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Is there a compatibilty problem with the ATI 4850 and Furmark?

I also got mine back with the passes tests result, i have the same ram as you perhaps there is a compatability problem.

Still I would pay for xp if I could just know that it will solve my problems but I dont want to waste yet more money.

I run xp and i get the crashes ;)

I got a 260gtx and every thing runs fine so i doubt its anything other than the card, so i would do what i am planning to do, ebay your card with the test results and just be honest, you get crashes and oc its some thing other than the card, you will get close to what you paid for the card i hope.
I also got mine back with the passes tests result, i have the same ram as you perhaps there is a compatability problem.

Oddly enough, i too had the 4GB Corsair (2x2GB) TwinX XMS2 memory when i originally posted about the problem (my memory proved to be corrupt too).

Having said that - other users have had different memory and still experienced the same problem and have had successful rma.

However, it could be that, over time, the introduction of new drivers and differing combinations of hardware *maybe* eliminating the problem in different rigs - which, *maybe* why they passed in test rigs (different hardware/driver combos).

The above is reaching and is based on very little evidence but it's not beyond the realms of possibilty as memory can be very fickle stuff. Time will tell - but it's odd that the last 2 returns have failed and yet the problems experienced have been identical to all previous posts.

Supermoose what was your OS and complete spec? (it maybe that you have other similarities to that of GEDpc.)

GEDpc - it maybe worth one last test, i.e. testing some different branded memory? (if you can get some.)
hey, I dont have any other memory here so I would have to buy some in order to test it.

I just tried removing everything except the core components tonight and running batman and it still crashed so I know its not a conflict with the sound card or network card or wacom or xbox360 controller.

so it must be a problem with the motherboard or the psu or the memory ...or windows vista64. still almost impossible to tell what I should do.

I dont want to ebay the card if theres actually something else causing the problem.
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Ive got 2 options now.

1. buy a geforce 260 now and see if it works...if it doesnt work then I can return it within 7 days right?

2.wait till windows 7 is released in late october?
Or option 3 - get 'windows 7 RC' for free and test it without incurring any outlay (i don't think it's an OS issue - and i suspect you would be very annoyed at spending more money for no result.)

Option 1 is always viable - you will obviously have to pay p&p for the return if it doesn't solve your problem, but that is a minor risk.
Or option 3 - get 'windows 7 RC' for free and test it without incurring any outlay (i don't think it's an OS issue - and i suspect you would be very annoyed at spending more money for no result.)

well my problem with option 3 is that Im scared microsoft will make it hard for me to upgrade to windows 7 if I already have RC so I dont want to have to format and install windows 7 twice, anyway how would I get a copy of the RC with a beta key?
well my problem with option 3 is that Im scared microsoft will make it hard for me to upgrade to windows 7 if I already have RC so I dont want to have to format and install windows 7 twice, anyway how would I get a copy of the RC with a beta key?

It's advised to do a fresh install as installing over RC is not advised/supported - as far as i'm aware. And as your system is problematic it would be wise to eliminate any further possible causes of doubt.

If you want a copy of 64 bit RC i can burn and mail you a copy with the access codes (it will run out in 11 months time) - you can email me here with your address if you're interested.

Let me know via a forum reply if you would like a copy as i only use that e-mail address for forum contacts so i very rarely check it unless i'm expecting mail.
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I know the fan will be loud at full tilt - as i have the same cooler on my 4850. As for the card its a 260 made by Asus (who apparently are getting their rma act together) - so it should be very capable with a quality build/components. (I'm very pleased with my Asus 4850 glaciator)

I take it you're ruling ATi out altogether because of your problems with the xxx 4850? If you're not the 4890 would be a better option - and can be picked up at a similar price ~£130.
I know the fan will be loud at full tilt - as i have the same cooler on my 4850. As for the card its a 260 made by Asus (who apparently are getting their rma act together) - so it should be very capable with a quality build/components. (I'm very pleased with my Asus 4850 glaciator)

I take it you're ruling ATi out altogether because of your problems with the xxx 4850? If you're not the 4890 would be a better option - and can be picked up at a similar price ~£130.

thanks thats interesting to note. My current card is fairly noisy so I dont imagine it will be much worse. Yeah I just want to try something completely different from my ati 4850 and if it still doesnt work I will know that it isnt an ati driver issue etc. looks like the asus 260 glaciator needs 2 pci-e power plugs is this right? dont know if I have 2 on my psu.

