Is the snake oil slowly retreating from the Hi-Fi industry?

re showers: Providing a cable is up to spec, you can't improve it. you cant then make the shower changing a cable. If the cable is thick enough then there will be next to no voltage drop and that's the end game. That's it. slightly underspec the cable and the voltage will drop, the shower will still work but not at 100% performance. Go wildly underspec and the shower will still likely run, only now you risk setting fire to the cable and burning the house down. That's assuming the shower unit doesn't shut itself down before that happens of course.

If that's exactly the same as a power cord for an amplifier, as you claim, then I think you've just answer the question. Only not in the way you intended...
That reminds me when I went to Richer Sounds. Normally I really like them but I took one look at the audio cable prices and walked out. I am not paying £13.25(per metre) for copper speaker cable. While I stand by copper cable for speakers makes a massive difference. There isn't a difference between good £1.23 per meter cable and £13.25 per meter cable.
Speaker cable is another hilarious one. Speaker cable is rarely even shielded from places like Richer sounds, even at the higher end, so there isnt even anything in that side of it all :p Yes you must size the cable correctly and provide a good quality conductor, but this is available from any electrical supplier for not much at all. Even solid copper rigid 25mm^2 100A meter tails are <£5/metre to take that to a ridiculous extreme.
I have only ever intended what I said to be taken one way James. If you feel the need to misconstrue what I have said then maybe you might need to read it again. Who said anything about making the shower more showery? just you pal. The shower will under perform using the 6mm. Check. yup I said that!
Adding a bigger cable will make it perform to its best abilities. Check. yup i said that!
At no point have I said that once you have added said larger cable will it over perform have I James?
So yes it's exactly the way i intended to convey it.
You never ever wire up a 10.8kw shower to the ring main as it will under perform. turn up the shower to try and make it more showery will only cause what James? Either a fire, invariably in the pullcord box or it will trip out. Add said super deluxe unicorn smothered snake oil dripping lazer etched left handed cable and what will happen? it will perform optimally, won't it?
Speaker cable is another hilarious one. Speaker cable is rarely even shielded from places like Richer sounds, even at the higher end, so there isnt even anything in that side of it all :p Yes you must size the cable correctly and provide a good quality conductor, but this is available from any electrical supplier for not much at all. Even solid copper rigid 25mm^2 100A meter tails are <£5/metre to take that to a ridiculous extreme.
Definatley from Yorkshire :P Flat earther as well?
re showers: Providing a cable is up to spec, you can't improve it. you cant then make the shower changing a cable. If the cable is thick enough then there will be next to no voltage drop and that's the end game. That's it. slightly underspec the cable and the voltage will drop, the shower will still work but not at 100% performance. Go wildly underspec and the shower will still likely run, only now you risk setting fire to the cable and burning the house down. That's assuming the shower unit doesn't shut itself down before that happens of course.

If that's exactly the same as a power cord for an amplifier, as you claim, then I think you've just answer the question. Only not in the way you intended...


Once you get a consistent, measurable pressure in the shower head by using the correct size cables nothing else can happen beyond that.

But someone who spends £1,000 on a sea stone shielded shower cable which prevents fluctuations in the signal caused by water droplets as they fall, utilising a proprietary stone proven to have survived millions of years under the sea will say they can feel a more rounded and balanced spray, that the water feels warmer and more in tune with my body.
Definatley from Yorkshire :p Flat earther as well?
No, just blessed with a grasp of physics and those electronic engineering uni lectures must have sunk in all of that time ago :p

You are enjoying placebo, or you have eliminated some interference through providing some shielding (which isnt disputed, but equally does not cost much at all), or probably, more accurately, both. Placebo is a real and important phenomenon as touched on above. That is not to say that it is wrong to enjoy the placebo, it is great that you enjoy the system which you have.

Once you get a consistent, measurable pressure in the shower head by using the correct size cables nothing else can happen beyond that.

But someone who spends £1,000 on a sea stone shielded shower cable which prevents fluctuations in the signal caused by water droplets as they fall, utilising a proprietary stone proven to have survived millions of years under the sea will say they can feel a more rounded and balanced spray, that the water feels warmer and more in tune with my body.
Would you and Jez do me a favour? just pop into you sheds would you, as i'm pretty confident there will a couple of dusty sacks full of rock. You know the ones, the ones you used to throw at the moon.
No, just blessed with a grasp of physics and those electronic engineering uni lectures must have sunk in all of that time ago :p

You are enjoying placebo, or you have eliminated some interference through providing some shielding (which isnt disputed, but equally does not cost much at all), or probably, more accurately, both. Placebo is a real and important phenomenon as touched on above. That is not to say that it is wrong to enjoy the placebo, it is great that you enjoy the system which you have.
The only thing I know of placebo Jez. is their cd.. unfounded twaddle pal. You are just saying stuff to fit your narrative without actually saying much of anything. it's all hearsay, conjecture, unfounded allegations. Not very scientific is it?
I have only ever intended what I said to be taken one way James. If you feel the need to misconstrue what I have said then maybe you might need to read it again.

james.miller said:
Right, so we know you've personally purchased an Russ Andrews Kord of some kind. OK. So answer me this:


How in god's name does that improve a power cable in any way?

str!x said:
The number nerds want answers that I cant give, that should be taken up with the people who make this stuff.

