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Is there a compatibilty problem with the ATI 4850 and Furmark?

Do you mean you put it through work post - as in - the office junior went out to your local PO and posted it? If so then they should have a record of it - hopefully.

You will obviously need some proof of postage to make your claim if it has gone misssing :/ Even if you haven't got the receipt if you have the time/date of postage and 'work ID' that should be enough to get the PO to track the package. Or at least tell you if it's failed to be delivered etc...

Good luck.

I can only check for the ID with my workmates on monday because Ive had bad flu the last 2 days and been off work. hopefully everything is ok...maybe they never even sent it :/
Well i am just confused now.

Overclockers still say they cannot find a problem with my card.

i have got hold of some new ram and that fixed the furmark problem and does actually run it without crashing even tho the old ram passes memtest86 (after running it for 2hours) (the old ram was 4x 1gig sticks with diffrent cas timings so that might of caused the problem or could have been bad ram that memtest didnt spot) but after a while of gaming i get a crash as per normal.

the motherboard is brand new so i am 99% sure i can rule that out.
my psu is a good one but i suppose it could be on its way out but its gunna cost me £70 to test it out any other suggestions?

i have just ran prime 95 for an hour to test temps on my cpu and it have never one hit over 42*c with mb being 23*c and cpu at 100%
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Good luck, i sent mine back and got a new one or a repaird one and i still had a faulty card. so tested it on another pc i have still the same isssues.
Well i am just confused now.

Overclockers still say they cannot find a problem with my card.

If the card replicated the same banding/freezing in a different computer - then it's no wonder you're confused as that is usually the proof that you need for an rma.

For now lets assume that your card is ok, what is your complete spec?

It maybe that you have another underlying problem - but it still wouldn't explain the fact that it replicated the same problem in another computer (unless patches/drivers were an issue)

Additional: Have you downloaded all the latest patches for the games and latest gfx drivers?
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Thats why i am confused i am going around in circles. the pc i tested it on was similar spec to mine but was a bit older with a slightley more powerful 600watt psu but was made by xpower (i.e crap) but wasnt mine so i cant 100% vouch for whats on it.

I have the latest ati drivers, my sound drivers are upto date, i will need to double check my chipset drivers my bois isnt uptodate the next release is a beta and was my 100% last resort. All my games except for pure are patched and upto date.

My specs are
Cpu - e6600 2.4ghz
Mem - 2gb Corsair Xms2 ram matched pair, the old ones were 4x 1gb xms2 ram
Mb - Biostar Tpower i45 - Onboard sound
2 sata hard drives
1 set of neons.
1 card reader
2x dvd drives.
psu- hiper Type R 580watt

As i say i can still play tf2 all day the only thing that has changed is that i can now run furmark with the new ram. My 8800 runs it all fine. my psu seems fine with a multimeter but i might be missing something.

some thing i might try is change the monitor cable and try on a diffrent dvi port, i read some where about monitors sending a feedback pulse and causing crashes.

Tests i have ran sofar

Cpu has been tested for overheating with prime95 for about an hour and doesnt hit 43*c with system staying in the early 20s.

Mem passes Memtest 86 after a few hours.
Tried the card in another pc and it does the same thing but its not my pc and i havent exacley tested other things on it.

Beside from updating my bios and chipset, and swaping monitor cables (pos monitor) any other ideas. :D
This is an intresting thing now i have updated my bios and my chipset, i still get the crashes but one of them was diffrent, the screen went black and the system locked up so i decided to leave it for a bit and get the thermom out see if it was over heating, all temps werefine (as they can be with these infrared things) i noticed the hdd light was still flashing and checked to see if there was a minidump after restart and it said:
Probably caused by : ati2dvag.dll ( ati2dvag+3b7a3 )

Now this has been a one off but could prove to be a driver issue with x on my system.

now googling this resulted in


The usual symptoms of the ati2dvag problem are:

* PC crashes without warning, sometimes the display shows weird patterns before the crash.
* Resolution may revert to the lowest resolution settings upon restarting your PC.
* The CPU temperature may shoot up prior to crashing.
* PC may not be able to reboot back after the crash, unless you turn off the power supply unit of your PC and switch it back on again.
* Your PC tells you (sometimes only) that the ati2dvag driver has failed to function.


ATI and Microsoft have never issued public statements regarding this ati2dvag issue up till this day. There is no definitive prevention or cure of this problem also. What works for some may not work for others….I’ve reinstalled the drivers and now it only crashes while I’m playing some graphics intensive game.

sound very similar to this. (but this has only happened once so could be nothing or could be every thing lol)
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I just checked with royal mail next day delivery and apparently my package got to overclockers on the 29th and they are still saying they havent recieved it :(
I just checked with royal mail next day delivery and apparently my package got to overclockers on the 29th and they are still saying they havent recieved it :(

Post the above info in the Customer service forums - link - along with your rma and order number - it may be that that it's got mislaid. Once they find it i'm sure they will give it priority...