Ive also sent a webnote to ********** asking wether they would maybe know what could be causing the problems with my build as I bought most of the parts from them and they may have had other people with similar problems, I dont know.

*EDIT bought the asus geforce 260 glaciator should be able to test it some time tomorrow or wednesday. overclockers say I have 7 days to make sure it works.
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looks like the asus 260 glaciator needs 2 pci-e power plugs is this right? dont know if I have 2 on my psu.

The 260 does need 2 x 6-pin PCI-E connectors but the graphics card will/should come with an adapter so it won't be an issue.

*EDIT bought the asus geforce 260 glaciator should be able to test it some time tomorrow or wednesday. overclockers say I have 7 days to make sure it works..

Good luck with it - let me know how you get on.
got the geforce glaciator 260 installed and so far so good.

furmark says 55 degrees idle and about 85 under load so its a bit hotter than the ati 4850.

Crysis benchmark looped 4 times with no crashing and batman arkam played for almost an hour without any crashes where it crashed after about 10 mins before. So it seems to have fixed the problem, still have to try out some more games but it really seems like its fixed. :D

heres some screenshots to celebrate.

batman arkham

and one of my own models in marmoset engine based on xmen beast
got the geforce glaciator 260 installed and so far so good.

furmark says 55 degrees idle and about 85 under load so its a bit hotter than the ati 4850.

Crysis benchmark looped 4 times with no crashing and batman arkam played for almost an hour without any crashes where it crashed after about 10 mins before. So it seems to have fixed the problem, still have to try out some more games but it really seems like its fixed. :D

Great news - from initial tests it looks like you've cracked it!

It suddenly puts the spotlight back on the 4850 and, as such, it may be worth a quick webnote to the retailer outlining your findings. But it maybe that you're happier selling it on with the retailers guarantee that the card is fault free - it's certainly the less stressful option.

Additional: What software do you use to model your creations?
ran crysis gpu test on 5 loops and it passed fine. Played Dirt and fallout 3 today for about an hour each with no crash. Did get a crash to desktop on fallout when I maxed out all the settings but it seems like the game crashed randomly rather than the video card crashing, dirt also crashed to desktop once when I turned all the settings to max. Havent been able to replicate these 2 minor crashes again though so it all seems quite stable so far.

oh I used 3dcoat for lowpoly and zbrush for highpoly for that beast model, photoshop for textures.
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Every one hear has diffrent specs of pc and all have described the same problem, i seen quite a few people saying they went to xfx and its not been fixed, i have no intention of doing that as its oc problem atm i work in a shop ;)

for any one who is wondering what the problem looks like i have uploaded 2 vids to youtube

3 mins of grid (crashes at the end)

gpu crash in furmark

does that look like a card thats not faulty? :rolleyes:

Sorry to dig this thread back up, however; I have the same problem with the XFX 4850 XXX card.

I guilt a new system on 2nd June for my girlfriend to play WoW, PC specs are;

Gigabyte X48-DS5 Now has the latest 'beta' BIOS as a result of testing/trying to get this card to work.
OcUK 4GB PC2-6400C5 - Also tested with Corsair XMS2 2GB PC2-6400C5
Hiper 425W (its not exploded yet, i know i know)
.. and, also the wonderful :( XFX 4850 XXX edition.

So the card runs great in World of warcraft, and thats what its mainly been used for since it was built, along with Urban Terror (Quake 3/mod game). WoW gives 60fps pretty much all the time, and Urban Terror gives 125fps without any problems either.