Which part of that did i read incorrectly? Who's the number nerd asking you questions you can't answer if it wasnt me?

str!x said:
Who said anything about making the shower more showery? just you pal

stop. You're missing the point. Either the cable is properly spec'd or it isnt. either it'll perform 100% or it won't. You bought showers in to the discussion, so what was your reason for that? what do we learn by comparing 10Kw showers to 900w amplifiers? Did you just 'teach' us all that a cable spec'd for the current draw is enough? if that's the case then who are you arguing with and why are you being soo confrontational?

The shower will under perform using the 6mm. Check. yup I said that!
Adding a bigger cable will make it perform to its best abilities. Check. yup i said that!
At no point have I said that once you have added said larger cable will it over perform have I James?
So yes it's exactly the way i intended to convey it.
You never ever wire up a 10.8kw shower to the ring main as it will under perform. turn up the shower to try and make it more showery will only cause what James? Either a fire, invariably in the pullcord box or it will trip out. Add said super deluxe unicorn smothered snake oil dripping lazer etched left handed cable and what will happen? it will perform optimally, won't it?

It's like talking to a 9 year old.
The only thing I know of placebo Jez. is their cd.. unfounded twaddle pal. You are just saying stuff to fit your narrative without actually saying much of anything. it's all hearsay, conjecture, unfounded allegations. Not very scientific is it?

I am telling you factually that the cable was a waste of money mate, that is all. We all waste money on stuff, i mainly waste it on over the top property which we dont need at all, personally. :)

Everybody else is explaining the same thing. It is fact that it does not do anything that a cable which meets the current capacity and shielding requirements of your amp would do, a beefy shielded C15 cable would be OTT and would perform perfectly for you.
A shower performance is nothing to to with its cable. Its needs a certain size of cable for its current rating. You could certainly feed it from a ring main and it would perform as intended,with the effect of heating up the cable because its resistance is too high for its current draw.This can cause a fire or if the protective device is correct for the cable size it would break the circuit.
A !.5MM flexible cable would be usually be ample for most hifi amplifiers.
Volt drop on a 1 to 2m power cord is a small fraction of a volt. Its all physics as Scotty said you cant its laws to suit your opinion
Expensive power cables have no effect on how equipment sounds.
Placebo effect definitely does have an effect though
I am telling you factually that the cable was a waste of money mate, that is all. We all waste money on stuff, i mainly waste it on over the top property which we dont need at all, personally. :)

Everybody else is explaining the same thing. It is fact that it does not do anything that a cable which meets the current capacity and shielding requirements of your amp would do, a beefy shielded C15 cable would be OTT and would perform perfectly for you.
So just by getting a bigger cable and moving it from the 5 gang was the right way to go.....
A shower performance is nothing to to with its cable. Its needs a certain size of cable for its current rating. You could certainly feed it from a ring main and it would perform as intended,with the effect of heating up the cable because its resistance is too high for its current draw.This can cause a fire or if the protective device is correct for the cable size it would break the circuit.
A !.5MM flexible cable would be usually be ample for most hifi amplifiers.
Volt drop on a 1 to 2m power cord is a small fraction of a volt. Its all physics as Scotty said you cant its laws to suit your opinion
Expensive power cables have no effect on how equipment sounds.
Placebo effect definitely does have an effect though
a shower performance has nothing to do with cable???? get off the meds mate.
So just by getting a bigger cable and moving it from the 5 gang was the right way to go.....
Probably not bigger (the current requirements are not high) but moving it from the 5 gang and shielding may have been the trick :)
Which part of that did i read incorrectly? Who's the number nerd asking you questions you can't answer if it wasnt me?

stop. You're missing the point. Either the cable is properly spec'd or it isnt. either it'll perform 100% or it won't.

It obviously wasn't spec'd properly was it? oh dear lord. it will either perform 100% or it wont? it obviously didn't it? oh dear lord. And i'm missing the point?
I think maybe you haven't let go of the numbers nerd comment have you?
Its like talking to a curmudgeonly old grump fixed in his ways.
I installed a 40amp cable to my hot-tub, yet the performance has not improved :( i feel robbed should have stuck to 32amp.

Did the water not envelop you in warm feelings with an undercurrent of euphoria but sharpness at the top end?

Perhaps you should have used a super fuse as well
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