Is Waitrose decent/ expensive?

Well he's right.

I don't find tesco to bad. Asda on the other hand just so many small kids running around, swearing, no respect and parents are the same.
But then again tesco is in a relatively nice area. Which might have more to do with it than the shop.
No you're right, Tesco isn't too bad, the others are pretty terrible though especially Asda.

I went into a large Morrison's for the first time ever a few weeks back and it was just full of Jeremy Kyle show type people, it was a horrible experience.
If Waitrose was closer I'd go there, but I have a Sainsburys a 5 minute walk away... Waitrose is a 15min drive away.

The quality items tend to be a bit dearer, but it doesn't have to be if you shop carefully.

Pretty much.

Now that i have a car, I have all the supermarket on my doorstep with the exception of Waitrose which is 20min drive away. The rest, ASDA, Tesco x 2, Morrisons, Sainsbury's are all under 5 min drive away including parking. Hell, I can walk to them all on foot if i wanted to, they are that close.

Anyway, of the ones nearby, i prefer Sainsbury's. The lighting for one is nicer somehow. ASDA is too dark.

I went to ASDA the other week at midnight, you know, one of those things you do :p Boy, I was surrounded by erm, people with questionable hygiene and constant use of the F-Word. I tried not to stereotype certain type of demographic shop at certain stores but it is pretty difficult when it is right at your face.

M&S is in town, but unfortunately they close by the time i finish work, else i'd go there every time.
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It was only a joke. :) Seems to be the mindset of many who shop at Waitrose, haha. Me, well, I can't afford it! :p

Maybe my Tesco is in a nice area. I think it depends where the supermarket is, rather than which supermarket it is. The Asda closest to us I don't like, but another Asda a few miles further is much nicer (their sort-of "flagship" store in Pudsey, Leeds).

Our local Tesco is quite nice, it's a pretty new store and has plenty of choice, don't seem to be too many scuffers in there so it's all good :)

To be honest I don't really pay that much attention to other people in the supermarket, I'm more busy getting the shopping and leaving.
Pretty much.

Now that i have a car,

worst I have a car post ever :)

Waitrose is not that more expensive than anywhere else, but the quality of the meat and fish, and the choice of things like cheese are superb.

for example, regular things i buy which you just cant get in Tesco etc.

28 day DRY aged beef
Hand cut Tuna from the fish counter.
Comte Cheese from the cheese counter.

the most gorgeous sausages you will ever eat, the italian veal sausages on the butchers counter, and all reasonable priced.

plus my local Waitrose has a oyster and sushi bar :)
I shop there but only to avoid the unwashed masses and triple pushchair wielding teenage mums of my local Asda or Sainsburys.
I've run out of the "£15 off your first shop with Ocado" vouchers (hope those members who asked for them enjoy them :cool: ) but I've still got a few "£10 off each of your first three shops with Ocado" if anyone is interested?

PM me your email addy.
We shop there. Clean, great service, very good choice, fish meat deli counters are excellent, lovely wine selection, can be expensive as you want it to be and prices are good. I'll stop there.

Best supermarket there is.
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I don't find tesco to bad. Asda on the other hand just so many small kids running around, swearing, no respect and parents are the same.
But then again tesco is in a relatively nice area. Which might have more to do with it than the shop.

Tell me about it. I work for ASDA (luckily, not on the shop front - I have to go and see the scum in their homes (though most of them are nice)) and the way people act is awful. I'm just not sure how they can feel comfortable acting in the way that they do.
I hate running the gauntlet from the door to the back of the shop in case one of the scum bags asks me something, demands something to be reduced, or trip over their unruly screaming brats.

On topic - Seems incredibly expensive and pretty pretentious. Also a lot of it seems to be ready meals (much like M&S). And whilst they look good on the packet I'd much prefer buying the ingredients from ASDA/Tesco and making the food myself. The superiority complex of Waitrose shoppers is most odd.
I'm quite keen on Waitrose. I don't think I've ever bought a product from there that I've been dissatisfied with. M&S are very good too. It's easy to spend a lot in these stores, but if you're careful and look at their "Essential" items than you can pay a similar amount to what you'd pay in more mainstreak supermarkets.

What I like is that they strip out the rubbish. You don't have half an aisle dedicated to pot noodles or chicket nuggets. The quality threshold is much higher, so you don't have to spend as long looking for good stuff (their premises tend to be smaller than those of Tesco, etc).
Waitrose is our weekly shop. By far the best supermarket available here. Our local one is more like a deli. I'd not contemplate going anywhere else.
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