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Is there a compatibilty problem with the ATI 4850 and Furmark?

7 Apr 2009
ok I will write to ocers tomorrow are you all intending to link this thread into the email so that it's clear what we attempted ect. Just want to know so that we are all sourcing the same information.

edit - yea I want to compile a complete RMA report so that we have all the tests and evidence present in it from all 3 of us.
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19 Apr 2003
I'm going to link to 2 of these threads but try and combine all the info and troubleshooting into one cohesive mail - will be tough, there's a lot of info and testing to correlate.

If you e-mail me your details i'll mention your info/rma too so they can compare the 2 (see link above) and i'll respond in kind to you. However, don't feel you have to it's just a suggestion i'm pretty paranoid when it comes to web interaction but in this particular instance it's plain to see we're very much in the same boat and of similar mind.

They should spot that the card trips up on Furmark straight away and they should recognise that as a fault immediately. OC's are pretty understanding as long as the fault is identifiable - i think i will be swapping to the asus but it's shame this card didn't work it was a beast for the money.

13 Apr 2009
your email link does not work for me for some reason, any way here is my system information

cpu: Intel E8400 E0
motherboard: intel DFI x38 lanparty
Power supply unit: 750W
RAM: kingston hyperX 2x2gb 800MHz
ATI XFX 4850 does crash and Sapphire ATI 4850 which does not cash

spare computer specs I tested my ATI XFX 4850 which did also crash.

Motherboard: Nvidia ECS 650I
CPU: Intel E5400
RAM: OCZ 2x1gb 800MHPSU
Corsair 600W
19 Apr 2003
Thanks pyrophonich i'll add that to my rma return my rig is in my sig and my trouble shooting method is in this [thread=17997690]thread[/thread] - just scroll down until you get to bullit points. However your test will be the most damning/conclusive and it guarantees, hopefully, that they'll replicate the same problem in their own systems.

Good luck with your return.

19 Apr 2003
Finally got to test in a different rig - I too replicated the same problem infact the Furmark problem was far quicker to appear in my friends rig.

Returning my card today - Oc's run Furmark and crysis as one of their default tests. I'll advise them of this thread in my covering letter but they seem to have a pretty comprehensive testing procedure.

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19 Apr 2003
No i didn't sorry just checking mail now - i was just off to the post office so i'll wait for your results if your doing them now.


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7 Apr 2009
Ok well I just post it.

Dear madam/sir
I recently purchased a XFX Radeon 4850 “XXX” edition from Overclockers on 6th April 2009. Upon installing the card I began to play Crysis on High settings with good frame rates. However the next day I suffered a crash that completely locked out my computer rendering the screen in coloured vertical lines. I was unable to use the escape key or ctrl+alt+del function to shut down the program. I began to run tests to assess the stability of my system. The first of which was prime95 to check functionality of my Memory and CPU. I ran this for 1.5 hours with no errors indicating that the memory and CPU where functioning correctly under load. Next I proceeded to test the Graphics card itself using Furmark. Running a stress test the computer failed as it had before when the temperature of the card reached 62 Celsius. I repeated this test several times running Crysis and Furmark and the card failed at the same temperature. I began to investigate the cause of this problem on the Overclocker’s forums and found that others are having the exact same problem with the card. We worked together to test the card with other memory and a complete system but the card still produced the same results. From this I have deduced that the card must be faulty on arrival due to the increasing numbers that have had the same problems including forum users Plec, Magicpanda and pyrophonich. These users have identical issues.
The forums consulted for these test results and discussions are as follows:
I wish to return the faulty hardware with the desire to replace it with either a working card or a refund so that I may purchase an alternative model unless there is a solution present to fix this issue.

What do you think of this.

I will send this if i get no luck with the test. I also have to update my motherboard bios. put if that doesn't work then am going to put in for a return. have i missed any details in the letter
19 Apr 2003
Edit: are you running the tests right now - if not could you copy and paste them so i can assess whether or not i've done them already - because if i have i'll carry on returning the card.

Just read your e-mail - it reads fine and informs them of all the relevant facts. My letter is a bit more comprehensive but the guy i spoke to at OC's said they only need a basic idea of the problem and your sytem spec as they will run their own checks. Furmark and crysis seem at the core of their tests.

I was just on my way to the postoffice to return mine - but i'm holding off just in case, by some inconceivable fluke, this isn't a hardware problem.

I can wait a few minutes just to be sure.

