ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

I'm sorry how would you know this exactly?

I am telling you for a fact every single one of the Asian lads had it in. I swear on my life. A girl even gave a speech as part of her GCSE speaking exam saying bin Laden was a good man and had not admitted to the attacks (which I think at the time was accurate may be evidence released later to say he did but at the time that was the case).

Had the aforementioned have occurred today at a school every one of them would have been offered prevent. A few of them were charged with terror related offences a few years later too.

In fact recalling something very recently someone else from my year also had stuff and was arrested. Went off to find the story and found it:

But of course because I don't accept the rose tinted view of the world I'm talking tripe :rolleyes:

Including the Hindus? Which would make up a significant proportion of "asians" in the UK.

You must see how people are finding that very hard to believe. It is a pretty extraordinary claim.
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Including the Hindus? Which would make up a significant proportion of "asians" in the UK.

You must see how people are finding that very hard to believe. It is a pretty extraordinary claim.

Ok I was trying to be nice and avoid continual use of the word Muslim to avoid the usual squeals on here but Asian and yes Muslim.

I will now avoid the word Asian and just say Muslim every time and deal with the "you cant paint a whole religion like that!" claptrap.

As stated if I could find the relevant incident to evidence I would have done. Just so happens there is no archive information from it sadly. The only thing I can find on one of the Muslims who was involved was one who got sent down for his part in a violent assault at a later date.
Ok just because I am such a liar I have found the later arrests and convictions:

The picture the first lad had his older brother arrested if memory serves at some point between 2003-2006 but cant find it. The 1st pic and 3rd picture, the third was in my year.

But of course they never had a single picture of bin Laden. Others were done handing out material likely to be used as a recruitment tool or something.

*Sits back waiting for the blinkers to stay on and accuse me of being deluded and that the above is no evidence of fantasising about terror even when at school and that they are innocent and should be released*
So either your schools in the Midlands are a world apart from ones like mine in the South East, or your just flat out lying. I can only suspect the latter.

Well maybe rather than typing long posts you should look into things a bit more because it's not exactly been hidden in the press about the very problems he is describing.

Can't say I've ever seen it in the Midlands but then I've worked my damn hardest to make sure I never live in such areas or my kids ever go to school in such areas.
SexyGreyFox [Deceased];29811735 said:
Which school did you go to Raohns?
Longton High by any chance? - it was quite bad around that time.

Nope but I do know my best mate (a Sikh) went to Thistley Hough and it was very bad around there too after 9/11 eg white kids one side of playground, Muslims the other with teachers in middle then a brick would go from one side then it would be breaking up fights.

Anyone who lives in Stoke knows that what I'm saying was at the time true. Bin Laden provided a very ideal angry excuse and a point. Cobridge park was especially bad after 9/11 too as my aunt and younger female cousins found out one weekend. But of course I'm clearly lying and making stuff up.

I know its not all Muslims. But at mine every male had a picture. Most grew up realising the difference but evidently several did not.

As a fellow Stokie can you recall arrests in the area between 2003-2006 involving at least 2 men aged between 18-21ish? Done for handing out leaflets and having terror related stuff?
So out of all those people, mass celebrations, as you insinuate. That later in life produced 2 arrests for people handing out leaflets?

I've got no problem believing half of what you say. It's the grandiose, often conflated and often exaggerated guff that bothers me most. It's dangerous and it's dumb.
So out of all those people, mass celebrations, as you insinuate. That later in life produced 2 arrests for people handing out leaflets?

I've got no problem believing half of what you say. It's the grandiose, often conflated and often exaggerated guff that bothers me most. It's dangerous and it's dumb.

Well there is 4 there. There were others but I cant find them and I posted one earlier so out of maybe in my year 15-20 Asian males at least 3 I have evidenced plus another couple I cannot find. Taking the upper figure that's 20% went on to do something.

Well because of your usual non-content no substance posts rather than continually baiting as you do. I think even if you believe half of what I am saying here then that's what we will have to settle at.

Even dmpoole says he knows a local school was bad at the time. But of course he must be lying too by your dull narratives.
As a fellow Stokie can you recall arrests in the area between 2003-2006 involving at least 2 men aged between 18-21ish? Done for handing out leaflets and having terror related stuff?

I can't remember that but I can concur that Longton High went through a rough time with Muslims v whites and Bin Laden being worshipped.
Was it kids being kids? - probably
Nope but I do know my best mate (a Sikh) went to Thistley Hough and it was very bad around there too after 9/11 eg white kids one side of playground, Muslims the other with teachers in middle then a brick would go from one side then it would be breaking up fights.