So, fast forward to yesterday. We found out be moving house in the next few days, and because my girlfriend will be in hospital on my birthday, she decides to get me CODMW2 so I try to play on her machine. At the same time, we decided to get SIMS3 for her to play because we won't have internet access until at least the new year.

System spec wise we shouldn't be having any problems running the two games. However, they both crash after a several minutes of being 'in game'. I've yet to complete the training mission on COD, and SIMS3 also locks up while trying to create a character or load a pre-created family. With the same banding result shown in the Grid video, as well as looping sound.

When the games lock up, its always the same effect, Banding. Usually two shades of grey colour but I've seen the yellow banding once or twice too.

Very disappointed now.. returns to OcUK are well past the 28 day mark, and this was after I had problems with a 'basic' integrated board that was DOA, lol. Just our luck.

So right now most of our stuff is boxed and ready for the house move so I don't have a clue where the sales invoice for the card is and it won't be until after my girlfriend gets out of hospital sometime after the 4th dec before I get chance to unpack and try and find things properly, but I'll try taking the card back under warranty to OcUK tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I'd have paid by card so they can find my transaction record right?
What are the chances of getting it sorted out without having to dig out the invoice?

So, do you think my card could be part of the bad batch of XFX cards around the time of 2nd of June when I got it? Its a shame, I was going to go and grab another 4850 for crossfire as well, looks like im going back to the stop for returns instead :/
Just been picking my way through a 30 odd page thread on the AMD/ATi forums regarding problems with the 48xx series. I seem to be having the same problem as many users in that thread.

Can play older games fine, Batman AA, NFS Shift and Crysis will freeze up after a random amount of time. In Vista I get vertical coloured bars and the last sound loops. In Windows 7 the monitor just loses signal and the last sound played loops.

Rig is Gigabyte 965P DS3, E6600, Asus 4870 1 gig, 2gig Corsair and an Audigy 2 ZS powered by a Coolermaster 600w PSU.
Ive tried everything I can think of, everything Asus support and advice on several forums. CPU and RAM seem fine, crashes with or without my soundcard.

Anyone had any issues with the Asus EAH4870? Its with the retailer for testing at the moment and Im really hoping they find fault. If not Ive found a shop offering 70 quid for them, I'll take that and get a 260 i think.
I've read about this problem recently and allegedly it's a design flaw in the 4800 series where the problem occurs when drawing more power than the power circuitry can handle which is allegedly around 84w or something like that.

There are two reference designs and the second one allegedly has much improve power circuitry.

I only came across this issue after buying a 4870 1GB and seeing it had a different PCB design compared to the cards in the reviews I've read and doing a search on it. Mine is the Powercolor 4870 1GB with the newer PCB design.
I did take the card into the shop, they had it in for testing for the day.
They couldn't produce the banding like in the youtube videos like we have.

They suggested it might be the PSU, being a Hiper 425W it should work but I went with it and got a Corsair 650W that should be more then enough for two cards.

Installed the new power supply, and the result was just the same, the card would crash out. So it wasn't the PSU.

Went back the following day, got a nice GTX 260 and that's now working perfectly fine, all games are running smooth and not one crash at all..

The only thing I can think of is the card is faulty or it just doesn't like the motherboard.. as thats the only component left to change.

Currently in talks with XFX tech support ticket system.. Will update on here if I get the chance, but with moving house and girlfriend having OP in the same week, it doesn't really mix well.

My girlfriend is now an nvidia fan lol.. i think i may be too after all the problems we've had.
I did take the card into the shop, they had it in for testing for the day.
They couldn't produce the banding like in the youtube videos like we have.

Did they test the card with the exact same software that you were experiencing difficulties with as the error is very software/game specific? (but not a driver related)

For some reason it's only certain games that produce the fault/error - read entire thread for examples - and yet it can cope with other games seemingly perfectly. (The software/games errors are common throughout.)

The fact that you now have a pefectly working 260 does seem to indicate that the 4850 was at fault.
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