Thanks for mail - i was checking wrong account.

Below is the troubleshooting procedure I applied with all components run at default:

•Prime95 the cpu and memory - no problems
•Memtested both sticks of memory, individually and in dual channel mode - all passed.
•I have re-installed windows XP 3 times.
•Ran Furmark with just one stick of memory. But can get it working briefly if I re-install it and clear the CMOS if the system has crashed a lot but as soon as I escape a stress test it fails again.
•I have installed all the latest drivers for the motherboard and graphics card - I have even tried earlier drivers for both. I'm using 9.4 cats now.
•Tried varying voltages in the BIOS for the memory and CPU.
•Latest BIOS for motherboard.
•Increased all the fans on components to maximum.
• I've had system applications running to check all the temps. However, everything runs very cool - especially the graphics card, which makes me believe that perhaps it is the memory on the card at fault or just a fundamental error with the card.
•Tried different memory in the system.
•Checked PSU voltages using a voltmeter.
•The most conclusive test was fitting the card in another machine and replicating the same error. I did this after another forum member replicated the same result in a separate machine. This finally proved that the card was at fault and eliminated other components.
•Please see the this link http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17997995&highlight=plec for discussions on the problem – you will be able to see that every conceivable test was applied until we came to the conclusion the card was at fault – even though is was evident days ago.

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19 Apr 2003
Sorry jammy i'm posting this again just incase you read my previous post before the edit:

Are you running the tests right now - if not could you copy and paste them so i can assess whether or not i've done them already - because if i have i'll carry on returning the card?

Edit: I'm guessing you must be running the tests so i'll hold off going to the post office until you reply with either your results or the list of the tests/updates you've been asked to try.


Edit: Yes we have thanks spooks - see my trouble shooting list on previous page for other tests.

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7 Apr 2009
Sorry man. I was busy

Essentailly, they want me to

test memory
test hard disk
update bios
close all unessessary programs
remove unnessassary hardware
update bios
try the card in another system.

I can do all except in another system. I will see what they say when I have done them all.

These are seperate tasks.

Am just updating the bios from F7 to F8 then if they have no other suggestions I will also be returning it.
19 Apr 2003
No appologies needed - we both used to have a life before this card got delivered through our doors.

I've run 95% of those tests so i may just return it (see my trouble shooting list on previous page). Plus pyrophonich ran his card in a different machine and experienced the same problem. I can't see them having any other suggestions after that little lot as that's all you can do apart from voltage test your PSU and i've done that on mine. It's easier for them as they have the kit around them to chop about and lots of known, up and running systems for them to test it in. I just hope it's a straight forward return.

When will carry these tests out as i'm going to be another hour now before i head to the post office?

Knowing my luck i'll send it back and you'll get a result - but i just want rid of the card as i don't trust it. (I'm still within my 7 days so i can fall back on the long distance selling act - but i would rather OC's, for their benifit as much as mine, took my card out of circulation)

I don't know what to wish for with regards to the test. I can get Furmark running, as mentioned before in prior posts, but it's an extreme measure just to get it going until it decides to crash again or i press esc out of a stress test which always results in the system crashing again when i re-run Furmark.

Edit: i'm running F8 tried earlier version too.

Good luck and you have mail, btw.

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19 Apr 2003
You can use a usb pen to update the BIOS really easily, btw. You just unzip the Bios on to the pen and press the F8 key when the system boots up, i think check manual, or just selct Bios update when your in the bios - making sure your usb pen is already in it's port. (I advise you to avoid the windows update version as it's not as reliable)

Your mem test may fail because of all your system crashes - clear the cmos if it does and it should resolve your memory issues. Unplug your rig and touch the cmos jumper with the end of a screw driver for a couple of seconds. Reboot, enter BIOS and load optimal defaults from the BIOS and your off.

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7 Apr 2009
The Tests did nothing. Same problem. I am just preparing the RMA form to return the card. Thanks for all your support. I will wait 30 mins for XFX to reply and then send the form and await instructions. Cheers.
19 Apr 2003
Are you out if the 28 day guarantee from OC's? As that may be the cheaper and faster option.

Edit: Ignore, i just got your email, thanks. That's a promising fix but if that doesn't work it's very damning for the card.

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19 Apr 2003
Sent mine back by special delivery 2 hours ago - such a relief to be rid of it. So if they test tomorrow i should have it sorted by the end of the day and i can get on and order a different card.

Good luck with your returns.

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