Anyone who lives in Stoke knows that what I'm saying was at the time true. Bin Laden provided a very ideal angry excuse and a point. Cobridge park was especially bad after 9/11 too as my aunt and younger female cousins found out one weekend. But of course I'm clearly lying and making stuff up.

I know its not all Muslims. But at mine every male had a picture. Most grew up realising the difference but evidently several did not.

As a fellow Stokie can you recall arrests in the area between 2003-2006 involving at least 2 men aged between 18-21ish? Done for handing out leaflets and having terror related stuff?

Go for a drive around the back streets of Shelton, Cobridge and Normacott and you'll see more than a few houses with the ISIS flag displayed in the window. Not large ones, but stickers just a bit larger than a tax disc stuck in the corner of the windows.
SexyGreyFox [Deceased];29811853 said:
I can't remember that but I can concur that Longton High went through a rough time with Muslims v whites and Bin Laden being worshipped.
Was it kids being kids? - probably

Definitely with some taking it further. Hope you wont be accused of being a fibber too. The fact is the city has had its problems. It bumbles along.

There are still issues in some schools even now but for the most part ISIS isn't taking a hold quite like AlQ and Bin Laden did.
Go for a drive around the back streets of Shelton, Cobridge and Normacott and you'll see more than a few houses with the ISIS flag displayed in the window. Not large ones, but stickers just a bit larger than a tax disc stuck in the corner of the windows.

I know Shelton has at least one ISIS flag (saw going to station once) wasn't actually a flag but a bit of A4 paper. But again I must be lying.

Used to live near Cobridge and some places used to be no go white zones particularly after 9/11. No such thing now unless you can prove otherwise???

Cant comment on Normacott either never go near it.
This is how bad Shelton is.
My Muslim work colleague has just got married and is living in a house in Shelton and her husband won't let her step out of the front door without him.
They are already viewing a house tonight but she is adamant she will not live in Normacot or 'this end' of Lightwood where her mum & dad live.
the least said about Cobridge the better.
SexyGreyFox [Deceased];29811897 said:
This is how bad Shelton is.
My Muslim work colleague has just got married and is living in a house in Shelton and her husband won't let her step out of the front door without him.
They are already viewing a house tonight but she is adamant she will not live in Normacot or 'this end' of Lightwood where her mum & dad live.
the least said about Cobridge the better.

There is also a grooming gang operating out of Shelton too.
Well there is 4 there. There were others but I cant find them and I posted one earlier so out of maybe in my year 15-20 Asian males at least 3 I have evidenced plus another couple I cannot find. Taking the upper figure that's 20% went on to do something.

Well because of your usual non-content no substance posts rather than continually baiting as you do. I think even if you believe half of what I am saying here then that's what we will have to settle at.

Even dmpoole says he knows a local school was bad at the time. But of course he must be lying too by your dull narratives.

Let's recite and get a BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) eh....

You originally stated recollecting "scenes of celebration" - which, let's be honest, depicts crowds of people hollering and cheering in jubilation. You paint a picture of hundreds, nay thousands, of them Brown folk, partying in the street.

You was called out for BS.

You then went on to state how Asians at your school were guilty of doing the above.

The scenes of celebration has since whittled down to a gang of 15-20 boys (note:children). 3 or more went on to be naughty adults.

There is no arguing that you might have attended a particularly bad school and experienced an acute sample of estranged boys acting inappropriately. No one can deny that, it happens all over by all kinds of different people and culture. But then mob culture does that and regardless of who you are, if you're a lad in a gang of other bad lads and you're a particular POS then you're likely to go along with anything.

Neither of the last two paras are unfeasible or reason for me to scoff at what you say. However, the problem that is clear to see is you are making huge assumptions and you allow your world view on matters to be skewed by some rather minor events carried out by a small number of SCHOOL CHILDREN. You've allowed your bias to carry on into your adult life. You're harping on about living in a basement or some other guff, yet all I see from you is a bigoted, brain dead and out of date perspective that can only be held by someone who leads either a sheltered or plain ignorant life.

As for substance of posts, this is a childish throw away statement whereby you're trying to devalue what I post in front of others (point scoring). Given that your life outlook is based on a playground gang perception, it's understandable.
Let's recite and get a BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) eh....