Additional: Did you write the RMA number on the outside of the package?

Let me know how you get on - good luck.
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My specs are
Cpu - e6600 2.4ghz
Mem - 2gb Corsair Xms2 ram matched pair, the old ones were 4x 1gb xms2 ram
Mb - Biostar Tpower i45 - Onboard sound
2 sata hard drives
1 set of neons.
1 card reader
2x dvd drives.
psu- hiper Type R 580watt

Ok, the only thing that sticks out is the Hiper 580 R – it’s had awful press and you will probably find this thread – link - a very disconcerting read…

Even with the above damning evidence I’m not totally convinced that this is PSU related as it mirrors all the symptoms of a gfx problem but it's possible the PSU is creating the problem, via the gfx card, and as such certainly can’t be ruled out – can you get your hands on another PSU to test in your rig?

Thankfully, from your limited forum usage, it’s clear that you have a good basic understanding of computer troubleshooting and actually take the trouble to research your problems before posting for help.

If your computer is still experiencing the same banding/crashing in specific games - I’m inclined to think that the minidump error is a curious side effect of upgrading all your other drivers – and not really a consistent error that is linked to the original problem that brought you to the forums – maybe, time will tell with this…

If it’s possible I would try the card in yet another computer and if it reproduces the same error (banding) then I would drop OcUK another webnote explaining your results. Perhaps even offer to include a sample of the games for them to run on their machines (although they will have done a Crysis test)

What games does it consistently crash in and have you read their respective forums?

Also, have you tried Crysis?

So, to recap:

  • Try another PSU – that is, if you haven’t run out and bought a new one after reading the scarey thread ;).
  • Try your card in yet another computer if possible
  • Install Crysis and see if you get the same banding
  • Search the forums of the respective games, that are experiencing banding/freezing, for similar problems and possible fixes.

Good luck.
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overclockers still say they havent recieved my card. I checked with royal mail and it reached newcastle on the 29th of last month so I dont understand whats going on.
overclockers still say they havent recieved my card. I checked with royal mail and it reached newcastle on the 29th of last month so I dont understand whats going on.

You need to contact Royal Mail and explain the situation - they've either: delivered to the wrong destination, lost the parcel but still signed off on it or completed delivery and the retailer has mislaid it...

The parcel will have been signed for on receipt of delivery - so the onus is on Royal Mail to prove this fact and that it was delivered to the correct destination.

If they can't provide proof it will be a straight forward claim. However, if they can provide proof of successful delivery, they should provide you with a 'proof/letter of delivery confirmation' which you will then need to forward to OcUK. (It maybe that they will do this for you - i'm unsure of the procedure)

It's a pain but at least you're covered - if Royal Mail have lost it, hopefully, the claims procedure shouldn't take too long. If thay have delivered it, and have a signature of proof, then OcUK will sort you out with refund/card (they may even throw in an upgrade for the inconvenience caused - *if* it's their at fault.)

Good luck - let me know how you get on.

EDIT: Be careful how you word your replies - as we're getting very close to shop-talk (Fourm rules - see FAQ.).
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EDIT: Be careful how you word your replies - as we're getting very close to shop-talk (Fourm rules - see FAQ.).

well I sent ocuk a webnote and now just recieved RMA reciept confirmation. So I guess it just took a week longer than I expected for it to get into thier hands. Maybe it was because of the mail strike or maybe ocuk are just busy either way Im happy it got there. not sure what "shop talk" is, Im not trying to be disrespectful in any way, Im just trying to keep people informed where Im at and see if theres any suggestions and youve been really helpful plec, how come youre always the one on here?
well I sent ocuk a webnote and now just recieved RMA reciept confirmation.

Great - hopefully, you'll get a swift resolution.

not sure what "shop talk" is, Im not trying to be disrespectful in any way, Im just trying to keep people informed where Im at and see if theres any suggestions

You weren't being disrespectful at all - i was just giving you a friendly 'heads-up' just incase it transpired that OcUK had lost the parcel and the topic had to be discussed. (We would have then had to be careful how we worded our posts - as they don't approve of 'shop-problems' being discussed on the open forum.)

youve been really helpful plec, how come youre always the one on here?

Np, and it's because i started the the thread, so I feel obliged to help, if i can, when new posts appear - as i know how little info there is out there with this particular issue/problem. (Plus, it's a distraction from real work. ;))

Good luck with the rest of your rma.
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I Have given up and got a 260gtx instead and every thing runs fine.
I am just going to ebay the card with the test results from oc and hope fore the best.

Thanks for the help plec and good luck GEDpc
Glad to see that you found solution that worked for you and good luck selling your card - the OcUK test results should help.

Any updates GEDpc?
got news that my card passed all OCuks tests and has been sent back to me :(

well Ive run out of ideas. Ive done everything I can and my brand new pc still doesnt work properly.

