why you may have seen an improvement from your A to B. Factually, there is a limit when it comes to this, that limit is a low bar. I have explained this, there is no argument to be had, you need to accept this. :)

To clarify...i am not in any way bothered about what you do...i hope you enjoy the system and i am sure that the cabling is fantastic and solid. The comments are merely that technically, they are not actually better than any other well built normal shielded cable. This doesnt just apply to the power cords :)
But it does. That’s factual.
The only person that needs laughing at is you. These are just regular people and you come along and with your blinkers on as well . Skim read over 600 hundred pages and your first comment is just lol.
Yet another rock thrower who assumes he has a horse in this race.
Read’s just 600 + pages of nonsense by people who are dummer than you.

How can a USB cable make the 0's and 1's any different?
How can a USB cable make the 0's and 1's any different?
While I still think that USB cable is snake oil I used to say the same thing about HDMI cables until found out I was wrong. HDMI and USB cables can impact the 0's and 1's normally due to bandwidth and distance and I have come across super cheap USB's that corrupt the 0's and 1's and problems with HDMI dropping 0's and 1's causing corruption. EDIT: But once you get good enough quality that it works upgrade to a £1000 cable wont make any difference.
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