You originally stated recollecting "scenes of celebration" - which, let's be honest, depicts crowds of people hollering and cheering in jubilation. You paint a picture of hundreds, nay thousands, of them Brown folk, partying in the street.

You was called out for BS.

You then went on to state how Asians at your school were guilty of doing the above.

The scenes of celebration has since whittled down to a gang of 15-20 boys (note:children). 3 or more went on to be naughty adults.

There is no arguing that you might have attended a particularly bad school and experienced an acute sample of estranged boys acting inappropriately. No one can deny that, it happens all over by all kinds of different people and culture. But then mob culture does that and regardless of who you are, if you're a lad in a gang of other bad lads and you're a particular POS then you're likely to go along with anything.

Neither of the last two paras are unfeasible or reason for me to scoff at what you say. However, the problem that is clear to see is you are making huge assumptions and you allow your world view on matters to be skewed by some rather minor events carried out by a small number of SCHOOL CHILDREN. You've allowed your bias to carry on into your adult life. You're harping on about living in a basement or some other guff, yet all I see from you is a bigoted, brain dead and out of date perspective that can only be held by someone who leads either a sheltered or plain ignorant life.

As for substance of posts, this is a childish throw away statement whereby you're trying to devalue what I post in front of others (point scoring). Given that your life outlook is based on a playground gang perception, it's understandable.

My goodness your keyboard mustn't be used to a post like this. Who did you get to write this for you?

Allow me to retort: A celebration can be an event of any size. Or do you have your own dictionary specifying the size of the rabble before it may be considered an event? Other posters said they saw people celebrating. There were celebrations at the time. Not everywhere not everyone but nonetheless celebrations.

Actually I said that the lads at my high school all had pics of bin Laden in their yearbook. Which they did and the evidence I have posted and corroborated by others from the area invariably points to it as probable. You choose to close your myopic view smaller still on this. Not my problem.

An acute sample. Ok if by acute you mean all then fine. But again to highlight what you are ignoring repeatedly because it doesn't fit your narrative and bigoted view: most went on to realise the difference and they lead a sensible life. One who I still sometimes see is fine. Has kids always say hello.

No Robo, you and your earlier posts as is plainly evident prove that all you have done is pick fault with a persons perception bordering on brain dead responses of link or proof and then totally ignore it. Again, not my problem of your myopic narrative.

A sheltered life. Hmmm another totally incorrect assumption. Again the view from Fritzels basement window is not the right view for you to take Robo.

Look: Go back through virtually all your posts in response to things I have said and you will see they are riddled with trolling. Hence I once called you my own personal troll.

This post other than the one about your grandparents being racist is the single most substantive post you have ever wrote that I have seen on here. If you think you have done more: Give me a link!
You've back peddled from the grandiose statement of "scenes of celebration", to "a few kids at school" and since being called out on that matter you've back tracked further. Seeing as you continue to peddle an anti Muslim rhetoric based on your poor little school boy experiences then excuse me when anyone else sees that as hilariously pathetic.

Your own personal troll? While the sentiment is endearing I'm afraid to inform you that you hold yourself in far too high regard. Look at it this way instead: your posts often rouse a response of scepticism. All I see when your username pops up on the left is a stream of posts locked in a circular argument with another forum member. Ergo, I've wasted enough time engaging in "discussion" with you. It's something I stated earlier that I wasn't going to do, you wiley old fox, but thanks for the effort nonetheless.
You've back peddled from the grandiose statement of "scenes of celebration", to "a few kids at school" and since being called out on that matter you've back tracked further. Seeing as you continue to peddle an anti Muslim rhetoric based on your poor little school boy experiences then excuse me when anyone else sees that as hilariously pathetic.

Your own personal troll? While the sentiment is endearing I'm afraid to inform you that you hold yourself in far too high regard. Look at it this way instead: your posts often rouse a response of scepticism. All I see when your username pops up on the left is a stream of posts locked in a circular argument with another forum member. Ergo, I've wasted enough time engaging in "discussion" with you. It's something I stated earlier that I wasn't going to do, you wiley old fox, but thanks for the effort nonetheless.

Go and look at the sum contribution you make made to this thread:

See something that doesn't fit your myopic view, make a childish remark, get a response, ask for a link, ignore the evidence, get called out, backtrack so you don't have to admit there is a problem. All the while offering nothing of substance other than to goad and peddle your Fritzels basement view.

As have I with you. I've got more important things to do than feed a troll.
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