Ive spent about £850 on building my pc and had it checked over by a technician who said it is well made and should work properly, tried 2 different graphics cards (8800GT and ati 4850) and had problems with both cards. So it must be something in my pc...powersupply or motherboard Im guessing...but Im just so tired of all this nonsense and Ive run out of money to spend on this.

I just want to send all the pc parts back to ********** where I bought them and get all my money back because this new pc has been a massive waste of time and money.
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GEDpc, before i reply properly you need to delete the competitors name - otherwise you'll have the mods knocking at your forum door.
got news that my card passed all OCuks tests and has been sent back to me :(

tried 2 different graphics cards (8800GT and ati 4850) and had problems with both cards. So it must be something in my pc...powersupply or motherboard Im guessing...but Im just so tired of all this nonsense and Ive run out of money to spend on this

Sorry to hear that – it’s shame you couldn’t get hold of the cards to test before the rma :/

So it must be something in my pc...powersupply or motherboard Im guessing...but Im just so tired of all this nonsense and Ive run out of money to spend on this.

I know how frustrating things like this can be but unfortunately you have some trouble shooting ahead of you – but at least you can rule out 1 major component conclusively. (scant consolation, but it’s a start.)

What’s your entire spec including brand of components?

Also if your system is clocked knock everything back to defaults – infact, clear the CMOS and then load optimised defaults before you begin.

You could start by testing the memory – download memtest, it’s a bootable ISO, and will punish the memory and should pick up any errors. Let it do a few passes – if it fails test each stick individually.

It’s a good idea to test the psu – here’s a link on ‘how to’ at Huddy’s site – link – scroll down to the PSU testing headings. (you will need a voltmeter to run these tests)

Download Prime95 and stress test the machine for a few hours – at the same time checking temps using ‘Real Temp’ and ‘HWmonitor’.

You may want to consider flashing the BIOS – but for now I think the above will keep you busy…

Additional: I'm afraid it's a slow process ruling components out - especially with a lack of spare components to try. Ideally, you would swap components out - e.g. the PSU, memory etc as this is faster - for example when you tried a different gfx card in the system it relicated the same problem which vindicated the xxx.(could you borrow memroy/psu form the systems you got the cards from?)
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Sorry to hear that – it’s shame you couldn’t get hold of the cards to test before the rma :/

I know how frustrating things like this can be but unfortunately you have some trouble shooting ahead of you – but at least you can rule out 1 major component conclusively. (scant consolation, but it’s a start.)

(could you borrow memroy/psu form the systems you got the cards from?)[/b]

I did test both cards before the RMA and was told by a pc technician when I first built my pc that the 8800GT(from my old pc which is gone now) didnt work because of a vista 64 problem that is why I bought the 4850 in the first place. Now it doesnt work either...I have to face the fact that something is wrong and I dont know what.

heres my pc stats
Antec NSK4000 Mini Tower case
4GB Corsair (2x2GB) TwinX XMS2, DDR
500 GB Seagate ST3500320AS Barracud
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 G0 SLACR, K
MSI P43 Neo-F, iP43, S 775, PCI-E 2
500w Silverpower SP-SS-500 "Green P

Ive already run memtest on all my sticks of memory and its fine, Ive already run prime95 and had no problems, already ran furmark stress tests and had no problems and still the crashes continue.

A work mate of mine just suggested ditching Vista64 and using xp but then I cant use my 8gb ram...but then I will have vista64 and 4gb of ram just lying around and thats like more than £100 worth of wasted money. Still I would pay for xp if I could just know that it will solve my problems but I dont want to waste yet more money. If microsoft would exchange my vista for xp I wouldnt mind but they arent that nice.

Im afriad Im done with trouble shooting, Ive had this pc for 4 months and spent many many late nights trouble shooting hardware already...finding out that my graphics card is fine is not the start of my trouble shooting days it is the end. Im done, Ive done everything I can. thanks for your help, I will have to just hope that somehow I miraculously discover a fix.
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I did test both cards before the RMA and was told by a pc technician when I first built my pc that the 8800GT(from my old pc which is gone now) didnt work because of a vista 64 problem that is why I bought the 4850 in the first place.

Ouch - it should have been given as a possible theory rather than a definitive diagnosis.

I'm sorry to hear that it's been an ongoing battle - and you've lost the will, so to speak (but undestandable).

However, as you have already completed a lot of the troubleshooting methods i mentioned above, you could just try the PSU test as it's a good component to rule out.

You could also try tweaking the gfx settings in the BIOS, if you haven't done so already. (and if you haven't flashed the BIOS it's definately worth a try.)

If the PSU passes and the gfx tweaks don't help - then i would start giving the MB long hard stares but, again, it wouldn't be definitive.

I know your reluctant but if you could 'borrow' a different PSU to test in the machine it would be a very useful test - when you take into account all your other throubleshooting (so would memory - regardless of memtest results as it's fickle stuff).

You potentially have a great spec -and you seem very close to identifying the problem - with just a bit more faffing you may finally identify the root cause and get to enjoy your rig.

Good luck.

Sorry about all the edits - kids are back from nursery...
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